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JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - Printable Version

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JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-06-2021

Ah, another group for him to visit and he was actually a bit excited about approaching the Pitt seeing as they seemed to have snow within the desert. What an odd thing it was. Winterhymns adored the snow if his name didn't give that away, he didn't think the Pitt was really suited for the cold so in his basket did he supply warm clothing like scarves, mittens, and other woolen bits of cloth that would provide them warmth. There was some trinkets like weapons or whatnot then a neat stash of herbs from his very own garden and lastly, some baked goods like cookies and macaroons. He was already off before anyone from his group could tag along, he supposed that all the exercise would benefit him since he was rather chubby though it was something that he didn't mind at all. He wasn't perfect nor would he ever be but that suited him just fine, he was good enough for himself and those around him. That's all that mattered.

He drew close to the Pitt's border and perked up slightly at the sight of the ice up further ahead, it made him awful curious. He wished to explore but that wasn't why he was here for, he smiled softly through the basket in his jaws only to set it down slowly. Winnie would speak up hoping someone was nearby to see or hear him "Hello!" He decided to stay standing as he continued as his tail lashed behind him gently "I am Winterhymns Pendragon and I am from Palm Glades."

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
"You have quite the balls coming here, pal." Dante huffed as he approached Winterhymns, looking down at the smaller feline with a cold gaze. Like Tanglewood, The Palm Glades were on neutrality at the moment and even if he didn't particularly agree with this truce shit, Dante much more valued being comfortable than his opinions for the time being, considering he was still recovering from Elsweyr's attack and now had Kold's accidental boltstrike still healing too.

"So why are you here, exactly?" Dante asked next, choosing to ignore the basket that the Legate clearly brought with him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - gael - 03-06-2021

The vulpine would have felt pleased, had Northwest not made a rude greeting.  Gael narrowed his eyes icily on the hybrid, coming to a halt.  For Winterhymns, his head inclined politely.

"I advise you to pay little mind to Northwest, I did not realize he was as blind as he was arrogant," he remarked blandly; gaze resting in the direction of the blatantly obvious basket of gifts.

The Palm Glades had been nothing but courteous to the Pitt -- the Ardent felt inclined to pay them the same respect in turn, regardless of Dante's unmerited attitude.  Consequently, Gael offered Winterhymns his full attention.  "This is a generous gift, Winterhymns.  What is the occasion?"

The faerie certainly held little qualms for it; food, warmth, and herbs were more than appreciated given the current circumstances, and the combination spoke well of the Palm Glades resources.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - Kold - 03-06-2021

"Hello." the Marauder grinned inwardly, Griffin body still there but no longer angry at the world. Standing next to her father she eyed the basket before she sat down. "Its nice to meet you - I'm Kold." her head tilted to one side, wings folding in by her sides.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - aine. - 03-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The Palm Glades seemed nice enough.  Had even invited them ice skating once... Though she hadn't gone.  Her father had.  And she could appreciate the gesture.  Even if she struggled to trust the other groups... Wary of traps and misleading gifts.

Her wings shuffled at her sides.  Hooves slowly trotting forward.  Standing a little behind her father and Kold.  Unable to hide a small smile at the scent of herbs.  While her abilities had allowed her to accidentally turn the inside of the white temple into a garden, she still only had what she could grow inside.  Away from the cold.

Her hazel hues flickered.  Hesitantly accepting joy at any aid in restocking her storage.  It was very kind.  "S... Salut," she offered softly, head bowing politely.  "'m Aine."

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-07-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


i had to im sorry
IC TEXT | IC opinions only

"Hello there, Pendragon." The panther made no move to introduce himself, what was the point? Instead, he let his gaze linger on Dante briefly before scanning the visitor, coming to a halt slightly behind Gael. He smelt weird, but Jor then frowned at the basket overflowing with resources the Pitt most likely didn't have. He spoke low, directed to Aine. "You think you could take some of that and grow it?"
He wasn't really sure exactly why Pendragon had brought gifts, to show off what the Palm Glades had that the Pitt didn't? But nonetheless, he was wary. "Any of it poisoned?" He asked the druid.

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-07-2021

When the cougar sized hybrid approached him only to comment on how he had some balls being there, the feline would flick the tip of his tail only to respond in a polite manner "Well, I appreciate you being rather observant on that matter." A smile forming on his maw keeping his lavender kissed gaze on the other taking note on how the other seemed to ignore the gift basket, Winnie was about to throw another comment until Gael approached the duo. At last, a man who would speak reasonably and not with brute words. Shifting over to face the vulpine only to chuckle lightly as he spoke with a polite nod of his cranium "I will heed your advice." Winterhymns decided to nudge the basket a bit closer to the ardent only to listen to his inquiry of what the occasion was, as much as he would've wanted to not go over the relations between both groups... The legate wished to know how they stood with the other groups, he was told briefly of what had occurred or some bits anyways of what had happened before he had arrived to the clans.

Truthfully, he could see both sides and their reasonings. Palm Glades was in need of resources and the Coalition had grabbed onto their loyalty since they had promised to give the other group the things that they needed. He wished it didn't have to end up that way with the tension between his own group and Tanglewood but oh well, Winnie was adaptable and could work around it. "I am aware of the weather and wished to provide you all some resources." He spoke finally nodding slowly before continuing to speak "And as the current legate of Palm Glades, I wished to know or rather inquiry of the relation between both of our groups. I am not necessarily requesting for an alliance and I strongly believe that what we have now is good." He spoke with honesty though once he finished speaking with the vulpine did his gaze wander to the others who had decided to come over.

Winnie offered the two ladies a polite dip of his head and a warm smile as he nodded slowly "It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." Though his gaze shifted with smile faltering when someone approached them and called him by his surname rather than his name, it reminded him of someone from the past and he didn't like the thought of them but he brushed it off as he said with a faint smile "Winterhymns, if you will." It almost offended Winterhymns when Jormungand inquired if any of it was poisoned, the legates tail flicking back and forth behind him as he said with a shake of his head "It is not poisoned and they are fresh from my garden within Palm Glades, I tend to my herbs and plants accordingly. Nor would I come all the way out here to tarnish a neutrality between my own group and yours, it is not wise."

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-07-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

So calling him by his last name touched a nerve, the large male observed with a small smile. How nice. "Apologies, Winterhymns, I was raised quite different." He had no intention of elaborating, and the warning gleam was a clear enough sign the other shouldn't question it. Another bristling was when Jor questioned the poison of the gift basket, and he chuckled as the other became obviously angry. "You never know. Many die from poison, you know." Like his best friend. He tried to soothe it with a smile, hoping it didn't come out wrong, but didn't make a move to correct himself.

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - aine. - 03-07-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Winterhymns reminded her of her father.  He certainly had that polite demeanor.  And she continued to relax as he spoke, only frowning at Jormungand.  It wasn't polite to make what was essentially an accusation, right in front of someone.

She shook her head at the panther disapprovingly, shifting closer to her father's side.  Past experiences on the border with their neighbors had left her wary but... She smiled up at Winterhymns.  Enthused by the mention of a garden.  Truly grateful.  "Merci beaucoup."

"My garden... Isn't-isn't holding up well in the cold." But she had hopes that would change soon.  The recent rain had been encouraging.  "I... I will pay you back, when I can.  With... With what we grow here."

She shuffled her wings at her side.  She didn't visit... Anywhere, very often.  But it just felt right.  To promise to return his kindness.

Re: JUST ONE NIGHT ☆ palm glades - gael - 03-08-2021

The vulpine nodded, offering the new legate perked ears and friendly smile in gratitude at the well-needed resources.  His gaze only momentarily shifted, irritation returning as Jormungand brought suggestions of poison.  A disappointed sigh nearly built in his chest, head shaking dismissively -- at least Winterhymns seemed to take everything in stride.

"The Pitt does not conduct formal alliances," he would state in agreement, mulling over the other's words; pleased with the current state of neutrality. 

"If you ever desire a trade partner, however, I would be interested -- for the benefit of both our groups. Following this unfortunate cold snap, of course." Though he possessed no interest in tied-down loyalties to another group, a regular trading partner would be practical -- a way to put the marketplace into further use.

"And I have not forgotten Rhinestonestar's hospitality earlier this year.  When the weather improves, I plan to host a feast to commemorate those who completed their entry trials during the cold.  As you invited us into your home, I believe it would respectful to invite you to ours, in turn."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent