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IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - Printable Version

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IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-06-2021

Winterhymns figured that he would make these trips by himself not wanting any of his groupmates to tag along, he wanted to show that he meant no harm or any ill toward the group he was currently planning on visiting by himself. Magnum had wanted to tag along but Winnie refused to let his lover come promising that he would return soon enough. The legate letting out a soft sigh as he made a suitable gift basket for Tanglewood, there was a few baked goodies that he had made, some herbs, and some other trinkets were there. He wasn't too nervous about approaching the group seeing as his brother lived there yet he should be prepared for whatever was to come. He carried the basket within his jaws as he left the warm sands that belonged to Palm Glades, his eyes half closed feeling anxiety starting to nip lightly at him.

Soon enough, he found himself stepping over the gnarled roots of the trees that were there and his whiskers twitched lightly. The Pendragon wanting to not get dirty during this trip of his, his folded ears flicked slightly and he finally paused at the border grimacing slightly at the smell that came from the swamp. Winterhymns would take a seat on one of the roots that were there setting the gift basket down in a safe area that would not get mud onto it "Hello!" He called out with a smile on his maw and his tail curling around his forepaws in a neat manner, he would admit that he was a bit nervous to be there alone... Back when he was home, well, he usually handled anything with alliances or politics with... him. His eyes darkened slightly at the memories but he shoved them away as he added with a nod "I am Winterhymns Pendragon and I am from Palm Glades."

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - arrow - 03-06-2021

”Another Pendragon, huh? Some of y’all’s families are large as hell.”

How did she feel about the Palm Glades? Not quite sure, yet. Obviously those who’d been around for the Coalition shit storm had a few things to say about the group gone AWOL, switching sides last minute. She’d heard the things people said, that they’d had a change of heart to they were just sneakily taking a new advantageous position when the Coalition’s hold began to slip. It didn’t really matter to her, she’d been dead. Lifen’t. It didn’t feel right forming an opinion based on something she hadn’t witnessed, that was her policy. So when Winterhymns showed up all on his lonesome, Arrow didn’t really feel any sort of hostility or suspicion, mostly just concern for the dude’s safety.

Green eyes settled on the visitor, then the basket as the king cheetah approached, lazily flicking one ear in greeting. ”Good ol’ PG, huh? Don’t think I know you, name’s Arrow. Formalities and introductions done, what’s the dealio, amigo? You know traveling the swamp by yourself is pretty dumb, right? Somethin’ could’ve gotten ya.” She finished with a lighthearted snicker, mostly joking. Mostly.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - trojan g. - 03-06-2021

This was the second time that Winterhymns Pendragon had come to the border of Tanglewood. Moth hadn't been there the first time, and although it had seemed to go well then - no one had died or gotten injured from the visit after all - she still couldn't help but be wary about someone from the other group coming to the border. Seeing the gift baskets that had been brought helped to ease the wariness the reaper of medicine felt, but it would always linger in the back of her mind. It wasn't felt now though, at least not the full thing, considering her mind fuzzed with the mourning of her brother.

Coming to a stop besides Arrow, the mutated jaguar would look down at the domestic feline before her, head nodding in response to the other female's words. Alligators, some random Coalition member lurking in the shadows, even a member of Tanglewood that was less friendly than the two there could have happened upon the small male before them. At least they'd have a basket of goods to know someone had been there if it did though. "Are you here to visit family or is this politics business?" She would speak, tail flicking absentmindedly behind her. "Hopefully no bad news." No more bad news, she couldn't handle more bad news.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-06-2021

everything's just come together at last !
With Elsweyr's news of her Ambassadorship being dropped, Atbash was a little down in the dumps. She understood why the woman wanted to prevent Ambassadors from going to neutrals, but the Glades had never proven to be aggressive, at least in Atbash's experience. When she caught the scent of the group, she quickly came trotting over. "Hey, Winter. How's it going?" She chirped, standing next to Moth.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - rhosmari - 03-07-2021

The woman frowned when the scent of Palm Glades came into her nostrils. They were all still grieving and she felt like they didn't need anything else. After all Tanglewood would need time and she felt she would have to help them get that time. She was Luminary now, and she needed to do the best for her home come hell or high water. She hoped that this was not going to be one of those times. Moving through the swamp the lioness' head was covered by the crocodile skull. Her pelt painted with yellows and blues, stripes and circles. She was calm in her disposition even as she landed her crystalline blue gaze on the Pendragon. There was a lot of family attachments and she was well aware of it. It was concerning especially when it could potentially cause rifts without the group if something were to go bad. Such as with Atticus.

Briefly she brushed against Arrow, leaning against her love before she finally decided to speak up. "What business does Palm Glades need with the group they helped to destroy? She knows they are neutral but she isn't keen on visitations..." Straight to the point she supposed but that was normal how she was like. She would stand firm when it came to those that had harmed them. Though she had never seen this one before so her tone was less violent.

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - WINTERHYMNS P. - 03-07-2021

Another Pendragon.

That alone was enough to make the man snort in a small bout of amusement, his gaze calm and warm as he watched the cheetah slowly approach before he would answer with a small smile "We are rather large, I will admit... Most of us are within Palm Glades." Or that's where he and his twelve children lived anyways, he was certain that some of them would grow their wings only to fly from the nest whilst others would choose to stay to plant their roots just as he had. Upon hearing Arrow introduce herself only to comment on how dumb it was to travel alone, it only reminded him of what Magnum said about it being dangerous but the man did not fear danger and he was intelligent not to let his guard down. He was moreso worried at the possibility of bringing someone along and having to not only look out for himself but them as well, a soft sigh leaving his maw as he spoke with a small smile "It is a pleasure to meet you, Arrow. I am aware of how dangerous it can be hence why I chose to not bring anyone along, I am mindful of the dangers within the swamp and have avoided them."

Well, most of them anyways, he was unsure of how some Tanglers would react to a Palm Glades member arriving at their border after certain events had occurred yet he had been absent around that time. When Moth approached, he could notice the sadness within her eyes but he chose not to comment on it instead answering her question "If Eternalknight decides to show up that would be nice but this visit was more on politics, my dear brother can wait." He was about to get into it until a familiar face approached and the Pendragon couldn't help but feel his mood lifted by the sight of Atbash Cipher "Why hello there, dear." He greeted in response holding a warm smile on his maw though upon her question, he felt a soft breath escape him "Well, things have been changing back at home but... Everyone is getting used to it. As am I," His attention didn't linger as Elsweyr appeared, he blinked at her appearance for a moment. Well, he certainly knew who was in charge of the group or rather someone who meant business.

Hearing what she said made him wince inwardly, he had not been around that time and he had only been given certain details yet he cleared his throat nodding slowly to the lioness as he spoke "Merely politics... And I do not see a destroyed group, I see one that has gotten far from that possibility. A stronger group if you will," There was a pause before he continued to speak with a small smile gracing his soft features "I simply wished to come and address you all that there has been a change of leadership, I stand where Rhinestonestar once has. I only know so much of what has happened but I wish to say that I offer my most sincere and humble apology. I know it isn't from Rhinestonestar herself nor will it ever be but I hope that my word alone is good enough for you and the rest of your group. I wish for this neutrality to stand and promise that my group will not interfere with yours. I give you my word." His posture straightened and his expression solemn, the words that fell from his maw dripping with the modesty. Something that Winterhymns valued as a virtue.

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-08-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Atbash let herself smile as Winterhymns spoke to everyone, though she did briefly frown the moment that Elsweyr showed up and when Win started explain what happened at his home. She said nothing, since it wasn't exactly her call to say, but she did look over at Elsweyr with a wide eye, hoping that this would somehow change the Luminary's stance on not allowing her to visit.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: IN THE NAME OF LOVE ☆ palm glades - rhosmari - 03-14-2021

Rhinestonestar was gone? Good. She did not want to have to deal with her and how she had allowed for the Coalition to take over their lands and then used that to their advantage. A change of heart in the middle meant nothing when they had enabled so much pain and anguish. How Aurum had to fight day in and day out just like herself to help them get out of what had happened in the first place. She almost looked pleased about the news. But she forced it not to show. It would be impolite to the here and now leader of Palm Glades. The compliment was not lost on her as she listened to him speak on the matter of what he had planned for the group he now led. She gave a small nod here and there. Understanding pushing through her gaze. A new leader meant a different breed of people. She knew that all too well. If they were willing to stay away from Palm Glades till she was comfortable with the notion that they meant no harm then she would agree to this. "She sees no reason to not be accepting of this. His apology means a lot. After all he is new, he is a different face that did not harm Tanglewood. Elsweyr is more happy about this idea. She will continue to keep our balance." She gave a small smile.

But there would still be no ambassador. She was not comfortable with that. She shook her head slightly as she looked at Atbash. Trying to get her to understand. They would work towards the trust but she could not say she trusted them now. Things were still too fresh given the circumstances. But maybe some day.