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the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - Printable Version

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the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - rhosmari - 03-06-2021

The day had passed in a blur. A haze over everyone. Though some had tried to keep a positive demeanor and it was much appreciated but the topic was still lingering in the air. There was a void that needed to be filled and one that was crucial to the survival of Tanglewood. She knew what it was but she was hesitant, stricken by her own self doubt. The lioness had not learned much during her time as Shadow Regent.  The idea that she would now step up to something like Luminary foreign to her. Was she qualified now just because Aurum had died? It didn't seem reasonable and she frowned, tucking her tail around her body as dawn slowly crawled into the sky dying it pinks and oranges. Her gaze lingered there as she watched the clouds before she rose to her paws and just tried to breathe. She was a foreigner and fresh to these lands. Only having been here a few months. Not even a year yet. It was mind boggling to say the least.

Taking a step down the stairs of the home she shared with her girlfriend she felt eyes on her as other Tanglers began to wake up and come outside. But her gaze remained steady on the stone slab. That was her destination after all, her resolve was set. She didn't want to show any flaws here. Her tribe had taught her that weaknesses could be detrimental. Ferocity was the way, strength of character. Boldness. Live like the lion that she now was. The flames that made up her mane cracked with new found energy as she pushed herself to jump onto the stone in the middle of the town. Her eyes glimmered before she spoke. "Tanglers please gather upon the dawn of a new day!" Her words were strong though a slight tremor laid there in before she shook herself. Was there a chance that things would be okay? She could only hope and pray to Cipactli. So there she waited listening to the squeal of hinges as more doors opened up.

Once she figured there was enough the pale huntress would begin. She was a warrior first. A fighter, a strong presence and this day she would become a leader. The tribal woman held her body painted with black and red streaming along her pale pelt. "As they all know yesterday...Aurum and Siborno were both found dead yesterday in the graveyard. She does not understand what took place but she wishes that area to be forbidden until further notice." The woman took a pause there before she looked down to her paws, thinking through her words. "That being said she would like a funeral to be held for the both of them. She is not too familiar with the customs of funerals here. Her own would gift the body to Cipactli in the hopes of everlasting peace within the Void...but..." She paused, figuring she should stop as looks began to circulate. It would be fine. There was more to say so she had to move on.

"She is now ready to rise up to the position of Luminary. She knows there are others that have been here longer and she wishes for their help with some decision making. Arrow and Moth both of them know there way so she offers a ...small title. For them both to be her Confidantes." The woman looked for her girlfriend to see just what her reaction would be. A small smile pulling at her muzzle, some of her nerves melting away as she pressed on with the things she had to say. "From what she haa gained she knows that the Pitt had punished Dante by their own means but she would like to go and make sure. Arrow and Moth please come with her. She would also like to strengthen relations with our allies. Ah, she is also not allowing neutrals to have ambassadors anymore. She is sorry Atbash but she does not want to take a chance with the same happening to her as well." The lioness looked for Atbash hoping she would understand before slowly sitting down on her haunches. "She thinks we should have open discussion now. Is there anything of concern that anyone has that this one should address?"

Re: the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-06-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Elsweyr stepping up in Aurum's place was inevitable; she was Tanglewood's deputy, after all. Atbash made her way over at Elsweyr's call, sitting down and listening to her words. It should have come of no surprise that Atbash didn't really know Tanglewood's customs either, still being relatively new to the group. A funeral should suffice enough in her opinion, but in the end, what mattered was Tanglewood's traditions, not her own nor Elsweyr's. As long as they both honored the group's traditions, they could believe in whatever they pleased, right?

For the most part, Atbash had no issue with the announcements being made, until it was announced that she was no long the Ambassador for the Palm Glades. The savannah frowned, clearly a little saddened by the announcement. "I understand you concern, Elsweyr. But The Palm Glades weren't aggressive to me whatsoever the last time I visited." The Pitt on the other hand was notorious for being aggressive and slimeballs, so it really came of no surprise that Elsweyr had been attacked, even at the promise of a neutrality. "I completely get not wishing to visit The Pitt, but the Glades have done nothing wrong." That she knew of, anyway.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - trojan g. - 03-06-2021

The call from Elsweyr caused Moth to get up, heading over to the stone slab and sitting down without a word. It was normal stuff that happened when a leader was gone, after all, so there was nothing to be said for the most part. "I'll hold the funeral." The reaper would speak, ears pinned to the back of her head as the thought flashed through her mind. It'd be the first time she'd done one, and it was for someone she was close to. She'd try her best though, for Aurum and for Siborno.

Listening to the next words, Moth would nod her head in response and as a thank to Elsweyr, as she'd be more than willing to be a confidant to the new luminary of the group, to help her get to know their customs the best she could and to make sure she knew how things worked. At least how things had been done in the past. Things could change, Moth was a believer in that, she welcomed change at times. When it was mentioned that they were no longer going to have ambassadors for those they were neutral with, she let out a sigh of relief. That had been something she hadn't liked since the beginning, given the experiences they had with said neutrals in the past.

It seemed as though there were some that didn't like the idea, however, as Moth heard Atbash speak and she flicked an ear, a scoff leaving her maw as she soon spoke. "I guess taking over, stealing our prey and starving is nothing then?" She would speak, standing up. "It may not have been while you were around, but it was still recent, it still hurts us. They might have been nice to you at the border of their group but they haven't been nice to our own as a whole." She would let out a small sigh once more, head shaking before looking over to Elsweyr once more. "I'd be more than willing to go with you to the Pitt to speak to Gael Elsweyr, Typhoon as well if you'd like me to." She would pause for a moment, thinking, "And I don't have anything I'd like to discuss at the moment, if it's okay I'll be leaving to get stuff prepared." She didn't want the bodies to sit for too long, and didn't want to discuss how Palm Glades had done nothing wrong.

//out unless she's stopped
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - arrow - 03-07-2021

”New Glades, new policies. Hold ‘em at a distance.” Arrow spoke her own opinion with only half-interest, finding it ironic to a numerous degree that now Atbash was nearly sounding like Atticus, and Moth like Atbash when the verbal disagreement broke out over of the Pitt was to blame in its entirety when Dante went off the deep end. She still felt weird about eventually siding with not just a Pittian, but Gael of all people. Admittedly, she preferred the guy over all those that came before him. Had more manners, didn’t scream all the time like Jervis. Wasn’t Stryker, just, in general.

”Tsk, tsk, ladies, all this déjà-vu. I feel like we’ve been here.” She rolled her shoulders back until they popped, processing everything else in silence. Still dead, funeral, banned spooky graveyard. Got it. She looked over at Moth, briefly, as the reaper left, sympathy taking over the persistent lack of any notable emotion, still reeling emotionally from the very idea of Aurum and Siborno getting maimed, and she didn’t even know by what. Maybe that was the worst part.

Arrow winked when her name was mentioned by the new title, shaking off all the negativity. ”I am your humble servant, Elsie.” Jokes, but she did like how the title sounded. Yeah, confidant. Keeper of the swamp knowledge. She chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment when she thought about the Pitt and the “agreement” on the subject of Dante and his moment of being absolutely feral. ”Fuck, I was supposed to go over there to check on how they were kicking his ass. Issues on the homefront sort of...took precedence.” Like Seven’s murder, and the fact she would rather keep tabs on Elsweyr’s recovery than stalk a little man in a desert and get sand all over herself. ”No offense to the Pitt, but I’d rather just trust them than hound Gael until he gets agitated while getting sand up my ass just to be sure he’s limping around just right.” Arrow snorted, shaking her head with a grimace. ”But of course I’m goin’ with you. Typhoon too, they’re fun.”
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-08-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Atbash flattened her ears at Moth's scoff, turning to the other woman and listening to her words with narrowed eyes. I was captured by the Coalition. I didn't know this. Before she had a chance to defend herself though, Moth turned off and went to gather her things together. The savannah said nothing else, only looked at Arrow whenever she spoke, but would quickly turn her attention back to Elsweyr.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: the drive to get up and say good bye || STEPPING UP - XANTI - 03-27-2021

The cheetah rolled on his back, yawned, and squinted up at his sister. All at once. For a lazy piece of shit, he moved hella fast when he wanted to, but usually he didn’t give a shit. His sister stepping up, though? Yeah. Better pay attention, right?

“Ximen supports,” he said. Then yawned again. Because, well, that was just his most defining character trait.