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open eyes ☀ open - Printable Version

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open eyes ☀ open - arcy - 05-18-2018

With each day Izuku spends in solitude, the worse the itch to go out and do something increases. It's not because he wants to go out -- god knows if he attempted to face his clanmates he'd burst straight into tears. He's just -- he's been terribly overwhelmed. Everything was too loud and he just -- even hiding away in his den was too much. But -- well, Izuku has responsibilities. And last time this happened, Izuku had been absent for a few weeks before he'd been too distant and scared to want to interact with his clanmates. So -- the instant he feels even the slightest bit better, he decides it's time to go out.
Logically, Izuku doesn't think anyone will blame him. They'll think that it's because he's traumatized by his injuries or something, which is -- not quite true. Izuku was hardly phased by his injuries, in fact. Sure, he'd nearly bled out, but, as he must emphasize, that'd happened a lot when he wasn't in a group. People attacked him for no reason, and Izuku moved on. He was only shaken because somebody had actively sought him out to attack him, for once. Though -- that happened occasionally, actually. He means like, hunted him down literal months after their original squabble. And also -- yes, Izuku's eyesight. He'd kept on bumping into walls and the such, and it was kind of just -- he's not sure. He'd been able to see a little better for a while now, though, but it caused -- very nasty headaches. Everything bled into each other and the light hurt. Snowbound was -- well, with all the snow it was awfully bright, so keeping on his bandanna was the best option.
Oh -- but what's he doing right now? His tail is twitching as he slowly moves towards the more populated areas of the cavern. His eyes are, for once, unbandaged, the scarring over his eyes uncovered now. Even in the low light of the caves, even so close to the entrance, the Maine Coon's eyes are squinted, and he can feel the careful pressure of an oncoming headache, obvious as anything. He ignores it for now, though -- he'd go back inside or put the bandanna back on later, before he got a migraine, but he could deal with a minor headache, at least. Still, he resists the urge to rub his paws over his eyes to clear the fogginess, knowing that'd just make things worse. Besides, he still has a lot of ink on his fur. He'd finally gotten to cleaning the ink spill in his room, and needless to say, he'd made a bigger mess than he'd started out with. There's a little thermos of hot chocolate looped around his neck too, just because. (it was kinda heavy, though, though it wasn't a lot. It was .. kinda sad. anyways.)
Still, as Izuku hovers around the area he generally sees his clanmates, a little trickle of pain in his head, he's a little puzzled. Was anybody there? He doesn't want to go actively seeking anyone out cause going out was an effort of its own but. He'd at least like to make his return from a mental health break a little more clear. The maine coon huffs, messy fur prickling, finding himself a little more impatient than usual. (you know what else he was a little more of than usual? messy. his fur was a wreck. He hadn't groomed it in weeks.)
//hey everybody!! sorry ive been so inactive lately!! ive been having a lot of muse troubles lately and its felt like kind of a chore :^( ill try to get better, but just cause ive got muse rn doesnt mean ill have a ton in the future :^((
(this is a p shit thread btw, bc i didnt add anything to spice it up but. i couldn't think of anything to do in it. this is kind of just a reintroduction u kno)


Re: open eyes ☀ open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-19-2018

Injuries came and went when it came to the aspect of the clans. There was always bound to be someone that was hurt, whether it be against someone that might have attacked them, themselves, or even the environment in that regard. Killua had seen the many different types of injuries that could make themselves known in the clans, the different types of methods one could use in the regard to killing someone. There were plenty of groups that seemed to only be the violent type, and because of that, the wildcat knew which clans to look out for in the future. Killua himself had to deal with the injuries that he received and the scars that usually came from them. The first time he got injured during his time in Snowbound was when his mind had practically snapped. He still had no idea what happened on that day and had no idea what to really think about it. Other than the fact that it was probably his family that had done something to him to make him go out and kill random creatures that had no connection to him and were completely innocent. They didn't deserve to die, and yet he was still willing to kill them without hesitation. When he got into a certain state, it was impossible for him to get out of it, which made him even more dangerous than one could really imagine in the beginning. Killua would have just left the corpses there, but he knew that in a couple of minutes is all it would take for someone to find him and that he was going to need to come up with a story that someone would be able to believe. Killua ran his body across the claws of the creatures that he said would have attacked him, and from there he used his own claws to make an injury on the left side of his shoulder too. When other's approached him, they took his injuries into consideration and most of them believed him from that moment that he was telling the truth that he had killed them out of self-defense. After all, he was fairly injured from what he said, and when others asked to treat his wounds, he refused them and simply went on his way back toward the cave that he called his home. The most recent incident had been when he ended up having a night terror. Killua hadn't been sleeping for a long time and decided that he might as well try to rest his eyes for a little bit while he was in his cave. Killua had made the mistake of not mentally preparing himself to wake up and fell into a deep sleep that let him slip into a night terror that was perfectly crafted by his brother. In said dream, he killed those that he didn't mind being around and those that were innocent. Izuku was included in the night terror, which Killua remembered seeing the maine coon's wings ripped off and throw off to the side while the rest of him seemed to be crushed to nothing. He was barely able to recognize the corpse in his dream, and the only way he could was by the green coloration that he had on him. Killua had thrashed around in his sleep and had screamed when he finally did wake up. Having cut his throat a good amount and cutting deep into his right arm with his claws. He had such a high pain threshold that the pain that went through his body barely even registered enough to wake him up.

It was the ending of his dream that had woken him up instead of the pain that he went through. He imagined that if he was stuck sleeping, he probably would have died from blood loss before anyone else could have done anything to stop it. The albino serval had to be careful, but it had been a couple of days since he injured himself and his wounds were healing. Albeit slowly despite his patience that he was slowly using. He just wanted to be healed so that he could start his training again. He was tired of just walking around and socializing with other animals as he was starting to grow bored out of his mind by doing simple tasks. Killua knew that Izuku hadn't been around, the maine coon having been some of the few that Killua found interesting, and the other seemed to have quite a few companions in that regard. Killua had been there to stitch up some of Izuku's wound when he had gotten attacked by some rogue or even loner. He had noticed that there was damage to his eyes and had no idea whether or not Jacob would be able to restore the other's vision. Healing himself, Killua hadn't had the time to go and see how the other was doing, which would have been something he had never done before either. It was rare to find Killua in camp, as he was more likely going to be out and about. He didn't like the clustered feeling that the camp did have and did his best to avoid it. The only reason he visited camp once a day was so that he was kept in the loop of whatever was happening in the clan. It was easier for him to hear the news this way instead of gathering news that he would hear around the border. Which was exactly what he was doing as his paws made no sound as they transitioned from stepping on snow to stepping on stone as he entered the large cave that was Snowbound camp. He had bandages that were wrapped around his right arm and around his neck. He hadn't ripped out his stitches yet, so that was good. He probably needed to change his dressings soon, which was the last thing he liked doing. While he walked into camp, familiar movement caught his attention as he turned to look at Izuku. Which by the way he was looking around wasn't capable of seeing yet. Was the medic trainee doomed to be blind forever? Killua hoped not. "Nē, budō,-dōshita?" Killua would say in a calm tone, not speaking incredibly lightly. He was off to the side when he had approached the other, noticing that there was something around his neck but not bothering to comment on it. His gaze traveled over the other's condition, and he had to admit that Izuku looked absolutely awful. He didn't smell that bad, but it was obvious that there was grooming that was going to need to be done with his fur. "When was the last time you took a bath?" Killua questioned the domestic cat, making sure not to really sound rude toward the fellow apprentice. Of course, Killua wasn't going to offer to wash him, because that would be awkward. If anyone was willing, it would probably be Jacob.

(Translation: Hey grape, how are you holding up?)
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: open eyes ☀ open - jacob w.c. - 05-21-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob still felt horrible about the entire incident with Izuku. He'd been trying to check his wounds and keep up with his treatment but it was a lot to handle on top of his new duties as chief. He knew he needed to find someone who could take over the frosthealer role for him but he'd planned on that person being Izuku and he'd had to delay his injuries because of his training. Of course, he didn't place any blame on his apprentice but he felt like he should be doing more but he knew he couldn't. Jacob tried to be everywhere he could all the time but it just wasn't possible. Something would have to give eventually and his responsibilities would need to sway but they couldn't do that right now. He just had to keep trying to put in long hours and look after his clan to the best of his ability. Then there was the recent incident with all the prey going feral and infected and that was an entirely new, larger problem that he'd have to find a solution for soon. Right now he only had temporary ideas but it was like putting a bandaid on a skull fracture. He needed something permanent, he just wasn't sure what that something needed to be.

In any case, he noticed the feline out and about and felt some relief. He was glad to see he was still getting out. He knew the past week had been a whirlwind and he hadn't been able to see many of the members as much as he would've liked to but he was glad to see Izuku was doing relatively well. The husky approached with a light smile, though he knew he'd be unable to see it. "I can always help ya' clean up, if ya'd like Izuku. Ya' jus' lemme know when ya' need anythin'." He'd already told his apprentice that countless times but it couldn't hurt to say it again. he just didn't want him to feel alone. When things got difficult, Jacob always found it worse when he tried to bear all the pain and difficulty by himself. It helped to know there was someone to support you. "How've ya' been feelin' today? Any better?" he then asked. It was his job to check in with Izuku but he sounded genuinely concerned for the feline's well-being. He still felt guilty about not helping more or not helping sooner but he was doing all he could now. He just had to remind himself he couldn't change what'd already happened. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP