Beasts of Beyond
I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - Printable Version

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I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-05-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Fortunately for Horizon, the weather was much more warmer once he got closer to camp. Of course, it was still only warming up in terms of weather for the groups as a whole, but still - it felt nice to be not freezing his ass off for once. The Tasmanian Devil tried to keep his distance from the other members of the group, feeling a bit shy at first; these people were all new and he wasn't sure how he felt about them. He was able to find where members made their sleeping grounds, though the huts being connected together by ropes made him... uncomfortable, to say the least. Horizon wasn't afraid of heights, or at least he didn't think so, but the idea of being so high up and only being connected together by rope was worrying for him. "Oh geez," The devil whispered-huffed to himself, ears flattening slightly to reveal his unease.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - Windowmemer - 03-06-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions
"You're new." The female remarked quietly, her voice soft, as she shot a small smile at the newcomer, studying him, his build, his stance. Unthreatening but looking quite scared, Jade laughed. "Nothing to fear, I'm Jade. Welcome to the Frostblown. How can I help you?"



Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-06-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
A voice beside Horizon caused the devil to look over at the culprit sharply, his eyes wide at first before he visibly relaxed, realizing that they were a friend, not foe. "Ah, yeah. I joined not too long ago, actually." He barked. "Uh. I'm actually just looking for a place to stay..." He trailed off slightly, looking back at the dens above him. "Do you have to be up there, or can I, like. Stay on the ground?"
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-07-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"Well I suppose you could stay all the way down there, but it wouldn't make that much sense now, would it? If everyone else is up here and yoU're down there, you're bound to miss at least some important information going around." The hybrid lifted her shoulders in a shrug, her feathers fanning out slightly to catch a sudden gust of wind.


Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-08-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Jadeire brought up a good point, but Horizon wasn't entirely convinced. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly built for climbing." The Tasmanian Devil huffed in response, referring to his rather chubby body. A natural thing, not something he could really help, but it was a fact nonetheless. "What's the point in having everything up there, anyway?"
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-08-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"That's fine, you could probably learn to climb. Or are you scared of heights?" She blinked, the golden ring in her eyes expanding. He then asked what the point of being so high up was, and to  be fair  she wasn't so sure herself, so she took a guess. "I'm pretty sure it's so we'Re not easily attackable from the ground.Plus you can literally see for miles so spotting enemies would be easy peasy lemon squeezy." SHe lifted a shoulder in a shrug.



Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-09-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
"I never said I couldn't climb." Horizon shot back in response, not realizing he was getting defensive over this silly matter. I just said it might be hard to. Once again, Jadeire brought up a good point in how being so high up could provide advantages, but he still didn't see why. When the woman asked if he was afraid of heights, Horizon flattened his ears and shuffled his paws. "I don't know." He admitted. "I just don't like the idea of being so high up."
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-09-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"Yeah, well you'll get to learn how to not be scared of heights and you'll learn how to climb properly without it being difficult! It's pretty simple, we learn it at a young age." As if to prove her point, she shifted, the muscles visibly grinding against one another. "Having wings help."


Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-09-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Tch. Of course this would end up with him getting judged for possibly having a fear of heights. "Oh, right. Let me just grow a pair of fuckin' wings." Horizon replied in a sharp tone, clearly not happy with Jadeire's comments now. He knew that it was impossible for his body to mutate and grow wings; hell, he already had a mutation in his venomous fangs, but he had a feeling that he wasn't gonna just... spontaneously sprout wings. He was born with his mutation, though again, Horizon did know that mutations randomly popping up was a thing. Just something he really doubted was gonna happen to him, personally.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: I'VE GOT MY LIFE LAID OUT // open, house searching - teef - 03-10-2021

a soft laugh would escape the akhlut as he approached, stretching with a grunt as his tail swung to recapture his balance, "good day, you two. what's this all about? where to stay?", he would rumble as he came up to them, shaking out his hind leg to get rid of the numbness that had taken it captive. looking up above, he would roll his shoulders with a huff, "you don't necessarily have to climb up there. before i left, there were discussions of re-commissioning our pully system, or carving steps out in the mountainside. we do have a hollowed out tree where stairs have been carved out carefully.", he would murmur, before turning his gaze back to horizon and jade.

"we live way up high to be able to easily thwart an invasion attempt. nobody expects their enemies to drop on them from way up high. it's also from tradition from the last time that the volcano erupted, the earth was formed in the shape that it is to protect those who were in the area when it erupted. for what we know, it worked and the trees have grown in this area long since that time. we are also in the works of replacing the rope and board walks with more solid bridges and pathways, those bridges are in the more closely clumped living areas." he would muse, looking back up above, "it's also safer for our smaller members, and for our sentries to be able to perch on branches above the jaws of natural predators. some of our members do keep homes in dugouts along the mountain-face, so that is also an option."