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A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - Printable Version

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A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - trojan g. - 03-04-2021

//cw: death

[[ anyone who posts in this thread will see the scene in the italicized section of this post. Moth is the only one who gets sent the emotions in the last bit of it. ]]

The first thing Moth had done when Els had put her in charge of the search party had been to go back to her own house to gather different herbs. She could only hope that she wouldn't need to use them, but when someone went missing you had to be prepared. She told herself this over and over again as she looked through her storage, picking up different items she could carry in her bag, taking the time to make sure everything was there.

Taking longer to start the search. Something was happening to him, he was dying, it'd be her fault, she was taking too long.

No. No. No. She needed to stop that. It wouldn't be her fault, it wasn't her fault. Nothing was wrong, he was just sleeping. Sleeping long enough that his scent had gone stale because he found a really good napping spot. Yeah, that had to be it.

Eventually the mutated jaguar stepped outside into the sun, wings at her sides and eyes scanning those who had come to help in the search, who had worried about the male that had been in Tanglewood for so long. It'd be weird, being in a Tanglewood without him once more, without his worry over her to make sure she was okay, without his visits to see if she needed any help with gathering medicines, to see if he could relearn something he'd been taught a while ago. A small sigh would leave her as she paused for a moment, just a moment. "Let's start looking." She'll speak, heading off at that moment, only hoping that those there would follow.

She knew when she started the search that Elsweyr had looked at his house first, but that was the first place Moth thought to go, just in case. Though his scent stale he could be there in his home now, about to head out to tell everyone he was okay, but when that didn't pan through she thought to go to the Library. Aurum didn't visit it often so it was the perfect place to hide if he wanted some peace and quiet or a place to learn something new, to see if he could find a book he knew his sister would like, or some nursery books to read to his children that were due soon. She'd find that had been a fruitless search as well, and made her way to the Tavern. He no longer drank considering the last time he'd made a fool of himself, but she knew that it was still a place he held dear to his heart given the updates he'd made to it previously, though he wasn't there either.

The next place Moth had thought to check was the graveyard. When Aurum had held the mask carving class only a few days before, Vigenere had been mentioned, and she knew that the former leader of the swamp had been on her brother's mind since. He had spoken about showing Atbash his mask, after all, so maybe he had come here to get it, or to make sure no crocodiles had run off with it. She had hoped that this would be fruitless as well, or that if he was here he'd be sitting at the grave, but all she noted when she made it to the male's burial site was the smell of blood, and it made her stomach drop.

Quickly the reaper followed the smell, tripping over the overgrown roots in the swamp, wings outstretched to catch her fall if she were take one, not noticing the sudden darkness around her or the fog filling up the area. This was a part of the graveyard no one ever went to, there was no need no one here they knew was buried. It was all humans and unmarked graves that had grown too old to read, from before the animals had come to the island, before there had been a bomb dropped and the island radiated. When she noticed the two bodies in the distance, laying on the ground broken and mangled she began to run forward, the recognition of the bloodied mane and wings of her brother jutting out to her as she moved closer, gaining speed until she stumbled over roots and rocks soon falling over and skidding to a stop beside the other.

Now covered in mud and weeds, Moth was soon plunged into darkness as the sudden sense of probing flew through her mind.

Aurum had always watched his back, making sure that nothing surprised him, he didn't want anything to get past him. His lineage and true form had always taught him that anything could come out of nowhere. He hadn't thought that anything would happen on that day when he'd gone with Siborno to visit Vigenere's grave. After all, there were two of them and they were both large enough creatures, they could handle themselves. At first, Aurum had been in his tigress body, but when he heard rustling and saw the fog begin to roll in, he quickly shifted into his birth body, not wanting anything to happen to his unborn children. Soon enough, shadowy blurs of figures came out of the fog, seemingly suddenly appearing and surrounding the two, cutting off any possible way to escape.

"Aurum." The sound of the lion's name reverberated through the graveyard as they each spoke in unison, stepping forward to shrink his movements, to guarantee he'd be overpowered. The fight broke out as quickly as they had appeared, Aurum fighting to the best of his ability to make sure they didn't come forward more, didn't harm his boyfriend. He knew what they were there for, knew that they wanted him and would get him at any cost, wanted to take the angel back to heaven, but he wasn't about to let that happen.

Eventually the fight slowed down as they all tired, Aurum backing away to try and find a way out before Siborno jumped in front of him. They were backed into a corner now, backs against the old crumbling graves and the ranks of the blurred figures moved in, half of them going for Siborno all at once, quickly overwhelming the tired tigon, his broken body falling into the mud, quickly covered by the fog. Aurum didn't have the time to process what had happened before they were all merging in on him, and he felt himself fall down into the mud, felt as his soul began to drag out of his body as he died, but something caused them to stop. Something made them fail to rip his soul from the earth and then they were gone, and Aurum closed his eyes for just a moment as the world began to fade to black around him, the sound of pawsteps and skidding, the familiar smell of herbs washing over him as he pushed with the last of his energy for his mind to reach out towards his sister, to show her what had happened then to try and let comfort wash over her as he pushed the care he felt for the younger member of his family out, to let her know that he loved her and always will, but that he wouldn't - couldn't - come back.

Aurum Kingmaker, the angel of vengeance and luminary of Tanglewood was dead, once and for all.

Tears were in Moth's eyes when she had come to, the split second she was out to fill her head with the memory causing her to shake as she got up, moving forward to her brother. Moth was silent as she wrapped her arms around the other, head burying itself in his mane, the stench of blood washing over her as it stuck to her fur, the tears falling into his as she lie there shaking, the tears unable to stop. She couldn't collect her thoughts, they were all racing too quickly running through her head.

Your fault. They screamed at her, Should have come here first. Shouldn't have taken so long to gather the useless herbs you carried with you everywhere. As each wave of thoughts bashed her head, she became more and more invisible. It started with her paws, climbing its way up her arms and eventually changing her body and head until there was nothing there, the only thing left to be seen the tears that fell and cleaned away the blood from her brother's fur.

[[ tldr; starting the search party, moth found aurum and siborno dead in the deepest part of the graveyard, fog covering their bodies. Blaming herself for their deaths she slowly turned invisible as she cried clutching Aurum's body.

do not feel the need to match the post

word count: 1408 ]]
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - SirDio - 03-04-2021

Ana wasn't with the search party but she wanted to help and so, well, what else could she do but go looking as well. Maybe she shouldn't have. Just maybe, maybe she should have stayed in town. But the child was ignorant, hopeful. They could find him, they had to. Moth had to! Aurum wan't that hard to spot, right? God, she shouldn't had went to look. Nothing could have prepared her.

She had taken her time to look before arriving at the Graveyard. It felt weird. Different. Familiar. Painful. Still she wandered in until she saw them. She wanted to look away but she couldn't. Couldn't. Visions flashed, falling rocks and rushing water and trampled hooves and- you're next. She gritted her teeth. Sound bubbled up her mouth and all that left her was a scream. Loud and piercing and unyielding. Stumbling back she kept screaming until the visions stopped and her voice became lost to the swamp. The tears were unnoticed by the girl as she just stared on, frozen. She felt cold. Dead, even. But she was breathing and seeing and thinking. Why wasn't he getting up? Why wasn't Siborno getting up?

"Get... get up...! Get up, please! You're scaring me..! Stop playing! Get up!" She yelled, tears choking her words. They couldn't be dead.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - rhosmari - 03-04-2021

She had said she would go on the search patrol. She felt obligated to do so despite the conflicts that she and Aurum had had in the past. She still remembered coming to Tanglewood and how small it had been then. Doing her best to help where she could before they were taken over. It had just been the worst possible moment and things only got worse. Especially given the fact that they had let Atticus risk everything to help them only for him to be captured. They should have tried to rescue him but all they did was sit around and let things get worse till the lioness said no more. She snapped and attacked Stryker at any give moment she could. Then the Typhoon had come. Aurum had led the charge. It felt odd not seeing bus presence at any location that Moth had chosen but she simply tried to keep up hope. After all Aurum was too strong to give up without a fight. And even then she didn't think that anything bad had happened to him. Maybe he was just solo patrolling or just taking a walk.

She tried not to think of how stale his scent was. Tried to be as positive as she could as she followed Moth into the graveyard. Her paws hesitated the deeper in they went but the woman forced herself to continue. As the fog rolled in she found her eyes narrowing, taking in a deep breath as she felt a presence rbee. Something dark. It was suffocating almost and she swallowed thickly before her eyes settled on the crumpled bodies. No. No. It couldn't be. Not both of them. She didn't move any closer but Moth had already raced forward. The confirmation of her tears was all that was needed and she felt a pain strike into her heart. The lioness wept silently. Quietly. Holding in wails. Ana's shrill cries turning into background noise. The events washing through her head. Images of blood splattering the ground. Her claws pressed into the soft earth and she rose her head to the sky, jaws parting and yet no scream came. She simply strained her throat on a silent scream as the tears dampened her fur around her eyes.

Re: A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - arrow - 03-04-2021

So...there it was.

Sure, she’d expected a disappearance. No more, no less. It was what she was used to, maybe she was simply biased in her expectations. That would have been fine. Tragic, but fine. The swamp, after all, took no prisoners. Aurum and Siborno could have away. Been on a walk, something like that. He’d been waltzing around the swamp looking for a place to nap not too long ago, just before Arrow left her ghost status behind and just after Elsweyr crawled back from her not so fun Pitt visit. It seemed like it would be natural to assume he was wandering around again, but she just didn’t feel like that was the case. Didn’t feel right. And that was the thing, she trusted her gut feeling more than whatever her mind could dream up, and her gut feeling shouted that something was wrong, bad. Murder, however, hadn’t been something she considered, or maybe it just wasn’t something she wanted to consider. Too bad.

Now Arrow....she didn’t usually cry like the others.

Yeah, she cried on occasion. She cried at Vig’s funeral, she’d cried on her own once or twice for other deaths, to her knowledge anyway. But she never cried when the thing happened, she just....she couldn’t make herself do it. Shock usually won out between the two, and that was the case here, too. So while Moth lost both her composure and visibility, Ana screamed and Elsweyr wept silently, Arrow was just...there. Wide eyed, blinking once or twice, but no tears escaped, and no wails threatened to make themselves known. Nothing. Nothingness. Crying would do anything anyway.

Tsk, tsk, Aurum. ”Was it always this foggy, here?” She asked, more of a disconnected mumbling rather than the usual clear manner of speaking. Well, everything about her behavior was simply wrong, for her. The tone, the weird....distance in her eyes. Like a low battery or as if someone had cracked her one over the head. She was looking at him, at them both, she had eyes locked on the corpses and yet it still didn’t click that they were very much dead. A Tanglewood without Aurum? Since when?

Huh, she felt like she’d always been around him, maybe even watched the dude grow into the guy he’d been until now. The ceremonious name change, his first kid in a long line of kids, where had Roy gone, anyway? Maybe wherever Aurum ended up, he’d cross paths in the afterlife with his kids. She didn’t know much about that sort of thing, despite being knee deep in it for a while. Being a ghost was different, you didn’t go anywhere.

”They ain’t getting up, Ana.” Arrow responded to the child’s pleading, attempting to pull her over with a paw, feeling the first emotion during this whole ordeal, which she found to be concern, sympathy. She was too young to be seeing something like this, it was far too brutal. Especially with no one to hide behind. Was she qualified to really handle how to emotionally tend to a child? Probably not, but again, too bad.

Her shoulder grazed Elsweyr’s, trying to at least offer some comfort for her teary-eyed girlfriend. She just wasn’t sure what to say. At least, she wasn’t sure what would actually help, anyway. It struck her a little too harshly that Els was next in line, she was going to be, y’know, replacing what was how a corpse. A heavy burden.
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Re: A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-05-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Ever since Elsweyr's announcement that Aurum was missing, there was a strange feeling that pushed at the savannah's chest. It felt like a brick, but at the same time, her chest felt hollow. It hurt, but despite that the Shaderunner forced herself to follow along with Moth and the others. Please be okay, Aurum, She wanted to call out to him telepathically, but couldn't find the energy to do so. You're the only reason I'm here. A selfish thought, but one that was the truth nonetheless. The only reason Atbash had even joined Tanglewood was to see the lion that her brother spoke fondly of, to make things up with him, and maybe finally come to terms with Vigenere's death in the process. Atbash ended up making more friends here than she thought she would have and thus had more ties here than she would realize in this moment, but for now, she almost felt like leaving.

As the party neared the graveyard, Atbash could feel the thickness in the air that almost seemed to haunt the place. The fog was unnerving in of itself, but the tense feeling that hung here was almost choking her. Soon, images started to flash in her head - of Aurum, Siberno, and... were those archangels? It was, and they were going after Aurum and Siborno. Not completely aware that this an illusion of past events, Atbash shot forward - only to be met that an angel screeching in her face. An hallucination caused by fear, anger, denial; angels and demons were on the opposite sides of the spectrum and although powered by rage in seeing them attacking Aurum, she was afraid of them.

The vision faded and Atbash found herself staring in shock at Aurum and Siberno's body in front of her, her mouth agape as she tried to find some sort of way to breathe. Moth flickered out of existence, Ares screeching, Arrow trying to comfort Ares, and Elsweyr trying to control herself. Atbash simply stood where she was, her body shaking. Her nose bled, not profusely, but enough to cause discomfort. It was painful and fortunately for her, she was unaware it was happening - her senses numbed by this point. If she knew what was happening, she would only cause it to get worse; Corruption fed off of your feelings.

female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: A GUY WHO DREAMS LIKE A LION -- open; search party - SirDio - 03-05-2021

She didn't want to believe it. Though as Arrow pulled her close and spoke the world broke for her. She seemed to completely fall, legs giving in and she leaned- no, fell, into Arrow. Rocks, Water, Hooves. Rocks, Water, Hooves. She swallowed the sob that reached for her and her wings fell to her sides. Water seemed to fill her head, warping the noises of the swamp around her. She couldn't stop staring, no matter how hard she tried to look away, bury her face into Arrow's fur, but she just couldn't.
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