Beasts of Beyond
it's not the best but it's all i've got || MEETING 03/04 - Printable Version

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it's not the best but it's all i've got || MEETING 03/04 - rhosmari - 03-04-2021

Personally she was still a little anxious about the way in which Seven had been killed so easily and by a trespasser no less. She felt like there was a need to start patrolling their borders more often. Or to at least travel in pairs. Something she figured she should bring up to Aurum given the circumstances. To the tribal woman it seemed like something to consider and with care she left her home, eyes of blue watching the surrounding area with a guarded gaze. Truth be told with everything that had happened to Tanglewood she doubted that a lot of members were going to be ready to just accept anyone across their borders now. There was always something going wrong and she understood if there was caution with it. Her steps where light as she slowly began to make her way to Aurum's home. Her nose twitched on the light breeze that blew through town. Yet there was something off and she paused, parting her jaws as she breathed in slowly and a frown fixating on her maw. "Aurum...?" The woman muttered only because the scent of him had grown stale. Lingering very lightly on the breeze which just wasn't right and so the lioness moved onto his porch and pressed her paw on the door.

It swung open with ease and there was nothing. Not a sound. The air was almost oppressive with nothingness and the fur along her spine rose up. Jolting back from the door she thought over the time frame. She had not seen him but he had been here. There was little to indicate that there had been a struggle so what had happened to the lion? Turning her gaze back to be empty house she took a few more steps back as if staring down a bad omen before jerking her head away and looking back to the middle of town. The slab. She had never been up there before but it seems like it was time for it. The lioness of flames shifted as she moved to the imposing meeting place and she rose up to land upon the pedestal with ease before a roar left her jaws. "Tanglewood, gather before her!" The woman waited there, watched the confused faces as they all looked up at her. She wasn't ready for this and neither would they. They had to find him. Breathihg in slowly she sat down heavily. "She Okay, Aurum is missing. She has not smelled his scent recently and what is left around town and even his own home has gone cold and stagnant. She doesn't know where he could have gone so she thinks we should make a search patrol."

Her sky colored orbs searched around before she tried to locate the one she had been looking for. "She would like Moth to head the search. She knows Aurum well unlike this one. She can help more." But the Regent would still go with the patrol to find their missing leader. Until then she needed to act in his stead. To keep things together and that meant she needed to know about the Pitt situation. It would be a harsh change of subject but she needed to understand just what was happening. "She would also like to know what the situation with the Pitt is. She was not present for the last meeting or even knows what was decided. Has anything happened she should know of?" Maybe things have settled but she kind of doubts things would be that easy given the circumstances and what played out.

Re: it's not the best but it's all i've got || MEETING 03/04 - trojan g. - 03-04-2021

When the call from Elsweyr reached Moth's ears, she quickly made her way over to the statue in the middle of town, confusion and worry written clear on her face. If someone other than Aurum was holding a meeting that meant one of two things - something had happened to her brother or they had a personal announcement to make - and as much as Moth hoped that it was the latter, the tone of the call had been too authoritative for it to be that. When she got there and sat down, looking upon the other, Moth's eyes widened. Aurum was missing. Her brother was missing and she had no idea where he had gone. He had to be here somewhere, he wouldn't just disappear without a note, without telling her, she wouldn't believe it.

She would nod her head slightly, as Els asked for Moth to step up to be the head of the search party. She would do it, after all she knew Aurum the best, and she likely wouldn't let anyone else lead it, she was too worried for that. She was about to get up to go start the search when Els asked about the Pitt, asked about how the meeting had went. "It went relatively well," she would begin as she stood up, "I can fill you in on details later, but in the end it was decided that it was best for Arrow to watch over Dante to make sure his punishment went through, and once satisfied she'd let us know." Moth had never cared for Dante, he was a dick and deserved whatever came his way if she was being honest. "And whoever wants to come with me for the search can meet me at my house, I need to grab some herbs just in case." She felt like she was going to get sick.

[[ I'll edit this post with the search party link once it's done!

[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: it's not the best but it's all i've got || MEETING 03/04 - arrow - 03-04-2021

Well, well, well. If it wasn’t her steadily growing fears here to catch up with her. She had just been thinking that it was too quiet, too....positive, lately. Right before Seven had been sniped anyway, but she came back. Blind, but she did return. Something in her gut told her that this wasn’t going to be like that. There was always a death, or a disappearance every so often in Tanglewood, that’s just how it was.

”Oh, it went through, alright. They let his ass rot in the desert, wounds and all. Although, I haven’t spoken to them since.” Arrow shrugged, the issue of Dante had long since slipped her mind, especially when her attention had been focused more on Elsweyr’s recovery. Dante could have fun eating sand for all she cared, all his pathetic fighting got him was one long punishment.

She looked up at the sky for a moment, a long exhale leaving her and into the air. She just felt it, deep in her soul, that something was too wrong to fix. But she didn’t have the heart to tell Moth this was just the cycle turning again. ”I’ll help you look.” Arrow offered, tone as flat as it could get. She knew there was nothing to be found. That’s just how it was.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: it's not the best but it's all i've got || MEETING 03/04 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-05-2021

everything's just come together at last !
It was rather concerning how Seven had gotten killed so easily, without anyone having an idea of what was going on. Atbash was worried, afraid that someone was going to come around and pick off Tanglewood one by one, but she didn't know what to do about. She wasn't a fighter, she would fight if she had to, but that was only if her own life was on the line. She didn't like fighting. Her thoughts were interrupted by Elsweyr's call and the savannah quickly came over to see what the problem was. Was she attacked again? No, it didn't look like it.

Aurum was missing? Oh no, not now. Not after Seven had just lost her life like that, and given the circumstances, Atbash really didn't like the sound of their Luminary missing. Aurum was her last tie to Vigenere and she had so much she wanted to talk to him about. Swallowing that thought, Atbash took note of Moth leading the search party, her short tail flicking in what appeared to be worry or nervousness.

Like Arrow, the whole ordeal with Dante almost slipped Atbash's mind at this point. She looked over to Arrow as she spoke, but said nothing.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi