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THE FOREST JUST FOR US -- SPRING FESTIVAL - london r. - 05-18-2018

Hosting a festival had seemed easy enough, after all, she had read about them in many books, and seen pictures of them. They were usually outdoors, so London had found a nice clearing, where one could really admire the new plant life shooting through the earth. There were also always a lot of lanterns hung up everywhere in every example she had looked at, though London had wanted to play it safe and hopefully not burn anyone or anything out of clumsiness, so instead she installed some battery-powered fairy lights. They were shaped like stars, as astronomy was a bit on an obsession of her's, but she hoped no one would mind. It still gave of that same, festival-like glow that was to be expected. She had also hung a bunch of paper streamers around as well, since that seemed to be another decorating must-have.

Next were some activities, which London had set up within the glade that she had selected for the event. First was pin the tail on the donkey, since that seemed to be a party classic from what she knew. There was also a tree climbing activity, where she had tied bells to the upper branches of a couple neighboring trees. Perhaps that could be used as a race of sorts. There was a dance floor, with a relatively nice stereo system she had been able to conjure, blasting music off of her mp3 player. A make you own hot chocolate station had also been set up, with whip cream and marshmallows and other delicious toppings for the warm beverage. Then there were two sets of cornhole as another fun partner activity. And lastly, two large buckets full of water with apples floating at the surface. Who didn't like bobbing for apples?

With all her activities set up, the albino clouded leopard got to work on setting up the snack and refreshment tables. There were a plethora of picnic blankets, as well as little baskets that one could use to carry the food and drinks from the snack tables to where ever one wished to set up the a blanket, almost like an actual picnic. There were sandwiches, fruits, cookies, tarts, candy, really anything one could imagine. And along with that there were sodas, fruit punch, lemonade as well as ice tea and warm water for hot beverages like apple cider and tea. And of course water. London had tried to prepare a large variety for any kind of dietary needs, hopefully each guest was able to find something to their liking. If not, she could always do her best to make some last minute accommodations, but it seemed at though for now everything was in order.

Now all the Arcticplayer had to do was wait for everyone to arrive, which so far, seemed to be the worst part. She did hope that everyone would like what she had done, and saw no reason why the would not, but that did not eliminate that possibility. This was her first ever time holding a festival or really any type of social gathering, and she thought she had done a pretty good job. It was a ton of fun preparing, but the party itself would be even better, at least, that's what she liked to believe. This was so different from all the things she was used to, back home she would never have imagined actually living within one of the events she had read about in her books. And now that she was here, as host and event planner, it was a little overwhelming. Surely Mum would be proud.

Re: THE FOREST JUST FOR US -- SPRING FESTIVAL - Luciferr - 05-21-2018

Hymn of Ruin
Lucifer - given both his immortal lifespan and in general his experience in many, many clans was no stranger to plenty a party scene, they'd become a staple in his life almost.

not that he ever went out of his way to socialise, simply content to find a place not in the way of the more socialite types and idly pass the time with a nice drink and a light snack - many a time others would wonder to him for conversation, or just to join the very large dragon for a break from the whirlwind festivities - given both his size and general looks tended to ward off to many a person, he did end up creating a small corner of solitude perhaps.

Lucifer hummed idly, emerging from his thoughts as he gracefully manoeuvred between the areas set up, glancing to admire each one before approaching London and dipping his head to the party planner in respect and greeting "you've nicely set this up - and if I may, Thank you for hosting it outside" sure he could shift forms for an indoor party but this form was his most comfortable and that London had hosted this outside - while he was not arrogant enough to think it solely for his benefit, he felt he owed her thanks for that anyway.

he eyed the area as others would no doubt start coming in - perhaps he could finally learn everyone's names that he'd yet to meet, an perhaps familiar faces from the Typhoon, who knew?


Re: THE FOREST JUST FOR US -- SPRING FESTIVAL - valemon - 05-21-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val could appreciate that it was warming up a bit, especially when it came to the flowers. Would it ever be as warm as back home, though? He certainly hoped so.

Another thing he could definitely get behind were events like this. Although he was of few words, Val loved to talk and get to know others. He loved to eat, loved to play games, loved to listen to others tell stories... Really, as long as there weren’t too many unfamiliar faces, he would be alright.

And, seeing as Lucifer was most certainly familiar, he had a feeling things would be fine, fun even. The cub followed the dragon, his big brown eyes scanning the decorations. It really was nice. While Val hoped to meet new people, he also hoped that Sekai might attend this, as well. He always loved making new memories with his sister.
© madi


light the night up,
you're my dark star
Ah, it was good to see flowers blooming. It meant that spring was coming - if it hadn't arrived already, that is - and it meant that everything was starting anew. Just like her. Atbash had joined Snowbound in the first place to start a new life (among other reasons), and she was glad that it was beginning to become just that: a new life. She had gotten better with not comparing the present to her past and it was honestly quite relaxing. Atbash missed home, of course, but now Snowbound was becoming her home.

"This looks amazing, London!" Atbash chirped happily as she made her way over to the festival area, her eyes shining with excitement and happiness.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi


August walked over a few paces behind Atbash, nodding in agreement with her statement. "It really does. This will be a lot of fun." He was already moving to look at everything, shriveled eyes anxiously glancing in Lucifer's direction. He really needed to get to know everyone in the group more so that members who were as large and.. Frightening as this one didn't make him so nervous. His little tail flicked side to side as he swung his head around to look at the set up more.

"Hello again, little one." August mumbled as he stepped over Valemon, careful not to accidentally kick or step on the cub. He moved slow enough that Val could easily step out from under him before he'd even moved his second foreleg over, anyways.



Izuku didn't particularly want to be here, he wasn't going to lie. It wasn't any fault of London's own, Izuku just. Generally wasn't great with actual social events. Especially lately. Even being out and about was emotionally exhausting, and left him with pounding headaches at the end of the day. Though, that was usually more because of Izuku's eyes more than anything. The artificial lights he sees over here are hurting them right now, come to think of it, and the Maine Coon squints before deciding looking at the group was a good alternative. He'd be doing that anyways, no need to do it later, now. Or -- wait, the party. He squints against the fairy lights(they're dim enough to only cause pressure, but Izuku knows), before making up his mind.
"This is really neat, London!" Comes the Tenderfoot's chirp as he joins the crowd around the clouded leopard. He's beaming genuinely, though perhaps a little sheepishly -- not for any particular reason, he just couldn't see very well. He was almost certain it was all very good, but Izuku was largely judging it based off of blurry shapes and color alone, so he wasn't a very good judge of that at the moment. Oh well -- it looked like nobody was doing anything but complimenting London. Also, there was a very, very large shape that seemed to be a dragon? Absolutely terrifying. Anyways. Izuku, after a long pause to see if anyone else had anything to say, makes his way to what appears to be the food table. Upon closer inspection, it is, luckily for Izuku's own sanity. This is how Izuku usually spends his time at social events instead of trying to talk to people, and if that's not sad, Izuku isn't sure what is. He casts a brief look towards his clanmates, trying to work up confidence, before what little he has is smashed down like a little bug and Izuku resumes making his hot chocolate. Maybe another day. Or today, if somebody approaches him, but. Unlikely.
what was i worth

Re: THE FOREST JUST FOR US -- SPRING FESTIVAL - melantha - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]Like Lucifer, Melantha is not very fond of social interaction. She is prone to disappearing for several days on spontaneous "hunting trips" which are more like much needed mental health days. As much as she loves it here in Snowbound, all the social responsibilities really takes a toll on her mind and body. The young huntress is returning from one of her longer hiatuses, but the change is clear in how much lighter her step seems to be. The girl walks with purpose, and maybe even a bit of happiness. The flowers are gorgeous. The smells are tantalizing. Melantha claims not to have any particularly strong feelings regarding the weather, but there is no denying the beauty of spring. She wishes it could be spring every single day. Unfortunately, nature needs winter to prepare for spring. That is simply how life works up in the tundra.

"You have done a wonderful job, London," compliments the mountain lioness in an oddly outgoing mood. Perhaps Mel isn't grumpy at all and it was just the winter chill which dulled her personality. Hopefully that is the truth. A ghost of a smile tugs upon her lips as the young female admires some native wildflowers, gazing upon them with dreamy olive orbs. She wonders what her family is doing at this time of year. She wonders if they miss her, or if her impact upon them was just as sweet yet just as fleeting as the springtime flowers.