Beasts of Beyond
VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - Printable Version

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VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - venus - 03-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: left;width: 400px;font-family: arial;"]please plot with my bad bby
venus is deceptive and manipulative if you want to work something around that, theyre also trying to make that dosh because they took out a loan from some shady people to pay for their education and now cant actually make up the money they owe. which is a lot, because education is expensive. venus also enjoys all things science and would love to gush about science or maybe experiment using your character.

- gambling
- being experimented on/being gushed about science
- aus
- rivaries
- feeding this incompetent bab

tags are here for reference

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - jacob w.c. - 03-17-2018

aaa, i have a few ideas for venus and jake!! so they could possibly manipulate/deceive him somehow?? jacob falls in love super, super easily so he could possibly develop a crush on them (he's pan but is very closeted so that'd be a whole other aspect) and maybe they could try to manipulate/use him to deal with their debt somehow?? he has some ties to organized crime (through both his biological and adoptive father) and i want a plot eventually with people sort of looking for him as that's part of the reason he apparently moved to Snowbound so maybe she could either tell them where he is in exchange for money or maybe she could try to just get him to pay for it somehow (even tho he doesn't exactly have any money rn, though his family does).

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - venus - 03-18-2018

yesss i love this plot idea so much! <3
venus would be kind of amused at first at jacob and his crush on venus, but after finding out about his past venus would no doubt pretend to flirt back so they can get closer to him and snowbound in general to get what they want.
who should make their first meeting thread?

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - jacob w.c. - 03-18-2018

I can make it but it’ll be a couple hours before I’m home so if you’d prefer to do it, that’s fine too. Smile

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - venus - 03-18-2018

im just about to hit the hay but give me a day if you cant make and ill make it for you :^))

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - april . - 03-18-2018

meme and venus? ;3

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - jacob w.c. - 03-18-2018

here's their thread!

Re: VENUS PLOTTING THREAD V.1 - venus - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]boop