Beasts of Beyond
FORTUNE, FORTUNE SMILE AND FADE — joiners - Printable Version

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| Séamus Ó Faoláin
"Feckin 'ell." The Irishman groaned, sea-green gaze snapping awake to ruins.  A gentle rain continued to strike his sore body, curled protectively around a tiny kitten and young black mamba.  The battered remains of what had once been a sailboat lay scattered all around him, brought down by rough waters onto the sparkling beach.  Her sailing days are over.

The small wildcat nosed his daughter gently.  "Well.  We're alright," he murmured optimistically.  Of course, Séamus himself had seen better days, but neither Rowena nor Niamh were hurt and that was more than enough for him.

"Your mother certainly 'as timin," he chuckled halfheartedly, struggling into a sitting position.  The storm had been no fault of Myra's of course, though he would have appreciated a warning before she sent them off.  Not that she didn't have other things on her mind; such as a rival pirate crew causing hers trouble.  She'd simply been overeager, he knew, to send their tiny daughter someplace away from a potential firefight.  A good call, even if it did, unfortunately, send them into stormy waters.

To greater misfortune, the pirate did not recognize the beach as belonging to his intended destination -- he saw none of the Typhoon's familiar landmarks.  He squinted against the rain, finding the sand's edge was met with a forest instead of a tropical jungle, twisted and foreign.  "I 'ate to admit it, but 've no clue where we are."

And moving certainly hurt.  At least the rain wasn't nearly as harsh as it had been over the ocean.

Re: FORTUNE, FORTUNE SMILE AND FADE — joiners - rowena. - 03-02-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
Sea-green hues peeked open against the rain.  Growing large in wonder.  Webbed paws quickly pushing away from her father, sinking into the damp sand.  Letting out confused giggles as she began wobbling around him, pushing her paws deep into the ground.

"Da, the ground's not made of wood 'ere!" What was it?  All grainy.  And sticky.  It was beginning to cling all over her snow white fur.  Curious, she flopped onto the ground and rolled herself over, laughing as her observation continued to... Stick.  "Look da, 's sticking to me!  What is it?" The not-wood floor was everywhere.  Or up until those big masts covered in green...

Rowena tilted her head up, rolling back onto her paws.  Eyes blinking inquisitively.  He didn't look very steady on his feet yet.  "'s okay if we're lost da," she pointed out matter-a-factly.  He didn't need to worry.  Even if this wasn't where his crew lived, they could still have fun looking for them.  Or just exploring.  "'cause we're on an adventure, remember?"


Rhinestone had certainly noticed the storm brewing out over the sea, her eyes briefly narrowing as she had seen it coming in the previous night. However, things had been fine for the Glades itself, with the legate telling everyone to make sure they covered the entrances of their dens and homes to make everything safe. The sound of the wind howling outside her den and the trees creaking had been slightly worrying, but by the time the morning had come, everything had seemed to be alright. No trees had fallen over, and nobody appeared to be injured. It was honestly a relief, considering how many unfortunate incidents had happened lately.

Still, she didn't want to just take things at face value. So, she had emerged from camp and headed towards the beach, wanting to make sure nothing dangerous had washed up ashore. When she did arrive, she was surprised to be greeted by the sight of the pair, her head briefly tilting to one side. They certainly didn't seem to be anything dangerous that had washed ashore, but they were quite a sight. Wanting to make sure that they were both alright and not frightened by her, the thylacine approached slowly before speaking, "Uh... hey there, you two. I take it that you didn't mean to wash up on our shores?" She glanced at the various scattered bits of their ride before continuing, a soft chuckle leaving her, "Sorry you had to go through such a storm... the lands you've washed up on are the lands of my group, the Palm Glades. I'm Rhinestonestar, and I'm the legate or leader around here... if the both of you need some shelter until you get your bearings, you can feel free to stay in our camp, or on our boardwalk." She was being a bit more lenient with Séamus and Rowena than with most strangers on the territory, but they hardly seemed to be a threat. They were just a father and daughter on unfamiliar lands.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: FORTUNE, FORTUNE SMILE AND FADE — joiners - Onyxdreams - 03-02-2021

~ ☼ In her time of digging around and collecting items off of the beach, Onyx had found that all kinds of stuff tended to wash up onto the shore and get left there for someone to find. It was how she had found some of the best stuff in her collections, and also some of the weirdest stuff, but that didn't make any of it any less neat! After storms there tended to be a bunch more stuff washed up onto the shore too, kind of like the storms just pulled stuff in from the sea and left it there when they were done. Of course it also kind of had a habit of leaving jellyfish out there, or other dangerous stuff, so of course, she had to be a bit careful, but, this time, her mama was already out in front of her to go take a look! Which meant all she had to do was just follow behind her, and once everything was good and safe she could just head right down to the shore and grab some of the goodies that were there now!

Yes, she had seen all kinds of things washed up onto the shore...but, she had never, not ever, seen a storm leave some cats behind on the shore! Oh, and there was something else there too that she could see as she followed not far behind her mother, was that...a snake? What was a snake doing in the sea, had it been in that big wooden thing with the cats? Speaking of, she wondered what exactly that thing even was, it was a bit smashed up, but it was pretty big, and it had some kind of big blanket on a stick, well, a broken stick, but still! "I'm Onyxpaw, nice to meet you, you're all alright, right? I mean, that thing looks a bit, you know, broken, you guys didn't break anything yourselves right?" She hoped they were all good, but they did just get their new medics appointed, so if anyone wasn't doing so great she was sure Winter and Ares could patch 'em right up! "Oh! Hey, mama, what is that big wooden thing anyways? It looks kinda like a really weird tub, but made of wood, and kinda long, and...."

Re: FORTUNE, FORTUNE SMILE AND FADE — joiners - Grimm - 03-02-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Rain. Known though brief his experience, observed those that raged above turbulent waves. Despised in many ways, fine his coat, chill deep as the droplet fell and collected on those fine strands. Silent his watch from the mouth of den, empty and hollow, his occupation not singular only for the presence of Onyx. Breath escaped flared nostrils, buried beneath paws streaked in sand. His rather irrational dislike towards her had faded, a sense of jealousy that was born of contempt and a desire to keep Rhine for his own, mirrored in each child the legate deemed her own. Now all the remained, close kept only for she was familiar, a comfort in that alone if not a welcome presence.

From rest place head rose, a bright point in the gloom of shallow rain, a soft shower simply wasting the final drops before the grey above the only sign it had been. Curiosity arose, lodged in sage depths, brief their departure to look within. Unknown if any other lingered — rather clear his thoughts were upon Onyx, unwished her intrusion if she knew Rhine was about — the thought of being with the one he deemed his mother too much. Sand kicked up in his wake in the haste of departure, after bounding, light each step. His momentum slowed as her voice arose, apparent now she was not alone, though her chosen words made it seem this was a stranger. Or more, difficult to gauge numbers when he missed their own conversation.

Closer Foam stepped, hesitant now though too far had he come for turning back to seem a plausible idea. A pair. Strange they, almost owlish his widened eyes, numerous the times blinked as he looked to each. Almost a cotton ball the child, though ruined the image beneath clinging grains grown sodden, a sight amusing, smile easily arising. Slight the falter when another made their presence known, prior thoughts of Onyx once more rushing forth, shame a brief burn he suppressed. She was free to do as she wished, her increased activity with the warmth that came with spring making it a rather difficult to ignore fact, but, in that moment, he wished her gone.

Annoyance overtook his countenance for a moment as he stepped forth, between them Rhine, though about her did he lean with the comment put forth after her introduction. "Is a boat." Matter of fact his tone, though, if he were to be truthful, he spoke with little experience. The only other vessel he had seen had been metal, the hull torn open and within remains picked clean, a secret he knew now not to be such but still thought fondly of. "Or, at least, I think it is. Actually no, yep, it is, a boat." Quick his turn around, thoughts bouncing back and forth as he tried to prove he was better than Onyx though trivial this little fact that meant nothing.

"Oh, uh I'm Foam… well technically Foampaw, but I prefer just Foam." On he rambled without due cause, paw creating swirling patterns in the sand. Silent did he fall for a moment, lip caught between teeth and chewed, only released with a sudden upward flick of his chin. "Where did you come from." Hope largely given up on though this, a new avenue he may search, only ignited it, forgotten for a moment the true issue at hand.

Re: FORTUNE, FORTUNE SMILE AND FADE — joiners - SÉAMUS - 03-02-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The faerie barked a quiet chuckle, suspecting there would be a trail of sand behind his daughter for hours to come now.  There was something to say about her tenacity and optimism.  "It's called sand, Rowa," he explained with a fond twitch of his whiskers.  "It covers the beaches and sits beneat' the water." Perhaps when his muscles healed, he would teach her how to build a sandcastle.

Unlike his daughter, Niamh remained content to hide beneath the Irishman -- only raising her head as a trio approached.  Seamus turned his head, watching the unfamiliar group through a cautious gaze.  However it seemed they were friendly; a leader, or legate, and two youth.  Soon, the wildcat began to relax, a lopsided grin forming at the mention of the rough weather that brought them to shore.

"I've been through worse," he dismissed amiably.  Might be sore for a few days though, he supposed, a loose shrug turning into a light wince.  His curiosity kept him grounded, sea-green gaze locked on Rhinestonestar as she explained their location and offered a place to stay.  The Palm Glades.  Interesting.  "Thank you for the hospitality."

Rhinestonestar, Onyxpaw, and Foampaw; the pirate sensed a pattern, bowing his head in a formal greeting. "My name's Séamus Ó Faoláin and this is my daughter Rowena.  The one 'iding is Niamh; she's a little shy," he chuckled, raising a paw to reveal the black mamba's quiet but curious gaze.

As the youth began their own questions and offered their own answers, Seamus continued to grin, giving Foampaw an affirmative nod.  "That's right.  A sailboat, to be more specific." And where did they come from?  Séamus had to consider his answer.  They were still in unfamiliar territory.

"Rowa's mother captains a pirate ship," he began.  "But I'm not a member o' 'er crew; I was just a guest -- 'ad gotten myself lost in a storm like last night's.  My crew lives on an archipelago and my intention was to re-dock there, til we got blown off course."

"But that's alright," he concluded, lowering his head to affectionately boop his daughter with his nose.  "We just needed a place to stay."