Beasts of Beyond
Useless - O; Patient - Printable Version

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Useless - O; Patient - Byriath - 03-01-2021

"And what brings two dim-fucks to my house?" The Xeno growled, staring down the two lynxes. One's paw was bloody, as was their neck, while the other held a guilty glow in their eyes. "We tried to do some hunting, but the boar we tried to get was really strong." And they were young lynxes, too. He grumbled, motioning them inside.

After examination the war-god sighed even deeper. "Paw is twisted but your neck is just a few shallow cuts. You'll have to visit me every day so I can make sure your paw is settling back in, alright?" He left no room for objection as he began to clean up the paw and neck, wrapping them up in a white cloth. "You'd make a pretty good Guru, Byriath." He blinked from under his mask. But after a moment he began to shoo the two out, chuckling. "I don't see why you'd say that - now get."

He stood in the doorway, watching them leave while the idea fermented in his head. A war god as a Guru? Someone who healed and held ceremonies? It was, quite honestly, "Ridiculous."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Useless - O; Patient - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-03-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Being the nosy bitch that she was, Aphra lingered in the background, wondering what had gotten her clanmates so roughed up. Of course, that wasn't without hearing Byriath and his wisdom on medical things, as surprising as that was. "They're right though." The jaguaress commented as she came closer to Byriath, a mischevious smile on her face as she spoke.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Useless - O; Patient - Romulus - 03-06-2021

At the prattling of many, Romulus had never really considered what the situation could be, but once the tinge of blood stained the air, the lion set out. He arrived as the lynxes exited, only to hear Aphra's comment. What could that mean? Her mischievous smile graced his vision. Pondering the results, he ultimately decided to wander over to see for himself. The thought would bother him later if there wasn't an answer.

A dark paw gestured behind him to the two wanderers who were returning home. "What was that all about?" came his low rumble.