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just a precursor - open; evening meal - Printable Version

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just a precursor - open; evening meal - rhosmari - 03-01-2021

tw - mentions of gore

The lioness reeked of the Typhoon but more importantly she reeked of blood. The smell was embedded into her pelt, sticking to her skin. The red substance dyed it and plastered her fur against her body thanks the the pelt she wore for she had no real care to clean it. Maybe later on. Still she had went to the Typhoon and stood at their gate to have a meaningful conversation with her father. But alas, the dead could not speak back and the four and a half year old lioness had encountered someone else. Someone who for all purposes was innocent of the war and threats she proceeded to go through on the Typhoon and the residence there. It left her confused to be so casually chating with her and to break that confusion after he had left her she had snuck into the territory. She had done what they had expected of her, to stop any sort of thought that there would be any chance of change between the two groups. She had descended on the tiger before he had a chance to so anything. His body carefully carved into with thick shards of ice. His screams quickly muffled as he collapsed to the ground. She hadn't wasted much time, skinning him alive so that she could watch the twitching of his muscles. His pelt was beautiful, one of white fur and golden stripes.

Now she wore it dropped over her form and her head almost like a cloak. Poor thing. Much of the body she had eaten halfway from the territory. Taking time to savor the morsels she was indulging in. The feeling of feline flesh sliding down her throat. It was satisfying, it silenced her true hunger. And now she carried his skull in her maw, a wistful feeling in her chest. Coming home. Home. It was what she deemed it to be and the mountain village was predominantly bustling. Moving through the evening rituals some kept. Some stopped to stare at her and she merely smiled back as she carried her companion to her porch. There she flopped down and curled her tail around her paws, holding the skull up to rattle it as if it was speaking to her. She giggled as she looked at it. "Well maybe you should have fought better. Harder.  Smarter. You Typhooners are always so dull." Her brow furrowed as if she was listening for a moment. Skull jaw bones clanking and she snorted.

"Not my fault. Not my problem. And I can wear you for however long I want. The fur is lovely and will keep me warm. You don't need it anymore anyway." A smug look crossed her features before she suddenly frowned and the skull went clattering to the ground. Her eyes became black for a split moment before she began to try and lick the blood from her paws. "Never innocent to begin with."

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - Byriath - 03-01-2021

Mortals and their innocence. The entire concept of any one mortal being innocent was a funny thing, laughable, an irredeemable joke. Something he laughed at. No mortal was truly innocent, that much was true. No matter their begging and pleading, their plea of innocence meant nothing to the war-driven god.

The sight was not unruly to Byriath, such violence he had once done, such violence he wore in proud display with the yellow and black scales and black fur he often had draped over his neck. Power weighted his paws as he approached the porch, hidden face lifting in a smile. Mortals and their "Innocence." He rumbled, watching as she tried to lick her paws free from the red. "Such an interesting topic..." He shook his head. If she wished to delve into that she could, but for now, "Have you enjoyed yourself? You seem quite proud of your catch."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-03-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Although Aphra would never admit it to Sojourn, the jaguaress still had some ties to The Typhoon. Sure, she wanted Roxanne and Diya and the other members of the Roux family to suffer, but all-in-all, Aphra still felt some loyalty towards the home she was born in. It was only natural for her to feel that way, given The Typhoon was her birthplace, but perhaps one day she would learn to be more loyal to the group that allowed her to stay. Not to mention, her daughter Vayne was still apart of the sea-dwelling group and Aphra wanted her back.

Aphra tried to hide her displeasure at the fact that Sojourn had slaughtered a Typhooner, telling herself that the Coalition was her home now, not The Typhoon. The amount of blood that hunt in the air lured the pregnant jaguaress over, though not without the thought of, Damn. Glad I don't have to get that messy. She was all for violence and torture, sure, but getting blood on her fur? Not so much. Then again, she wasn't in her birth body at the moment; blood wouldn't stain her fur as badly, right?

"That's, uh. Quite the catch." Aphra commented, trying to swallow her thoughts of how she felt towards The Typhoon down.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - Romulus - 03-06-2021

The acts of Sojourn had prompted Romulus' concern lately. Sporadic acts of violence, emotional lashing out, and using her newfound power to it's finest extent. He couldn't help but wonder what gears were turning inside her head and how she was processing the death of their parents, perhaps contributing to this change in attitude. Today was no different either. As Romulus wandered through the snowed-in village, his gaze shifted as an audible gasp came from a wanderer in the distance. Their wide eyes directed to Sojourn. Their jaw was agape and stunned. His own eyes shifted to view the sight, a displeased hum leaving him upon realization.

His paws began to slowly traverse over. A glare was sent in Aphra and Bryiath's direction as their words encouraged her, only to continue forward. Romulus stopped before his sister, looking down at her with curiosity. For a moment, his periwinkle gaze traced the pelt she donned and the blood that soaked her pelt. Teeth gritted together. "What have you done, Sojourn?" came his concerned tone. For as much as he wanted to indulge in the matter's fine details, there was no time for small talk.

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-07-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

No clue what was happening, but the smell of blood drew him in, an almost manic gleam causing his optics to turn bright. Okay, so Sojourn had slaughtered a tiger, who cares? Not like he was squeamish of blood or anything anyways. Plus, he had no ties with the Typhoon, so the entire thing could be eradicated for all he cared. "The skin's beautiful." He made a casual remark, completely ignoring the pregnant Aphra. Not when the bloodlust was haunting him, noo. He preferred to either kill, or be left alone to hurt himself enough to end it. He ran his tongue over his lips, watching the Kingpin lap the blood from her paws, sprawled on the floor. He had seen this scene somewhere before, performed it himself too.
His father had done it.
After killing his mother, Jormungand had done it too. He grinned fondly at the memory, flicking his tail before unsheathing his claws, kneading the dirt. "I'm a little tempted myself now, to go on a killing spree." He murmured, more to himself than anyone else.

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - rhosmari - 03-07-2021

Her eyes lifted up, dark blue serpent tongue pausing as she took note of who was talking to her. Her eyes closed for a moment before she proceeded with the cleaning only to stop a few moments later. "Not really but I do like the fur. It is rather pretty." She muttered softly before she rose to sit up. Most of her face was covered by the pelt and she tilted her head a little when Aphra spoke up. A small giggle left the woman before she shook her head a little, her head lowered then and she allowed a grin to pull across her maw. "You should show try your paw at it, Aphra. It is quite therapeutic." Her voice was almost encouraging as she turned her gaze away and found herself looking at her brother. At his words and how he sounded her own smile faltered. Then faded altogether.

Her eyes narrowed slightly before she looked down to her bloodied paws. Upholding their parents legacy. Blood and destruction. Keeping their home safe. Killing them one by one. "I did what I wanted to do. I killed him and he was delicious." There was not an ounce of regret in her voice. The Typhoon was an enemy and so she felt no reason to be sorry about her actions. Who cared. They were the disgusting ones. Not her. Not Sojourn Malus. When the Pittian came forward she could only smirk. Loving the approval and letting it go to her head. She was please, her group should take this as an example.

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-08-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]LOVE ME, HATE ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra caught Romulus's gaze but said nothing to him, only gave him a frown and a shrug as a response. She looked back at Sojourn whenever the woman spoke and tried to laugh at her words. "I'll keep it in mind." At the very least, it would feel nice to sink her claws into Roxanne or Diya's throat. Maybe Roan or Michael too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-08-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


out, performing this now!
IC TEXT | IC opinions only

She seemed so proud of herself that it obviously got to her head. Jor chuckled, feeling quite woozy, and left. She had awoken the bloodlust in him and he wasn't going to let it go to waste.

Re: just a precursor - open; evening meal - Romulus - 03-09-2021

His eye's narrowed at her statements. Unease filled his thoughts. Encouraging them to go off and ruthlessly end the lives of many for their gluttonous ways was not morally pleasurable. One possibly took up on the offer too. Romulus lightly gritted his teeth together, merely taking a moment to look away and sigh. His tail lashed. The lion wasn't sure what to assume from this situation... or rather what he didn't want to think about.

Seeing her covered in the blood of an innocent caused his blood to curdle. To Romulus, their parent's legacy was not bound in aggression and blood-spill, but confidence and togetherness. They paraded through every takeover, every mishap, and every moment of their lives together without any doubts. After all, Stryker's ultimate goal was to find a new home for his family. Not bloodshed. If Sojourn saw it that way, which he did not know of, then he would have to argue on his own behalf and the rest of the Malus family's. This wasn't upholding a legacy, but destroying it.

Yet Romulus would not fuss. He merely let his anger sit in place. "I'm glad your dinner was delectable then, Sojourn," he lowly mentioned. A dull expression donned his facial features. "But let's hope they-" A multi-colored paw pointed down at her new pelt, referencing The Typhoon. "- don't eat your heart out as a result." With that said, the lion turned and began to wander off to do his own soul-searching.

/open to being stopped also!!