Beasts of Beyond
Rear-view mirror - Death - Printable Version

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Rear-view mirror - Death - Seven - 02-28-2021

For the first time in a while, Seven was out in the territory. For reasons quite known she was hiding herself away from the outside, scared that if she showed herself her father would attack, his god-cursed rage tearing through anyone who stood in his way. But after some time of silence and no news of intruders she felt safe enough to try and venture out into the swamp again. Unfortunately, it seemed she would be hounded by him eventually.

The snow white tiger had descended upon her with no remorse, pushing her head down so she couldn't scream as he tore her back up, tore away her tail. Fury rose in her, smothering the fear she felt. Shifting his weight caused him to lose balance as she pushed herself up, a terrible snarl coming from her though already weak with blood loss. She rushed him, biting onto his neck and sinking her fangs deep into him as he scored claws against her own neck, both knowing they were going to die and decided they'd rather go down together in a tangle. As she bled out he seemed to die quicker, remorse flashing in his eyes for a brief moment before they went glossy and she herself fell. Despite his sympathy she felt none for him, the one who wanted her to be a monster. And a monster she became in the end.

Death didn't seem too bad, darkness creeping in as a very strange cold took her into it's arms. With her last breath she whispered, "Sorry... Moth... Mom..."

// Seven's body and her father's body are next to each other close to the edge of tanglewood's swamp - There wasn't much noise but there's more than enough blood that can easily be scented. I'll be posting her returning thread like right after this ^^
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-01-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The strange amount of blood in the air was concerning, to say the very least, and Atbash tried to find its source as quickly as possible, her heart pounding in her chest as she ran. It was strong, very very strong, and that only made the Shaderunner more nervous. Unfortunately for her, she hadn't arrived in time and by the time she did get there, Seven had already bled to death - along with the stranger next to her.

Atbash's throat tightened, unsure at the moment if both Seven and the intruder was dead and as she gained her composure, the savannah came closer. She sniffed the body of Seven's father to determine if he was a Tangler or not, before she tried to nudge Seven awake. Atbash grit her teeth knowing Seven likely won't react but still, she tried to get the tigress to wake up.

Finally accepting that Seven wasn't going to react to her, Atbash swallowed her fear down and tried to grab what was left of Seven's scruff and tried to drag her back to camp as much as possible. Of course, the she-cat was far too small to be making much progress, but at the very least she was moving Seven away from her murderer. "I need help," She tried to call out telepathically to her clanmates. "Someone's dead..." Atbash felt bad for not knowing her own clanmate's name, but her and Seven had never met before.

But hopefully someone would come by to help and Atbash wouldn't be stuck in such an awkward state.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - arrow - 03-01-2021

”Oh, fuck-.”

A savannah dragging an entire tigress along would have been much funnier if the circumstances weren’t so dire and fucked up. She’d smelled the blood but missed the carnage, which already rendered her suspicious at best and threatened at worst. If someone was in the territory and causing harm, it was her responsibility to handle it before anyone else, that was what she was here for. Unfortunately, she’d been much too late. Common theme.

”I’ve got her.” The cheetah muttered grimly after her initial outburst, having seen more than enough blood and gore to realize she wouldn’t get much done harping on the fact she was....mutilated beyond repair. Arrow moved to grasp the other side of Seven’s scruff, flicking a rounded ear. ”You didn’t see anything did you?”
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - rhosmari - 03-01-2021

The smell of blood, a metallic tang on her tongue. Clogging her nostrils and permeating the air. It rose the fur along her spine and caused her flaming mane to sputter erratically. After everything that Tanglewood had been through they didn't need more bloodshed. They had finally gotten back on their paws after the Coalition basically enslaved them and took the reigns. She was a bit worried about the whole Pitt situation but no one had told her anything on what had developed. She had been out of commission for all of that, hoping things did not go down south. But if they did she would have to protect her home. She worried for Atticus too. Caught up in such a turmoil. But this was not about the Pitt, nor the Coaltion. This was about Seven. She remember meeting them at their joining. The bloodshed they had brought with them.

Now it appeared that bloodshed had ended them. "Oh no..." The woman breathed out gently as she slowly approached the scene. Her ears pinned back against her skull as she looked at the body and she knew they would have to tell Aurum about this. Her eyes slowly moved away to look at the dead body that was also there. A snow colored tiger. The perpetrator. Blood staining his claws and she felt anger roll through her gullet. How dare he do this! Heat wavered from her body and her muzzle parted, fire unleashing in an attempt to burn the body of the one that had put an end to Seven. To turn it into dust and ash.

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-01-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Fortunately it didn't take long for help to arrive, with Atbash feeling relieved to have some clanmates nearby. "I didn't see the initial fight, no." The savannah responded as much as she could with a bit of Seven's scruff in her mouth. "But there's another body when I found her, dead too." That's all she could really say, honestly, her ears flicking when she heard Elsweyr's voice
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - S. PENDRAGON - 03-02-2021

Ah, how gruesome.

Sophiea would approach them with both of her tufted ears perked forward and a frown on her maw though her eyes gave away a few emotions yet they were hard to tell before her gaze hardened. They had lost a clanmate. She had never met Seven personally though she figured that she would help regardless as she approached both helping push Seven forward from behind only to briefly grimace as the blood painted her paws yet she pressed on until they reached the place they wanted to drop off the body. Her eyes shifting over to see that Elsweyr was already trying to get rid of the body "Damn..." She hissed quietly under her breath as she stepped away from the body knowing that those who were a lot closer to Seven would be distraught by this yet Sophiea only winced slightly at the thought. She knew the feeling of loss. They would never come back and that was what sucked about life was it not? Her thoughts slipping away from her as she began to grab a cloth to wipe the blood off her paws, the smell of blood and death dancing together.

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - wormwood. - 03-03-2021

Death. Blood. Rot. The trio of scents hit Aurum directly in the face that day, the tiger having been heading back from a border patrol when it did. He had instantly recoiled, jaws parting and ears flattening against his head at the unpleasant combination. He already knew what was going on before Atbash's message reached him, although his heart still sunk upon hearing it. He had become well acquainted with death in the past, and he didn't want to deal with another loss so soon after everything had calmed down. However, he knew he couldn't just avoid the entire situation. So, with a heavy sigh, the angel moved off in the direction of the scent, finding that it wasn't long until he came across the small group.

The sight of Seven's mutilated body was enough to make even him pause, his gaze darkening with grief. He had little idea of what had happened to her, but it seemed as though he was far from the only one. With a heavy heart, Aurum moved over to where the girl's body had been placed down, pressing his nose lightly against her shoulder. He muttered as he pulled his head back, shaking it, "It doesn't smell like it was the work of The Pitt, or The Coalition... I think it was a more personal matter. But if there was another body... it seems she handled it herself." A heavy sigh left him, one paw briefly pressing against his own temple before he continued, "Moth... she'll be devastated..." He wished there was something he could do, but there was nothing to be done, at this point. The only thing left to do was to give her a proper burial. A proper Tangler send-off. He had really hoped that he wouldn't have to hold another one so soon.

Re: Rear-view mirror - Death - trojan g. - 03-04-2021

It seemed all too common now that the smell of blood was what often called Moth over to the border of the swamp's territory, and this time was no different. The smell had caused alarm to rack through the reaper's body, quickly making her way over to the scene, ears flicking and feet moving quicker as she heard the familiar voice in her head. I need help, someone's dead...

Breath stuck in her throat when she saw the scene before her, eyes widening as she looked over the body of Seven and the body of the other's father. She hadn't known Seven for very long, but in the time that she had, she had come to find the other to be like her own child, and though she didn't know it, it had seemed as though Seven had thought of Moth herself as a mother. They had lived together since Seven's joining and Moth had taken care of her as if she were her own, happy to have someone else in the house with her. Of course she had Atticus and Sweeney, but she knew that no matter where their hearts lie, they would eventually end up back in the Pitt, it seemed to fit them better than that of the swamp.

She hadn't thought one that she considered her own to be dead on the border though, and it caused her mind to turn to mush. She forgot all the medicine she had learned in that moment, moving forward and making her way over to the tiger's body, sitting next to her and bringing her paws forward to hold her close. "Seven you've gotta wake up." The mother would mutter, ears pinning to the back of her head as she began to shake. "Come on you've been through too much you've got to wake up." She'd been through hell and back only to die in this way, and it wasn't fair.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

I - AXXO. - 03-04-2021


Not even five days of being here and there was a body.

Admittedly, while Axxo had been drawn here by the smell of death, it hadn't first been at the thought of a member of the clan having died. They couldn't pick up the nuances of smells such as that of one individual to another, or the difference of prey blood versus Tangler blood. Their singular nostril, flaring with deep inhales, only knew the sickly sweet smell of rot and eye-watering richness of the fruits and berries. It was only the potent matters the alien knew.

Thus, to arrive upon a crowd huddled about two bodies - with one already being lifted to someplace else - came as a bit of a surprise. It didn't look like a party, everyone celebrating having taken down a large beast. Every face their many eyes landed upon held sorrow, context clues that someone they cared about had been taken too early.

The creature paused a few yards from the scene, front paws pinned against each other's sides, ears perked, tail raised. Their long neck, once extended upwards for a better view, curled back as their tail began to lower against their rear. Axxo almost felt bad due to their previous expectations, but it wasn't like they had known. They knew death was inevitable, and their weak body was one who was often left to lap up the scraps. Thus, this case of mourning was foreign, if not outright strange to them. They couldn't wrap their mind around the grief.

This situation had not a place for them; thus, as soon as they had arrived, they turned tail and shuffled back into the bog.