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regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - Printable Version

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regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - Atticus Roux - 02-28-2021

His return would be alone. Temporary, perhaps. He didn't know. Atticus needed time away from Tanglewood after Aurum's ignorant rambling and threats of battle. He wouldn't be around to see their downfall. The canine wouldn't deal with the injustice and mischief in Tanglewood. It was a land of hypocrites with egos, thinking that their do-gooder attitude would benefit them in not being the antagonist to the story. They were generalizing based on one member and trying to incite war on that premise. He couldn't stand it.

The Pittian came blazing past the border with his ears pinned on top of his head and rounded pupils narrowed out on the jungle. As he walked, lowly grumbles reverberated from his throat. Thrown aside. Disregarded. Fuck them. A slew of slurs followed promptly as he mind manifested what had happened. Reminiscing on the past, as per usual, was an unhealthy habit for Atticus. Despite that, he continued to do so as he crossed into the jungle's underbrush and into the central plaza.

Eventually out of breath and left to fight for air, Atticus paused. His haunches lowered to the floor and his head collided with a wooden post on a stranger's shop. He wheezed audibly. With a growl, he closed his eyes and dug his claws into the soft ground below his feet. "Fuck this," came his soft groan. What to do... What to do...

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - rhosmari - 02-28-2021

The behemoth, the indomitable creature couldn't say that he was privy to the problems that were circulating but he knew what stance he would take on it. He was raised in a malicious world were there was no mercy and if trouble arose he would do as he must to keep threats at bay. Be it killing or maiming to get his point across. The massive reptilian knew nothing else and to show weakness was something he could not afford to do. The sleek black figure was not a quiet one as he approached, not caring about subtle movements as he walked through his new home. Ground shaking under his weight as he noticed the small canine and his odd behavior. A figure he had not seen before and he allowed his molten hues to narrow just a bit. Fixated on the way he moved and how he held himself. Anger perhaps even distress written all over him and a scent that was at odds with the place that surrounded him.

A slow growl pulled forth from the indoraptor's throat as he tilted his head a bit. The advanced forward, moderately curious of the individuals appearance here. In the heart of the Pitt's. "And you are?" He began neutrally as his thick and long claws flexed slowly before the beast reared on his haunches. He had no where to be and so he deemed it a time to give a little care to the other members around here. "I see something has pissed you off. I would assume it has to do with that smell rolling off you in waves. It smells almost putrid."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - gael - 02-28-2021

Unaware of the in-fighting and frustration of Tanglewood's latest meeting, the vulpine possessed little context for Atticus' fury.  The youth had appeared on the border among Aurum's patrol earlier, his position a seemingly uninvited but diplomatic one -- marked by diligent intent to maintain peace.  Consequently, Gael had not expected to come across the youth in a noticeably distraught attitude.

"Atticus," the Ardent spoke with a carefully quiet tone in consideration for the boy's mood, inclining his head to Serpentine as well.  "Are you well?"

Encouraging word of his physical recovery had been offered during the last meeting among groups, but Atticus' upset attitude spoke of something amiss.  Gael doubted Tanglewood would harm the boy, but he would rather hear it for himself what had caused the youth distress.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - Atticus Roux - 02-28-2021

The thundering rumble of a reptilian sounded above him and caused Atticus' eyes to open in dismay. A stranger. Someone new probably. Even so, his golden gaze narrowed and he kept his distance, remaining close to the pole that held him upwards. Caution was his best bet. Especially with those sharp, pointed claws of theirs. One swipe would be fatal. The canine knew when to act and it was not now, so he instead chose to respond formally. "Atticus," he rumbled back. "Atticus Roux, a member of The Pitt." His claws unhinged from the floor and he pushed himself to his feet. As he stood before the rex, he raised his head to look back up at the giant beast with a frustrated expression dawning upon his sharp features. "And you are?"

As for the next phrase that left Serpentine, he wasn't sure what to say. "Your assumptions are correct," came his blunt statement. He didn't want to indulge into his affairs with a stranger, but luckily a familiar face had managed to pop in. Quiet words sounded out nearby. He gritted his teeth together as Gael spoke. A wave of emotions ran over him, knowing the answer to his question wouldn't be a well one. Not desirable whatsoever. Through his rage, a growl rumbled from the back of his throat, biting his tongue in the moment. Blood seeped through his mouth. The tinge of salt donned his tastebuds and an unpleasant feeling of disdain arose. With a shake of his head, he spoke out. "No."

He fell back into silence for a moment, letting the festering rage inside him calm down before he spoke. Another growl left Atticus. Why did they have to come to this? Instead of acknowledging his own dismay, he focused on the prevailing issue that caused it. "Where's Dante?" he sputtered out. "Has Arrow shown up to the border to serve punishment at all?" Their answers would determine his next words. The Roux was done.

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-01-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
If there was someone who was supposed to be making sure he was being punished, Dante had no idea it was a thing. Though this didn't necessarily mean he wasn't punished; after all, he had to tend to his own wounds and hunt for himself. The latter of which was easy, taking care of his injuries on the other hand was... harder. The lesser of the injuries had healed and scarred up for the most part, but the wound on his side where Elsweyr hit him with flames was still raging, blistering. Almost infected, quite honestly.

Did that bother Dante? Sort of. The hybrid was clearly in pain when he walked, though he felt nothing of it due to finding ways of numbing himself. "The hell ya gonna off 'bout?" Dante grumbled as he sauntered up, huffing and looking down at Atticus. He had no opinion of the kid, not completely anyway, though he recalled meeting the Roux before. Got on his nerves, maybe? Eh, probably. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - Kold - 03-01-2021

"Welcome back." The Marauder walked forward from the jungle, ears pricked and flicking from moment to moment. The last she had seen Atticus was the Tanglewood patrol, not the friendliest of scenarios. But she wouldn't let that keep biting at her.

"I've not seen Arrow since the patrol, but maybe Gael has." She rolled a shrug, her body almost back to it's birth coloration with only a few smears of black still there.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - Atticus Roux - 03-07-2021

Look who decided to show their fucking face. The man who fucked everything up. A growl rolled up from Atticus' throat as the feline began to speak, only to attempt to cut him off. "The fuck did you do?" came his vicious snap. "You attack a deputy, fuck up my dual-alliance, end a neutrality, and have the audacity to walk up like you're hot shit?" The canine moved away from the lingering dinosaur and towards the rebellious Pittian with a snarl. A snort left him."Fuck you."

In the midst of his rage, Kold's words caught his attention. His gaze narrowed. Her answer was unsatisfying. Now that he had seen Elsweyr's wounds, tended to them, and had been ridiculed for standing up for her, Atticus was veering past a thin line. To hear that Tanglewood didn't even hold up their end of the deal had him reeling. "You've got to be fucking with me," he hissed. The male shifted in his spot, deciding between lunging forward and suppressing his instincts, ultimately beginning to walk forward.

The fur upon his scruff began to rise in annoyance. "Well, if they don't show up-" His golden hues shifted towards Gael. "-How about I do the honors?" Claws traversed closer. His muzzle moved close to Dante's, coming face to face. Alabaster stained teeth bared, ready to snap at the other Pittian. For as much as he wanted to brawl immediately, he would listen to Gael's orders.

Re: regulate // open, visiting? return? hm - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-08-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, so that was why that litter bugger was in such a rage-filled state. Dante rolled his eyes and snorted at Atticus's attempt to seem threatening and replied to the boy's original statement, "You're the idiot who decided to have a dual alliance with the enemy." Of course, he didn't know that Atticus was Moth's son and even if he did know, there was a good chance Dante would make fun of Atticus for it. At the wolf's threat though, Dante's lips peeled back, but he fought the urge to try and get the kid out of his face. "Easy now, kid. I've dealt with enough shit as is."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]