Beasts of Beyond
Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Printable Version

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Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Simon F.M. - 02-28-2021


It was a beautiful day as the sun rose, excitement filling all members of the Typhoon. It was a big day and everyone knew it. Celebrations were to be had! The sun was midway through the sky, clocks soon would chime noon, as crewmates took their seats. Blankets and quilts, knitted things of blues and whites, sat laid out across the sands of the Typhoon's beaches. Before them, just out of reach of the waves, was an arch made of metal, soft pink and gentle blue fabrics twisting around it as a white blanket laid before it for those who would soon arrive to be married.

Sat beneath the arch was the Soothsayer, siamese pointed pelt groomed to perfection, with a half wreath of pleasing herbs settled around his shoulders. With wings tucked neatly against his spine he waited, the first to arrive as was his duty. The officiary, soon to finalize the marriage between mother and mother-like figure. A day long-awaited by so many.

None had waited as long as the two lovers who had both faced many trials and failed relationships to reach the day. They had fallen together ungracefully, through stubborn wills but gentle nights. A family began and welcomed into, vampiress taking on the role of mother for a few of the other's eldest, a litter had together, and small one adopted by both. A family, already large and growing, adding on to one that had been lost.

The proposal had been slightly clumsy, a promise before the world had threatened to end. But, the world hadn't ended and life got to continue, though not without its strife. But, together they flourished, having each other's shoulders to lean against when the nights grew too long. Another night had been had, ring gifted after the originally planned proposal had been beaten too, the ring given as a promise had already been made.

Soon, after time has passed and crewmates and visitors had a chance to settle, a melody would begin, played on piano borrowed from the tavern. Soon, the procession would begin as the party stood waiting in a nearby building, awaiting musical queues. Excitment brims in all gathered, a high point of the story soon to begin.

//feel free to post having your character coming to sit and wait for the wedding to begin!

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Grimm - 02-28-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Time never halts, all caught beneath it, subject to it though varying the effects. Children had they both been, a meeting following aftermath he much preferred left to the pages of history. His voice gone, taken in savagery that wished for a demise that would not be his, yet hers was enough for them both. Sweet with a heart lacquered in gold, pinned to her sleeve and so freely handled, a picturesque snapshot of everything good. Undeserved then, an affection he had grown accustomed to, took for granted in a fashion he had come only to regret.

She was everything he could not be, all he wished for. Even as their beginning proved a tumultuous occurrence arising after the next always was she there, a present that offered nothing but comfort, even at her own expense. To this day, when his heart grew soft and somewhat forlorn the smile he bore for too much had he missed, proud was he, her accomplishments and days prior only a beginning. For this she was made, a love so soft and sweet, a harbour in the darkness of storm lashed seas.

Unsure was his movements to once more fix the bow tied about his neck, a soft blue, not quite a perfect match but near enough he allowed it. A nervous habit such fidgeting, correcting what did not need it, something simply to do. Lengthy the preparations, a shadow upon the sidelines for he wished to be no nuisance, small black box hidden beneath belly. Simple the trinket, though wrong had it felt to come empty handed though he lacked anything to give to Roxanne, unknown to him and thus gauging what was suitable beyond him. Later would such be amended, his gaze briefly wandering down to the container.

Together were they matched, opposite in many ways, yet the stars and the frost of the mountain had acted as their cradle. Sigh bypassed his lips as those who were preparing moved away, begun their own clean up as the waiting guests grew excited, contagious their joy. None moved forth until one in particular entered the scene, his own adornment befitting his rank, a sight in many ways, though biggest draw his apparent state. Roan knew well what he was doing, regal as he perched beneath erected arch, silent in his observation of the guests.

Among them Har filled in, hasty in his retrieval of the box, forth moving though, for the most part, allowed the crowd to take him. Solitary his placement at the outer edge, near enough the front he may witness all, but not to a point he was among the family Diya had found and made upon these shores. Better this, hidden away where he may not have witness to tears he already felt brimming. She had gone through so much, lost a great deal, but to see where she ended up carved a wide grin across his lips.

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Alexandre - 02-28-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
With the sun on the horizon and the party gathered in a building nearby, the day was upon them. Nervous, yet excited, Alexandre sat tall in the meeting spot with his tail between his paws. His claws fiddled lightly at his tail tip. The feline's orange hue swerved over towards the rest who had joined him, surveying his family and their dearest friends. A subtle grin pulled onto his maw. They were all here to support them. Roxanne and Diya. The family they had started would support them through their travels and love life, as would he. With the thought in mind, the ringbearer anxiously awaited his cue with a purr.

/tracking! can't wait <3333

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Keona. - 02-28-2021

Strange, this concept of fuss and formality.  Large celebration for something so... Undefinable yet simple.  Love.  No doubt a relief to finally share.  To finally set in stone.  Officate.  To finally no longer simply anticipate, but put into motion.

A handcrafted wreath adorned the tiny wildcat's head in honor of the occasion.  A small and simple crown of 'ilimas.  The crafter, Salem, at her side.  A relief, for she couldn't help but feel awkward.  Unfamiliar with these stories of romance.  Content and proud to be present, to be witness to something pure and happy, but... Out of place all the same.  Not a romantic by any means.  A passing thought wondering if her father and mother were married in a similar way.  On the shore of someplace they loved...

Idly, her paw adjusted the seashell necklace sitting on her chest, throwing an unusually shy smile at her friend and companion.  She wasn't very good at weddings.


Strange.  Her mother and Diya had been engaged for some time now.  The wedding an event of mounting anticipation.  Hope for a good, fresh start.  The growing family made official through bonds of word.  A celebration.

The growing draconic jaguar put on her best for the occasion.  Small tropical flowers braided into well-groomed fur.  Lavender and pink bow drapped around her neck, matching the colors of her eyes.

Practically vibrating even as she took her seat.  Never good at remaining still, the youth certainly never attended a wedding before.  Ears perked.  Mitch-matched hues flickering around.  Fidgety.

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Ironically enough, Vayne and her littermates' very existence was because of Diya and Roxanne's relationship. She was born out of hate and raised in hatred for the two. Yet here she was, adopted by the both of them. Aphra would be furious. Vayne knew she was. Diya saying so when Aphra first came and got her was proof enough that Aphra hated the fact that Vayne had been adopted by the Captain and her fiancé.

Vayne was excited for what was about to happen, though there was some part of her that was nervous. She couldn't understand what or why she felt that way, or what was causing her to feel that way.. Maybe she was worried something would go wrong?

//tracking + lost muse in the middle of my post dsiuivjae[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - daniel - 03-02-2021

If he was being honest, he felt rather out of place.

Danny did not really know Diya or Roxanne that well, not at all in comparison to everyone who had gathered, and he was furthermore not related to either of them as well. He had no real reason to attend the wedding, perhaps one of the only ones here who could have simply not attended and not be looked for later. But the buzz around the event was far too much to ignore, and he had never seen a wedding before, and after some thinking had realized he didn’t want to have to try and explain himself if Vayne or even Harland possibly questioned him later about his reasons for not attending. He would just keep his mouth shut and not look like a little fool until the event was over, and then vanish into the background when the socialization began. Because again, he didn’t actually have any reason to be there. And that was also a lot of people.

Rocking back and forth subtly, Danny looked around at all the wedding decor, hoping to avoid eye contact for the most part and swallowing back his anxieties. If he could sweat, he’d probably be sweating a little. He didn’t have a bow or anything fancy to wear, and in a last minute haste to look decent, as that’s just what you do, he’d found a little tropical flower to use instead, stem woven through his fur to rest upon his ear. Perhaps that might have come across as too feminine for a strong and tough boy like himself, but it was all he had. Also it looked pretty and smelled nice.
[glow=black,2,300]— ❤ —[/glow]

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - Windowmemer - 03-02-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Yeah, Inferno was still kinda pissed at Roxanne, but today was still the captain's marriage. Plus Inferno hadn't ever attended a wedding before and to be honest, she kinda liked it here. She glanced at her sister, looking nervous, and laughed to herself and padded over to sit next to her. "Somebody's nervous." Mirth shone in the kitten's bright optics as she nudged her sister with a paw. Inferno was feeling strangely giddy but she remained calm. Didn't want to get kicked out of a wedding, after all. And she even made herself look pretty and all that.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!

<333333 daegogkshr yaaay!


Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - roan ; - 03-02-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Anxiety. It wouldn't be appropriate to say that Roan was anxious about his mama and Diya's wedding, because he wasn't. He was quite excited for it, actually, but he couldn't help feeling a little nervous about his part to play in it. The soothsayer had been slightly surprised when he had been approached by the pair to officiate for the whole event, but he supposed he shouldn't have been that caught off guard. He was meant to be a sort of spiritual leader in addition to being the head medic, plus he had a strong relationship to both brides. Even as he had agreed to it, though, he had also felt a bit uneasy. What if he messed up? What if he forgot what he was supposed to say, and ended up ruining the entire wedding? What if his mama and Diya ended up regretting ever asking him to officiate? The thoughts frantically running through his head had been enough to keep the medic up for days, nights spent flipping through various books talking about the job and rituals of being an officiate. Now he felt fairly confident that he could perform the ceremony well, even if his stomach was occasionally churning as he pictured the various other things that could go wrong. What if one of his mama's enemies tried to cause a scene? The thought alone was enough to make the siamese's blood run hot with anger.

In spite of these worries, Roan had other things to attend to when he had first woken up that morning, like making himself look nice. The half wreath of herbs around his neck had been an interesting choice, but he had felt it would be the most appropriate. After all, it was both pleasing to look at, and it smelled extremely good as well. It wasn't so powerful that it would distract or take away from the main event, but it would hopefully just be another thing helping to make the day perfect. As he shifted a bit beneath the arch, he brought a paw up to his chest to smooth out the fur that rested there, hoping that he looked appropriately dolled up. It had been a bit difficult to judge how nice he really looked at the moment, considering he was feeling extremely round from his pregnancy. Although, judging by the warm smiles that had been leveled towards him as he headed for the beach, he had to imagine that he looked pretty good.

As others began to gather around and take their seats, Roan could feel his tail twitching behind him in excitement. He felt so happy for both his mama and Diya, overjoyed that they had managed to find each other even through all that had happened. As he waited for the pair to take their places in front of him, the medic nodded and purred towards the audience, "Welcome, everyone. Thank you all for coming." He was sure that both of his mothers would give plenty of their own thanks, but it felt right to give everybody a warm welcome. He was glad that they were there, and would've been quite annoyed if anyone had snubbed either his mama or Diya by not attending.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-03-2021

(03-02-2021, 01:22 PM)Windowmemer link Wrote:
♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Yeah, Inferno was still kinda pissed at Roxanne, but today was still the captain's marriage. Plus Inferno hadn't ever attended a wedding before and to be honest, she kinda liked it here. She glanced at her sister, looking nervous, and laughed to herself and padded over to sit next to her. "Somebody's nervous." Mirth shone in the kitten's bright optics as she nudged her sister with a paw. Inferno was feeling strangely giddy but she remained calm. Didn't want to get kicked out of a wedding, after all. And she even made herself look pretty and all that.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!

<333333 daegogkshr yaaay!


[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; color: #00AC67; letter-spacing: -1px;"][glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne jumped a bit as Inferno gave her a nudge, blinking her mix-matched eyes at her littermate before replying, "Well, yea. They're my adoptive parents." Did Inferno know about that? Probably not, and Vayne had a feeling she probably wouldn't be too happy about it. Hopefully, though, Inferno wouldn't cause a scene at what is supposed to be a joyous occasion. "But I'm worried something might go wrong." She whispered the last word, almost as if she was afraid of jinxing things.

As Roan begun to speak though, Vayne went quiet and turned her attention to the Soothslayer.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Let's go together, we'll be free || DIROX WEDDING - salem - 03-04-2021

Vine-wrapped paws quietly padded besides Keona, dark eyes often drawn down or towards the decorations -- away from others.  The kodkod had never been to a wedding before, though he certainly had no complaints for the opportunity to offer Keona another crown of 'ilimas to wear; a matching lei resting on his own shoulders.

The bride should be the most beautiful at their wedding, but Salem kept finding his gaze locked on his friend rather than the aisle, breath catching for a brief moment -- lost by the adorable smile she wore.  The youth had never seen Keona look shy before; the word simply never pertained to her.  His own smile widened sheepishly, before moving to gently nudge her.

Afterwards his head turned sharply, ears perking at the sound of Roan's welcome.  Salem gave the soothsayer a warm smile as he spoke, silently resting his tail over his paws in respectful attention.
I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat   salem / faemor / crewmate