Beasts of Beyond
LITTLE MISS WOODS COMMA L - open; aurum needed - Printable Version

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LITTLE MISS WOODS COMMA L - open; aurum needed - trojan g. - 02-28-2021

[div style="max-width: 450px; min-height: 100px; padding: 5px; font-family: timesnewroman; text-size: 9pt;text-align: justify;"]From the sky the pigeon did come, two items carried thrown on the porch of the one and only leader of Tanglewood. They landed with a small thunk, hitting the door one, two tapping as a soft nock before falling to the ground, three, four. Toes tippy tapped in a dance as they sat there, waiting, waiting for the door to open so he could speak.

Once opened the pigeon would pause for a moment, head tilting before quickly running up and grabbing the two items, flying up in the creature's face, feet shoved towards eyes to show off their items. Two pacifiers, one pink, one blue would be shown to them, before speaking soon came. "You're pregnant hee hee hoo hoo, and you have at least two. A boy and a girl at the very least, so have fun with that." They were thrown then towards the animal who opened the door, in an attempt to hit their snout before landing with a soft thud, toes once again tipping and tapping, before flying off.

//please don't respond before aurum

Re: LITTLE MISS WOODS COMMA L - open; aurum needed - wormwood. - 02-28-2021

It had been such a pleasant morning, up to that point. Aurum had just been curled up in bed, comfortably pressed up against the side of Siborno and leeching without remorse off of his lover's warmth. However, he had been woken up from his peaceful slumber by a frantic tapping sound from the front door, something that caused him to raise his head with a groan. Even as he heard a soft noise of protest from Sib beside him, the pregnant tiger slipped out of bed, shaking out his golden fur before heading down the steps. When he did finally open the door, he was surprised to see a pigeon standing there, thinking that perhaps the other was some sort of strange new joiner he had missed. That didn't seem to be the case, though. The luminary let out a soft shout as the pigeon flew into his face, speaking in a coo before the pacifiers were thrown at him, hitting him in the nose.

Although Aurum desperately wanted to ask what the fuck was going on, he was seemingly too late, seeing as the pigeon had already taken off. Now that the other was gone, the angel simply blinked and stared down at the pair of pacifiers, seeming totally stunned by what had just happened. After a long moment, he uttered, rather loudly, "What the fuck?" He hadn't meant to be so loud, but it would probably be enough to alert Siborno - and others - to his desperate confusion.

Re: LITTLE MISS WOODS COMMA L - open; aurum needed - COSMIIX - 03-02-2021

Siborno had been rather comfortable to say the least but the sound of knocking made the large hybrid growl quietly wondering who it could have been at this hour and he could already feel Aurum getting up causing a soft noise of protest to leave him, the ursine hybrid laying there with squinting eyes as he watched Aurum walk away and head downstairs to see who it was. One morning. One. Fucking. Morning. That's all Siborno wanted but he supposed that he would get up to see who it was and hopefully scare them off so he could get back to bed with his lover, Sib rolled off the bed with a low huff as his narrowed pupils went over the room. He began to head downstairs after shaking himself out only to see that Aurum was standing at the door, his head tilting to the side at what the other said making him flinch slightly at the profanity that left Aurum's maw. "W-who?" He approached slowly glancing over the other to see the pacifiers.

Resting his chin on the tigress' head, Siborno saw no point in standing there and well, catching a bit more sleep didn't sound so bad. With a large paw, he scooped up the pacifiers unsure of what the purpose of them were but it reminded him of something. He stared for a few more moments before he threw them away as far as he could still upset that whoever had decided to come over had run off before he could say anything to them... If he would've anyways given the fact he was a silent man. "Bed?" He eventually inquired to Aurum with a tilt of his head though he wouldn't be opposed to the other wanting to start the day now instead of sleeping a bit more. Siborno would follow whatever the decision was even if he would mentally grumble in his mind.