Beasts of Beyond
win or cry - private; morrison - Printable Version

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win or cry - private; morrison - rhosmari - 02-27-2021

She was tittering, hanging on the edge. A small thin line between despair and euphoria. It was tearing her mind a part, destroying who she used to be. And unfortunately she didn't care. She couldn't care about something she hardly realized was happening. Her paws treaded along the thin spit of land that the typhoon often used to get to the mainland. A railroad track that led to nowhere. It was old, rusted, and useless but only for other things. Just one purpose it fulfilled. She was making her way toward the gate. Toward where she knew his head rested, after all the Typhoon had yelled it to the heavens. Proclaimed their joyous victory of how they had beheaded Stryker. A figure she found she no longer cared about in the sense of family. She had become withdrawn from anyone that was related to her. Casted them out subconsciously. She led. She was their Kingpin only.

Her body stopped, paws still before her head lifted up to look at the rotting head upon the gate. It was hardly recognizable save for the horns that adorned the skull that was half covered in flesh now. Her head tilted to the side and suddenly a fear spread through her. A feeling of being so small, so weak. She felt it funneling through and her legs began to tremble. "Dad...." She breathed out, eyes widening and her tail curled against her body. "I'm....things at home are...not good. I'm scared we are going to die out. I'm scared that no one will trust what the Coalition could be. We are damned but we are not useless. Fuck. Even mom....even Ninazu left us." She hissed sharply before her light pink eyes closed tightly. God, she was not a child anymore. She was a killer, a monster. Something to be reckoned with.

So then why didn't she feel that way?

Re: win or cry - private; morrison - Morrison - 02-27-2021

Morrison hadn't become acquainted with The Typhoon's members or their territory just yet, but island exploration was no stranger to him. After settling down and tying his mediocre boat to the dock, the canine set out on a mission. Paws firmly maneuvered through the islands with ease, pausing to small talk with the locals every now and then, only to set off moments later. Needless to say, the place was interesting. His eyes surveyed the beauty of his new home curiously and landed on the railroad tracks in the horizon as he walked. Pondering it's use, he grew closer.

Given time, an unfamiliar scent mixed with rotten flesh caused his nose to scrunch up and the murmurs of a female met his pointed ears. He pondered leaving. Ignoring her words would be the best option. After all, self-preservation was key after all these long years, but the canine couldn't help it. With a blunt swear underneath his breath, he changed paths. Morrison approached casually from afar, eyes locking with the head on the gate upon noticing. A pit formed in his stomach. So this was the issue? His gaze snapped over to the lion. He hesitated forward and offered a dip of his head in greeting (despite her eyes being closed). Even so, his teeth gritted together. The silence was deafening.

Amidst her trembles, his claws lightly tapped on the metal gate. The metallic reverberation was meant to get her attention, leading into his introduction. "Now girlie, I ain't expecting you to explain why you're here, but if you need an ear, you've subconsciously summoned the wrong guy," he started with. A smug smirk met Morrison's lips. "Although, my curiosity is peaked."

That said, he lingered closer to the stranger with a narrowed gaze. The wolf wasn't aware of The Typhoon's foreign policies, nor did he necessarily care, so she seemed like another rogue to him. A paw nonchalantly gestures upwards towards Stryker's head on the gate, only to crane his head in response. "Who's this bloak?" came his questioning tone. "He must of went belly up and muddled the waters awhile back if he looks like that."
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: win or cry - private; morrison - rhosmari - 02-28-2021

Subconsciously, subconsciously. She hadn't meant to come here. Her paws had just taken her somewhere to try and seek some form of comfort but all it did was throw her emotions into further chaos. Dragging her mind deeper into the depths to swallow her whole once again. The stammering girl had changed, like she had not been there to begin with. The moment he spoke she had fled and her anger flourished. Slowly her pale pink gaze opened up to look at the aquatic looking wolf. Taking in his features and noting the stench that rolled off of him. After all he had come from the very direction of the Typhoon, the place that she hated the most. The place where she continued to bombard them and they did nothing but sit on their ivory thrones. Her disgust was almost palpable. "I'm surprised someone like you would even care to give a damn." Her claws stretched from their sheaths, the idea of spilling his blood coasting in her mind. Yet she had never seen his face before. He hadn't been there, he didn't know the Typhoon's atrocities. The lioness forced herself to be calm though it went against everything in her body. She wanted to lurch forward and forget.

Her eyes narrowed at the question and she found her muzzle curling, jaws parting on a low growl. Why did she even care? Why did it matter so much? It didn't. It didn't. She could tell herself that firmly over and over again. But it would be a lie. Suddenly she giggle, a breaking glass laugh as she turned her eyes up to look at the head once again. "He was my father. He was the king of an empire that fell too soon. Now he's dead because he couldn't kill two bitches. It is a shame really. A real pity but I guess everyone is happier for it." Everyone except her. Except her family. With effort she tore her gaze away from the rotting head. "Who are you anyway?"

Re: win or cry - private; morrison - Morrison - 03-04-2021

A cackle echoed from the back of his throat. His tail slapped harshly onto the floor and his head turned towards her. A sneer lined his maw. "I'm surprised I do too," he replied back. The wolf had considered ditching her to sulk on her own, after all. If it wouldn't nag at his psyche afterwards, maybe he would have. "Usually I'm not all about that 'mushy gushy' bullshit, mate, but you-" Morrison's claw pointed at her chest. "-look like you need a drink." He could use one too... but this god damn The Typhoon's tavern had the cheapest shit. Drinking piss seems more delectable.

Pointed ears pressed against the back of his head. His head tilted. A soft, disgruntled hum left him. She was laughing. Golden eyes turned back to the beheaded lion on the gate, tracing it's silhouette. Her father, eh? Morrison knew nothing about The Typhoon besides his family and their name, nor Sojourn's gripe about them. "Let me guess, dead cunt did something wrong and got the 'ol boot," came his blunt tone. Truthfully, he wanted to know more. If she was to speak about Stryker's, the canine would have no qualms. There would be no issue if Sojourn took the head either. He was not a snitch. 

"Could say the same for yourself, miss," Morrison answered back. He wasn't one for skipping the formalities though, so he continued with a confident smile. "M'name is Morrison, captain of the seas." A wanderer with no true home. "Visiting family here and there across the area, but settled here for the time being." He wasn't going to call this place 'home' anytime soon though. The Typhoon had a nice environment, but seeing a head on a pike wasn't exactly the best first impression. "Now, who are ya?" It was only fair for her to share after he did. Sharing is caring.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————