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What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - Printable Version

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What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - abralithe - 02-27-2021


Apologies in advance if this is a dumb question, but I took notice of the fact that the shop makes no mention of what venom and acidic related abilities fall under. I figured venom might fall under hybridization - say, for example, a cat/cobra so that the cat could have venomous fangs - but I didn't want to assume. I also saw no mention of acidic-type abilities anywhere and wondered if they were allowed or if I was just missing what such an ability would fall under.

Thank you in advance! Also, apologies if this question has been asked before and I looked over it!

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-27-2021

Heya!! They would fall under mutations, as long as it's something that can be found naturally in the wild. For your particular example, a cat could have venomous fangs as a mutation instead of being an outright hybrid.

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - abralithe - 02-27-2021

Ohhh! Alrighty, thank you!

So, as an example based off a quick google search, there are ants which can spray formic acid and beetles which can spray noxious burning chemicals. Thus, in theory, a mutation like that can be applied - for example - to canine or feline, right? Moreover, apparently, acids can be flammable when mixed with metal dust. So, if a character had artificial metal teeth or a mutation that allowed them to have teeth made of metal, and scraped them together whilst spraying an acid, they could theoretically breathe fire?

As a side note, I'm not looking for mutations as a means around buying the fire elemental as I know doing things like that is against the rules! I just like to look into the biology of my characters!

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-27-2021

I don't see an issue with characters having mutations where they can spit or spew acidic material, like the example you gave with the ants and beetles. But in regards to some chemicals being flammable when exposed to a certain substance, I'm going to say no to that one, unless fire elementals was bought - in which case, yes, you could say that having metal teeth or something similar enables them to breathe fire. Just not without the item, sorry about that!

I hope that was able to answer your question! If not, I can ask Egg or Orion for clarification on whether or not it would be allowed :0

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - abralithe - 02-27-2021

Oh no, that's perfectly fine!

Apologies if my wording was confusing as I didn't mean to come across as trying to avoid buying the fire item; I fully intended on buying it in order to use the ability!

And it was, you explained it very well! Thank you for the help!

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - Orion - 02-27-2021

Yep! Maple's 100% correct on that and if you have any further questions, we're here to help. :0 (also welcome back!!!)

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-27-2021

Nono, you're fine!! I just wanted to make sure that others that happen across this thread know for sure to buy the elemental item if they wanted to cause fires from the chemicals. But no problem! Feel free to DM me or post here/in this board if you ever need help again <3

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - abralithe - 02-27-2021

Oh, I wasn't expecting a welcome back, haha; thank you very much!!

And I'll be sure to if I have any more questions! :0

Re: What do Acid & Venom Abilities fall under, if allowed? - Orion - 02-28-2021

Sounds good + no problemoooo. Also if it's easier or for shorter questions, feel free to use the Discord server's #forum-questions channel.