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FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - Printable Version

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FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - CHERRYWINE - 05-18-2018

Cherry was bored. No one was ever around in her little clan, and while sometimes the quiet may be appreciated by her, sitting alone at home with a glass of wine made her feel like a middle aged mom. She missed causing trouble, and picking up cute chicks at parties. Was she to just accept that everyone was boring as hell around here? For now, she avoided making any assumptions, since Tanglewood was the only clan she'd been to so far.  So, after wandering for a while, the tabby found her way to Snowbound. She'd heard a bit about them, and she had no idea what their political stance was, but who gave a shit? She was sure she could get a way in here easy. Besides, she'd heard some rumors that the leader here was basically a doormat, so it couldn't be that hard.

As Cherry approached the border, she let out a small huff, watching as her breath condensed in the air. She hadn't been to many cold places in her lifetime, but she definitely knew she didn't like it much. This place wasn't awful, though - it probably would just take a bit of warming up to, and the seasons were changing. Until then, she'd just bitch about it, and if it were really that bad, she'd check someplace else out. The lovely molly stepped over the scent line that separated Snowbound from the other clans, bright blue gaze flicking over her surroundings. How bland. Hopefully, the people would make up for it. As she walked further into the unfamiliar territory, Cherrywine called, [color=#90000c]"Hey! Anyone out there? It's kind of rude to keep a guest waiting, you know!"
There were supposed to be a ton of people here, so there at least had to be a small group of cool ones, right?


Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - JERSEYBOY - 05-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]( rushed + mobile but i had to post sksksfh
ninja’d dAMMIT )

"Slow your roll, sweetheart." Came the calm response from the tuxedo tom cat as he appeared seemingly out of the blue. His green eyes were set on the lovely molly, a bit amused by her impatient demeanor and her eagerness to cross into their territory. She was lucky — she was getting off easy with him because they had met before (and besides, how could he get mad at such a pretty face

He had a cigarette dangling out of his maw. Jerseyboy sat on his haunches and took it in between his paw toes before exhaling the smoke through his teeth. "So, what brings you out here, huh? You're a long way from the swamp." He spoke in an almost teasing tone, awaiting a response.

Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-19-2018

A while back, the ivory-hued wildcat had once visited all of the clans himself and had tried to figure out which groups he liked and which groups he despised. There were two groups that he never wished existed, and there was another group that he quite enjoyed, he just didn't have the time to go to said place and visit them again. He liked the Ascendants, and yet the one clan that he seemed to like didn't get all that much attention. Despite being one of the groups that had the same mindset that Snowbound had in the first place. It didn't make much sense to Killua no matter how many times he would offer the idea. When he went to go visit the clans, it had been before he was promoted to deputy so he didn't have to really worry about pissing anyone off. Besides, the wildcat made sure that he never had a scent and that no one was capable of tracking him down even if they tried thanks to his use of teleportation if they tried to follow his tracks. He kept to the trees most of the time for a reason after all, and the assassin never wanted to be found by those that didn't like him and pissed him off. The young male was more than capable of stirring up trouble with the powers that he had underneath his belt, but Tanglewood never really was on his radar. Instead, it was the Typhoon that was more of a concern to the white male out of the factor that Jacob seemed to be drooling all over them. While half the time Killua considered them all a threat except for one creature that lived in Typhoon who was capable of potentially helping him with his family and other aspects of his life. It was a hard road to go down, but he was starting to consider the female an ally. Everyone else though? He could care less, and if they appeared on the border he wasn't going to be nice to him even if London, Mel, or even Jacob chewed him out for his behavior. They couldn't blame him out of the fact that the Typhoon had attacked the group and had barely apologized for what happened. They didn't atone for the horrible things that they had done that nearly got a Snowbounder killed just because of the medical condition that she had in the first place. He wasn't really one that was to hold grudges, but the Typhoon pissed him off. When he had visited Tanglewood, he didn't have great experience, to say the least. There were at least two creatures that approached him that didn't seem to think that he was there to cause trouble. Which he wasn't, as he was just trying to have some fun and have a chat with someone that wasn't in Snowbound. Most of the creatures in Snowbound limited in numbers so he didn't want to have to continue talking to the same faces over and over again. Everything was going smoothly up until the point that Beck got involved and started pissing off Killua with threats that were empty to the assassin.

This ended up with the leader slapping his lips against the young males, Killua still remembering the horrible taste that he had in his mouth from being kissed. It was disgusting, and he still hated the guy for it. He had made it up in his mind that he was just going to the Tanglewood eventually to piss off the creature that ran the place. That didn't mean he absolutely hated Tanglewood, but he wasn't sure how much had changed since he last was there. Probably not much considering how the clans usually went anyway. The albino serval definitely didn't like when others trespassed when they weren't supposed to. Now if someone didn't know what the clans were, he would give them a pass. But most creatures by pure instinct would be able to tell pretty quickly what the scent markers would mean and would stop themselves from passing over them. Those that simply passed over the borders seemed to be nothing more than egotistical idiots. And unless proven otherwise, he would think about that when it came to every sort of intruder. The albino serval had caught the scent of Tanglewood not too long ago and had kept in the trees as he tracked the female as she made her way through the border. He usually remained up in the trees using his air elementals to make it impossible to keep his scent and to make it almost impossible to hear his movements. The assassin didn't want to give his presence away from the other, but it seemed like others seemed to find the female before he could properly reveal himself. Killua positioned himself on a branch that was around 15ft above the ground and slightly behind to where Cherry was standing and stopped herself. God her voice was annoying to his sensitive ears. Getting up into a standing position on the branch, the albino serval would let himself fall to the ground below, his paws making no sound as he landed in the snow. He wore an annoyed look on his features, and he was already the size of the full grown domestic cat at that. He flicked one of his large white ears as he didn't speak up just yet, having spaced himself around 5ft directly behind the Tanglewood members. "Man, are all Tanglewood members idiots like you? Any newborn kit would be able to instinctively to stay away from a scent that they don't know. That is, of course, you actually intended to step over it thinking that it would be perfectly okay in your little egotistical fed brain of yours." Killua's long metal claws were unsheathed as he spoke, and he almost sounded like he was speaking in a cheerful tone. Someone would have to be an idiot not to hear the threatening undertone to his voice, and this time he didn't even bother to make fun of the way that Jersey spoke to the female. Cherry would eventually realize that her escape route had been cut off by the serval, if she was paying careful enough attention to surroundings. However, he wasn't in perfect condition, as there were bandages wrapped around his throat and his right leg. Like that would stop him if the female wanted to fight. A fight that she couldn't win especially since she was alone.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - CHERRYWINE - 05-22-2018

Cherry's gaze was quick to settle upon Jin as he approached, and almost instinctually, a smile stretched across her maw, tail curling around her back leg. The first thing this guy greeted her with was some language she had never heard before, and it made her pause for a moment. God, was this some foreign clan? That would fucking suck. But, before she had a chance to turn around and walk off, he went on, speaking in slightly broken English. Had he not been pretty cute - and had she not wanted to get a chance to check this place out -, she probably would have walked away anyway, but she instead took a seat, blinking baby blues up at the Snowbounder. "Who you?"

[color=#90000c]"Th' name's Cherrywine, but you can ca-"
the petite tabby cut herself off when a familiar voice announced the arrival of Jerseyboy, glancing over to him as her smile returned, a bit more coy than before. He was looking fine as ever, though perhaps she wasn't the best judge of that, considering they'd only met the one time. Cherry couldn't help but watch as he raised his cigarette to his lips, her tail curling tightly around her front paws. "Oh, that place isn't really for me, y'know," she responded with a little shrug. "Too muggy. Plus, the people there are kinda gross. Thought I'd try something new." Was she planning on staying in this place? Hell no. But Jersey living here too was definitely a plus.  "How's the leg?" Cherrywine went on to tease, referring to the trap he'd gotten it stuck in last time they'd seen each other.

Of course, someone had to come along and ruin all the fun. Cherry had expected it to be some big leader dude to do it, since someone had to, honestly, but it was just some punk kid. Yeesh. At first, she kind of tuned his words out, but as he went on, she found herself gritting her teeth. Finally looking the younger boy in the eye, the molly narrowed her eyes, getting to her paws. "You wanna say that again, kid?" she inquired, though her tone was surprisingly calm. Did this fucking bitch want to fight? 'Cause she could certainly arrange that. Her paws itched to draw her dagger, but she refrained for the time being, reminding herself that his clanmates were present. She could totally get away with killing him if she were alone, but it seemed she wouldn't be so lucky today.


Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-22-2018

Killua hated to admit it, but taking the lives of others is what he did best. That's what his family wanted for him after all. He didn't want to have to kill others like the way he used to without a care in the world. He remembered the first time that he had actually killed someone and how great it felt, that ia ctually made him feel alive. He was only four months old at the time. Someone as large as a serval at that time didn't have all that much trouble when it came to taking down targets that were similar in size to them. He also was born with powers that he now basically had control over. The assassin had no reason to try using only his biological abilities to help him try to win a fight. Being a serval, the second fastest land animal just under the cheetah, definitely had its perks when it came to the likes of speed. However, his powers ultimately made his job a lot easier, as he could always conjure up a random object whenever he wanted. It was one of the wild cards that he did use while he was in a fight, especially since he couldn't use his yo-yo's at the moment thanks to how much they weighed. He wasn't sure what his brother had done to him a while back, but whatever he did it took a couple of the powers he used to have away. Annoying yes, but it was the best that he could manage right now and he would eventually get the power back, and if he didn't then he could always modify his fighting approach in the end. Killua had many different plans when it came to the aspects of fighting, but if he was fighting just to fight someone and not kill them, that was a little bit difficult. Everything about his body had been hand crafted by his family, morphed into what they wanted him to be and more. His claws were basically mini swords, not taking the complete shape of a feline's claws. Instead, they were longer, almost like a canine so that he could stab someone with said claws and they were usually long enough to cut he artery into someone's neck. Which would usually seal their fate unless they had a means to stop bleeding that would drain them in a matter of seconds. He had nerve damage across the majority of his body to the point that it was extremely difficult for him to feel pain in certain areas. Of course, areas like his eyes and ears were extremely sensitive to attack, but there was no way one could train themselves in that category unless they wanted to make themselves blilnd or had countless bodies they could take over in the future. The wildcat had no need to train an area like that, and he had all the powers that needed in order to win the likes of a fight. He basically took down a Typhoon member fairly easily, and she was quick to be beaten to the point where she wouldn't be able to walk again. Having studied anatomy for years and tortured countless, he could figure out exactly how to make someone scream.

Even if they thought that they were the toughest out there. He had mental powers that he could use to mke someone hallucinate to give him a little bit more time to attack in a fast battle. However, he didn't use it all that often and the power was probably rusty at this point. Either way, he was a born fighter, and because of all the terrible things he's done, he wasn't someone to look up to when it came to growing up. He was miserable for the majority of his life, and all he had ever wanted was a normal life. Albeit that it would be wishful thinking that his family would ever actually leave him alone. He wished that was the case. Either way, Killua wasn't the least bit intimidated by the female all things considered. Jersey seemed to know the other, but he didn't and that meant he wasn't going to trust her, especially since she meant to walk over the border on purpose meant that she was going to be up to no good. Now, if it had been a kit or even someone that wasn't originally an animal that came across the border, he probably wouldn't have given them a break, but this was a Tanglewood member and he doubted that they would have given someone a second chance if someone walked across their borders. So why should Killua be any different? So he could be the better person? Yeah, he wasn't exactly in the mood at the moment and didn't really care about the female. The other didn't seem to be all the interested in Tanglewood, so he doubted that she would be loyal to the likes of them if something terrible happened. Not like it mattered in the current scenario that they were in. When the other turned to face him, he knew that he had managed to piss her off. Oh? Was it that easy to get her temper going. His eyes traveld down to the dagger that she had with her, and he almost wanted to laugh at the thought. She used a dagger? That was funny. He technically had several daggers attached to his claws, which were almost sharper than any knife that someone could even acquire. He was injured yes, but if the other tested him he honestly didn't care. She was a trespasser, so unlelss Jersery decided to give her a break it wasn't going to end well for the either of them. A smirk spread across his facial features, his eyes glinting as he looked at the older female, but one that was still smaller than him. he raised one of his paws as a warning as he unsheathed the metal claws that came out of their sheathes. Cherry didn't seem to realize the situation that she was getting herself into. "Baka~. You think I'm intimidated by you? Fat chance." Killua said with a light chuckle as he put his paw back down on the ground. His body language remained relaxed, but his ears were perked in her direction, listening to all of her movements. He was a serval and could easily move out of the way in time as long as she didn't have a power to use against him. Was she going to test the waters? It had been a while since he fought anyone. "What are you doing here then? I doubt this is a friendly visit." Killua snickered toward the Tanglewood member. The goodness of her heart? He was going to call bullshit on that. She didn't seem the type.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - JERSEYBOY - 05-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"](ninja'd by a minute dANG)

Well, she wasn't wrong. While Tanglewood had been an interesting place to explore, he found that he liked Snowbound better, where he could be with Jacob and chill in the colder temperatures that he was used to. This wasn't to say that he saw this as his true home, because his heart still lied in New Jersey and New York. "Glad you came to the right place, then." Jerseyboy responded with a smile, and he glanced down at his hind leg before answering, "It's fine. Glad I was able to keep it." Had Cherrywine not saved him from the trap, he probably would have had to gnaw it off himself.

A voice had come from above, causing Jerseyboy to crane his neck upward to get a glance. Seeing the figure of ivory and recognizing the sarcastic tone of voice, he knew it to be Killua. Oh, great. This kid reminded him of the cops back on the east coast — blunt and obnoxious with nothing better to do than to write tickets and yell at random people because they could. Although he had never been in a direct encounter with a police officer, he could tell that a lot of people either feared them or hated them. Jerseyboy, in this case, was leaning more towards the latter. Did he hate Killua? No. But this kid always stuck his nose where it didn't belong and it was starting to get real annoying.

The tuxedo tom interjected, "Hey, hey, hey — You think you can go one minute without startin' shit? Hm? She ain't doin' anything wrong." Maybe to the others, crossing the border was a giant offense and something to be alarmed about, but Jerseyboy could honestly give less of a shit right now. Perhaps it was because he knew Cherrywine. Perhaps it was because she was hot and there was no way in hell he was going to blow his chance. Perhaps it was because Jersey could see that she wasn't doing any harm and it made no sense to react with hostility.

Jerseyboy turned his attention back to the she-cat and muttered, "Don't mind 'im. It's a tough crowd 'round here." It really was. He had yet to meet someone that was as fun as he was. Everyone else was way too serious, like they all had sticks up their asses. Jersey wondered what would happen if he slipped them something to make them "relax". He'd get a kick out of that for sure.

Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - jacob w.c. - 05-22-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was well aware of the types of 'friends' Jersey kept around. Some of them were alright but most were nearly unbearable. Loud, obnoxious, rude... Just like him. So, when the husky came across the Killua, Jin, Jersey, and Cherrywine, he wasn't particularly surprised to find out the woman was his brother's... well, whatever she was. "So you're one ah' my brother's... friends?" He had to catch himself. There was a less favorable word he used for the many people that'd come in their apartment but he knew better than to say it in public. "If ya' don' mind me askin', do ya' mean you're stayin' 'ere for a bit? Do ya' think Tanglewood'll be okay with that? We ain't enemies or nothin' but las' time I was over there Beck, the leader there, didn' seem ta' take too kindly ta' us. I wouldn' wan' no trouble," he stated, his mouth curved in a small frown. He then looked to Killua and let out a soft sigh. "She don' seem ta' wan' no trouble, Killua. If tha' changes, you're free ta' do what ya' want but for now she don' seem like a threat ta' me. Besides, like I said, I don' wanna' be instigatin' nothin'," he pointed out.

He then glanced to his brother, shaking his head slightly before speaking, "Se lei rimane qui, devi lasciarmi invitare Pincher a cena. Solo un pasto è tutto. Voglio che voi due andiate d'accordo." He knew he was playing a dangerous game. Negotiations with his big brother didn't usually end up going in his favor but maybe things would be different this time. Jacob expected Jersey's reaction to the development between the two would be... unpleasant so he was hoping that a nice dinner would curb it. He doubted it but he was always an idealist. 

translation: If she stays here, you have to let me invite Pincher over for dinner. Just one meal is all. I want you two to get along.—A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - CHERRYWINE - 05-24-2018

Jersey seemed like a pretty cool dude. He was hot, which was a plus, but he wasn't an annoying fuck like most people she knew- he seemed pretty interesting, and she wouldn't mind hanging out and maybe getting a drink with him if they had the chance one day. It didn't look like it'd take much to get into his pants, anyway.

Cherrywine couldn't help the scowl that had found its way to her features now, reasonably pissed off by the boy's mouthiness. How dare he? Did he know who she fucking was? She had half a mind to respond to his words with a swift left hook of warning, but she had to remind herself that she wasn't exactly in the place to do those kinds of things anymore. This wasn't her clan, and neither was Tanglewood- odds were, she'd never find her way back there, so until she could seize the reins in her own place, she'd need to tone it down a notch. Just a little bit. [color=#90000c]"Then you must be a fucking idiot. Didn't expect much more from a little boy, though."
Now she remembered why she hated kids. Entitled, arrogant little shits- they had no idea what they were talking about, and this one was one of the more rotten ones she'd encountered in a while. A venomous threat rested on the tip of her tongue, though Jerseyboy interjected before she managed to get it out, which was probably for the best, if she intended on staying here, so she didn't really mind all that much.

As the handsome tom addressed her, the femme found herself nodding her understanding. "Wonderful," she returned with a soft huff. When she'd left Tanglewood, it'd been because everyone was a little bit too much for her, but it might be worse to be surrounded by boring people- she might be able to get a kick out of fighting with Killua from time to time, though.

Finally, came Jacob. He was kind of cute, in a boyish sort of way, but she could get behind it. Jersey's brother? Damn, their whole family must be pretty fine, then (she wasn't sure if they were blood related or not, but it'd be too much of a bother to ask). "Uh... yeah, you could say that, I guess. 'Guy got his leg stuck in a trap back in Tanglewood and I found him laying there all pathetic- no offense -" she added, shooting Jerseyboy a quick wink, "'n I cut him loose." Of course, it all had to be about politics. Even back when she'd led her own clan, Cherry hadn't been too into politics- it just wasn't her thing. "I was thinking about it - just for a bit -, but frankly, babe, I don't give a shit what Tanglewood thinks- I was hardly really a member there, but I'm pretty sure Beck doesn't take too kindly to anyone." He seemed like that kind of guy.


Re: FINDERS KEEPERS | open, trespassing/visitor - jacob w.c. - 05-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — The moment Cherry mentioned saving Jerseyboy from a trap in Tanglewood, the boy's face immediately softened and he looked towards his older brother. "Perché non me l'hai detto?" he asked, concern in his tone and gaze. Why wouldn't Jersey tell him that he'd gotten hurt? He used to always come to Jacob for help. Was he not good enough anymore? Did he not trust him to look over his leg? No, this was Jersey. He was sure that wasn't it. He was sure it was only a matter of convenience, given how he'd stayed in Tanglewood for some time. Still, the entire situation made Jacob uneasy but he certainly owed some gratitude to the woman before them, despite his first impression of her. That didn't mean he'd let go of the offer to Jerseyboy, though. He wanted Pincher to have dinner here eventually. He wasn't sure why he longed for his brother's approval of the other man so much but he couldn't help it. He heard her words to Killua but it wasn't any sort of physical attack and, if he was being honest, he heard plenty of people say worse to each other here. He didn't like it but it wouldn't be a good reason to keep her out of Snowbound. If they were looking to get rid of anyone with mean words, many of their members wouldn't still be here. "Well, thank you for gettin' Jersey outta' there," he stated with a light nod.

He then listened as she spoke about Tanglewood and he felt his heart twist. He didn't like the idea of stirring up trouble but, from how it sounded, Cherrywine would be staying here most of the time anyway. Besides, maybe something like a visitation would be good for the two clans. He didn't want to solidify them as enemies, although the leader of the other clan seemed determined to do so. Jacob just hoped to stay out of their fur and be left with the relative peace of Snowbound. There was no reason for him to get involved right now. "No, I don' think 'e does. There ain't many people tha' don' get along with me n'... well, our first meetin' wasn' the most pleasant. Still, 's long as ya' think it won' be any trouble, which I don' think it should seein' as we're neutrals, I don' see any problem with ya' stayin' as long as ya' like," he assured her. He still wasn't sure if he liked her personally, she reminded him too much of the girls Jersey liked to bring around, but he couldn't let that determine if she stayed. He then glanced to Jersey and spoke more softly, "Voglio ancora che Pincher venga."

translation one: Why didn't you tell me?
translation two: I still want Pincher to come over. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP