Beasts of Beyond
born wild - open; hunting trespasser - Printable Version

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born wild - open; hunting trespasser - rhosmari - 02-25-2021

He had been alone in the wild for a long time though it hadn't started out like that. He had had a pack, a while ago. Back then he had been more social, proud of the family he led. But now. There was none of that. His pack had been decimated. Caught up in a war that they had nothing to do with. It had hardened him and he had grown to understand how unfair the world really was. The large reptilian didn't care about others, just himself. Hunting and terrorizing those that came too close to his territory had become his main solitary goals. But after three years of living like that he had decided to advance out further though what he was seeking he didn't know. Nor did he think much about it. Mayhaps it was a change of scenery. Perhaps his final end. Who knew. It was this movement that brought him to a desert terrain but not on purpose.

He was chasing something, his large steps sinking into the sands. But he just corrected his weight with outstretched claws. The long talons looked as dangerous as they were and a vicious roar left his jaws, sending a spray of spittle into the air. The terrified deer was not used to such terrain and made a terrible mistake of trying to sharply turn. Large teeth snapped on the back of the prey he had been chasing, excitement burning in lava orange eyes as he shook the creature harshly before slamming it against the sands ground. One foot pressed against the deer to hold it down before teeth tore at a throat and the sounds ended. There was nothing but silences and the image of blood soaking into sand. He tore at his meal, sickle like claws pressed against the ground.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: born wild - open; hunting trespasser - Kold - 02-25-2021

The stench of blood and stranger was what lead Kold to the scene, fur raised along her back and shoulders as she eyed the dinosaur. "You, do you understand me? You are tresspassing on Pittian lands, state your business or be met with teeth." and fire. She felt that fire tickle under her skin and a slight breeze harshened against her body, prepared for the worst that could happen.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: born wild - open; hunting trespasser - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

The raptor was not starved for flesh but he would not give up any kill he ever managed to get himself. His claws dug into the body of the dead deer, tearing large gashes into the body as he went to wretch a limb from it. However, he was interrupted as he heard steps toward  him and his head jerked up sharply. Blood dripped from vicious teeth and onto the desert sands as he watched the creature. Pupils constricting in pools of magma as the other spoke. Why wouldn't he be able to understand them? The question itself was ridiculous to him but he supposed there could be beasts alike that were not talkative. He was one of them but he knew their Common Tongue. Yet the threat was what he focused on most and his gaze narrowed. "How adorable you choose to threaten me." His voice was guttural, deep with a rolling growl as he finally lifted a leg off of his kill.

The vicious beast moved in front of the dead thing he had been tearing into then. The bands of green slowly illuminating before dying out. He curled his scaled lips though there was humor in his gaze, barely. She was young he could tell that much. He could tear her apart. His thick tail swayed to balance his thick mass before he curled his thick clawed hands. "I understand you fine. I have no business here but I guess I do now, unfortunately. What is this Pittian lands?" Information went a long way and what he knew he could very well use. For or against them only time would tell. Slowly the beast dropped to all fours and shook his body out as he waited for an answer.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: born wild - open; hunting trespasser - aine. - 02-26-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Falling behind the marauder was the petite fleshweaver, hazel hues alert at the scent of blood.  Uneasy.  Had been briefly worried of a fight.  But it was simply a large hunter who didn't know they had crossed the border.  Still.  The deer-fox shuffled her wings.  Wary.

At least he didn't seem to mind talking.  Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, ear flicking.  Neither Pittians were as big as a dinosaur, but there was strength in numbers.  And neither girls were... Defenseless, exactly.  Both carrying connections to the elements within.

"This... She means this territory belongs to the Pitt.  We're a... A clan.  Or group.  'an you've crossed over our borders." But she still felt pretty sure he didn't mean to.  Chased his prey right over more like than anything.  As such, the druid didn't speak with any malice, or added to Kold's threat.  Just quiet, simple fact.  Willing to explain or offer more information as needed.

Re: born wild - open; hunting trespasser - rhosmari - 02-26-2021

Another approached, a tiny creature. Just a morsel that came forth. She looked worried and he was pleased at this because they should be worried. A lot of creatures had been before he lost his family, before he became solitary and was pushed from where he once had lived. He despised the fact that things had come to that. But perhaps he could have the power he had before. Something he craved. His jaws flexed as the other spoke and his burning eyes locked on the small creature. His tail shivered as he took in her words. A group. A clan. "A pack." He almost purred the word, a soft chittering leaving his jaws in thoughtful raptor conversation before he shook his head. Pushing from the ground the massive reptile stood on two legs. He allowed his jaws to part, tongue rasping against long sharp teeth as he thought about it.

A pack meant something. To have one was painfully instinctual. But these were strange animals not of his ilk. They would not listen to him and he would be there at the bottom. Unless he fought for it. His sickle like claws clutched the air for a moment before he let out a heated huff. "I would assume your group takes in other pack members. If this Pitt is open, then I would like to make my nest here." The first step of marking territory. Claiming this place as his own and those that thought to come here and cause ill would be met with their own deaths. "I am called Serpentine." He rumbled reaching forth a singular claw for a introductory handshake. If her paw was big enough.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: born wild - open; hunting trespasser - Kold - 02-26-2021

Kold's body heated greatly as Serpentine spoke, heat waves radiating off of her for a moment before she cooled down with Aine's arrival. She let her sister explain for her and when Serpentine offered to join, Kold rolled her shoulders. "You may join, Gael shouldn't have a problem." She nodded, wings shuffling.

"I am Kold, a Marauder here. Should be a pleasure to meet you."
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]