Beasts of Beyond
decisions, decisions - joiner - Printable Version

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decisions, decisions - joiner - brandykit - 02-25-2021

The trek from the Typhoon to here was something a little tedious, but nothing he couldn't handle. His wings carried him, and when it was too much of a hassle to fly, he walked. As he arrived at their border, he chose to head over the swamp before landing, shaking out his fur. It was misting tonight, and he looked around for a long moment. He exhaled gently, Brandy cleared his throat and simply spoke. "I'm here to join, if anyone is around."


Re: decisions, decisions - joiner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-25-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The scent of the ocean always had Atbash on guard, given her past history with them. With the fact that Goldenluxury didn't remember her or what she had done, the Shaderunner was slowly learning that she wasn't going to be harassed on sight, but still, Atbash couldn't help but feel uneasy when she realized there was a Typhooner around. She had trouble sleeping, which explained why she was out, and Brandyskies's voice made her abandon her little trek around the territory to get things off of her mind.

"Hey, welcome to Tanglewood." Atbash chirped, giving Brandy a small smile as she approached. "My name's Atbash Cipher, a Shaderunner here." She paused for a moment before allowing herself to ask, "Is everything okay with The Typhoon? Are you not going to stay there? I'm sure Aurum wouldn't oppose to a duel-membership if you wanted."
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: decisions, decisions - joiner - rhosmari - 02-25-2021

The woman personally had a neutral stance when it came to the Typhoon. They were allies which meant they were supposed to be friends. But she wondered about them, how they barely had contact with the other group when the Coalition had grasped a hold of Tanglewood. Still she saw no reason to dig that up and ibstead she tried to understand them to the best of her own ability. Here she walked forth and dipped her head. Curious of the smell that leaked off of him. Her body was not tense but light as she watched the scene. Atbash had said much of what was necessary and the deputy allowed a greeting smile to firm across her muzzle. "Hello, she hoped that his traveling went well. She is sure that this one can stay. But she would like a name to call them by. Her own is Elsweyr." So many new faces. She was rather excited if she had to be honest about it. That meant that Tanglewood was growing and that things would be interesting in the long run. Her tail flicked back and forth as she waited, flaming mane flickering.

Though the question on if the Typhoon was okay gave her pause. True, why had he left his home? He seemed at ease so she inferred that nothing sinister had taken place. But there was no harm in asking.

Re: decisions, decisions - joiner - wormwood. - 02-27-2021

The scent of The Typhoon on the air usually put Aurum at ease, and this time was no different. After all, the arrival of someone from their allied group was – usually – a good sign, and the luminary had no reason to believe that it would be different this time. He couldn't even begin to think that anything had happened to Roxie that could warrant bringing some bad news, and he couldn't recall hearing of any major new scandals. So, as the golden tiger approached, he had a bright and cautiously optimistic smile on his muzzle, thinking that they were going to be invited to some sort of event – or perhaps were just getting a visitor.

What he wasn't expecting to find was a former Typhooner looking to join their ranks. The way Brandy spoke was so blunt and calm that it caught Aurum off guard, the angel blinking a couple of times and tilting his head, as if unsure of what he had heard. After a moment of looking the other over, however, he paused. His bright smile turned to a slightly uneasy frown as he questioned, head still tilted, "You... You're one of Goldie's kids, aren't you?" It was hard not to see a resemblance, even if Brandy didn't look nearly as obvious as he once had in the past. Swallowing back the uneasiness in his chest, Aurum then rumbled, "Obviously you're free to join, if that's really what you want. I'm Aurum Kingmaker, and I'm the leader around here... I'm also a friend of your mother." He wanted to ask why Brandy had decided to move, but... well, Atbash had already pretty much covered that line of questioning, and he didn't want to push too hard.

Re: decisions, decisions - joiner - brandykit - 03-15-2021

His stomach churned with anxiety as the people collected. His ears lowered gently, his eyes casting towards the ground. The flowers in his pelt wilted slowly, dying and turning gray. He couldn't bring his eyes up to meet theirs- though they were friendly, Brandy could help but feel an overwhelming sense of.. what, what was he feeling? This well of cold water in his soul, binding him and dragging him down.

Ice. It felt like ice.

He cleared his throat. "My name is Brandyskies Roux. It's nice.. to meet you." He stated, before flattening his ears, turning his head away. "It's just.. I'm only going to be staying here." He stated, his wings shifting on his back. He looked up at Elsweyr with a tiny grin, and nodded to her. "The trip was not.. bad. It's nice to meet you."

However, as Aurum approached, he turned his vision away. His face grimaced, and slowly he stepped forward. He didn't respond to Aurum at first, his eyes narrowed and troubled. "My mother.. probably doesn't remember you." He said coldly.


Re: decisions, decisions - joiner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 03-15-2021

everything's just come together at last !
Something had gone wrong in The Typhoon, clearly, but it wasn't any of Atbash's business to pry into what was going on. Brandyskies clearly didn't want to say what was wrong and she wasn't going to force him to. Sucking in a breath at the male's response to Aurum, Atbash interjected, "Ah, did you want a tour or anything? I can take you around the territory, if you'd like."
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi