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SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Printable Version

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SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Windowmemer - 02-25-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — newblood — pinterest board
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word count: 1132

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Alright, so to be accepted you need to forage into the big, bad desert? Okay. Jor's gonna do just that. He didn't really give a shit what happened, as long as he brought back a trophy, right? So he set off across the desert, his claws digging grooves into the sand that assaulted his nostrils and caused him to sneeze multiple times. An angry snarl left his throat, he planned on killing, not getting sick.

Not like he fancied killing for food anyways, he fed before he left his den. No, the Italian much preferred hunting and killing for sport. He enjoyed the way his victim squirmed beneath his bulk as he slowly squeezed the life out of it, watching the bright optics slowly go dull as its life force drained. Sometimes they fought back. He loved that. Feisty prey, like the kitsune his father taught him to kill. Ohhhh, she hated him. Especially when he tore off her tails, one by one. The screaming turned to begging, fat teardrops rolling down her cheeks and hitting the marble floor. His father had laughed as his eyes gleamed with malice, watching his son deliver the final blow after crooning sweet nothings into his prey's ear. Jormungand had suffered under her claws, the right side of his face had been bleeding but he was on an adrenaline high after eating her flesh.

The scars that mar his face throbbed, he lifted a paw to gently touch it, and winced. Good job bringing back memories, idiot. He briefly showed teeth before his lobes pricked up, detecting a sound. Normally Jor preferred brute force to overpower his prey or lovers, but this time he wasn't feeling like exerting that much energy. He could care less about some stupid tradition that the Pittians had to go through. He just wanted the title. He ran his tongue over rubbery lips and sighed. A light gust of wind blew over his face, tickling the fur on his body and making a small smile appear on the large male's maw. He still needed to hunt, spend a while out in the desert. Normally he didn't mind any weather, but this heat drained water from his system surprisingly quick, so the first thing he did was find a rock in the shade and plop his ass on it, widening his jaws in a yawn. He didn't care how long he spent outside. Not like he 4was in a hurry to get back. He'd just wait a bit until it was dark and regain some strength.
So he dropped his head to crossed paws and fell asleep.

A noise startled him awake. A small rustling that made an icy lapis optic reflect the harsh glare of the moon as it opened. Soon another glowing orb followed suit, swivelling towards a large bush suspiciously close to him. His claws slid out smoothly, the fur on his back bristling as the large male spun around, coming face-to-snout with a fat komodo dragon. He hissed and leapt to the side, claws shooting out and lacerating against the other's face. It screeched, flashing needle-like teeth that looked like it would hurt. "You bitch-" Jormungand turned to go when he felt a sharp stinging in his hind leg. He looked down, the dragon had latched a claw onto it and the spikes were drilling into his skin, drawing crimson lifeblood, dangerously close to his bone. He lifted the paw in attempt to shake the beast off, stepping backwards in the process and soon he was-

falling, off the rock.
Onto hard sand that enveloped his body as it cushioned his fall. The dragon had let go of his leg, hopefully having been thrown off in the process. Jor winced, the marks were still in. His mind split in two.
"I'm not dying to a lizard." He spat in the sand and struggled out, clawing for a grip from anything.  He heard another scream and felt goo splatter on his face. He looked at his paws, an eye hung there, wriggling and dancing around. He shook it off and struggled to get himself out of the sand  he was trapping himself in. There was no way he was going to die to a piece of shit like that. They'd both sustained enough injuries to weaken them enough and he wasn't going to walk away with his tail between his legs. So he pounced at the thing again. Its remaining eye widened upon seeing a 200-pound shadow crashing against it and its stubby legs stumbled back with the sheer force. Mistake, as it only kicked up dust and sand and that temporarily blinded its one remaining eye but it was too late.

A huge cracking, snapping and twisting as the beasts' jaws locked around his prey's neck. The komodo dragon let out a yelp, probably for the first time in its life, and coughed out two last breaths that the panther batted away with a careless swipe of the paw, slicing off the other's tongue in the process. There was no more movement from the smaller animal and the beast stepped off the body, victorious. No blood had been spilt upon the killing, there was no way Jor was going to eat the body. He preferred getting rid of it in another fashion. His claws were sharp, he raked them against a rock to check, and he slowly began the tough process of cutting into its hide, tearing strips of fresh meat and ripping it from the bones. Jormungand could have left it alive, another way of torture. Disable the piece of shit and rip the flesh off slowly, watching  as the blood dripped down the sides of the komodo's flank.
The screams of agony of that animal as Jor lapped the fresh blood spilling out would be music to his ears, accompanying him as he began to devour the thing alive.

After stripping the corpse Jor spotted the incisions his fangs had made on the neckbones, allowed a smirk to slide onto his lips. "Good riddance." He spat, tearing the skull off in one fluid motion. Bones popped, and his fur prickled as the satisfying sound entered his ears. Beautiful. He'd probably get someone to clean it later. He couldn't be bothered to do it himself. He turned around and kicked sand over the meat, rendering it inedible should the idiot who chose to attempt to eat his kill wish to choke to their death. He scoffed a laugh and decided to cut off the claws too. After all, they had left a mark on him.
Once he was finished with cleaning himself, licking stray bits of blood from his fur, he picked up the bones comfortably in his jaws, and set off home.

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
It was only a matter of time before Jormungand began the Blooding right-of-passage. He remembered that he was sort of forced into his and as such, didn't exactly pressure Jor into doing his. Though he was sure anything was probably better with being dragged out in the middle of nowhere while crashed out and then having to deal with not having any drugs around. Fortunately Jormungand didn't have to deal with withdrawl though, or at least, that's what Dante hoped.

The hybrid raised his head as he saw the panther come back to town, carrying along some bones he managed to bring back. "Hell yeah, you survived." He called out to Jor. "Congrats, bro."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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Sarcasm was  the last thing  Jor needed, but at least it was nice to see a familiar face, despite it belonging to the annoying Dante's. "Yea, fuck off." He grumbled. He hadn't really been able to walk properly after the bitch nearly hit bone with its claws, couldn't Dante see he was bleeding? Okay, maybe it was alittle difficult to tell the difference because his fur was black after all. "Thanks, but I'm not in the mood for chit-chat. I need healing and probably anaesthetics."

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Kold - 02-26-2021

"Aine will arrive in time, hopefully. Until then, here." The black-smeared wolf tossed a thick cloth toward Jor, face neutral but approval in her eyes. A metal spike seemed to hang by her wrist, "If you'll allow it, and if Aine's okay with it, I can try to sear the wounds. It wouldn't be the best work but it would be better than nothing."

Kold looked at Dante for a moment, nodding briskly before turning her attention back to the newly blooded pittian before her. "Congratulations, Jormungand. You are officially a Blooded Pittian." She dipped her head in respect, though something prickled against her fur, a barely visibly flash of light that vanished with speed.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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A feminine voice  chimed up and Jor looked down to see Kold, throwing a cloth towards him. He could have caught it, but he let it fall to the ground with a dull thud. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass. WoN't know what to do with it anyways." He wrinkled his nose, side-stepping the cloth and wincing as his leg muscle protested. He accepted her congratulations with a slight lift of his shoulder, then chuckled, dropping the bones at his paws and lying  down with a huff. "Well then, feel free to sear the wounds. As long as Aine's fine with it." He rolled his eyes after catching a light flicker on her pelt as she lowered her head to him.
Imagine dying by having your head bitten off by a jaguar. What a fun way to go. He cast a mischievous grin to Dante's direction, wishing the other could read minds.

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - aine. - 02-26-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
"That won't be necessary," the petite fleshweaver called, ears flicking.  With urgency in her step, the deer-fox trotted over, pulling her satchel over her shoulders and setting it gently on the ground.  ".. 's good you brought it up," she added softly, pulling some vials of marigold poultice out.  Followed by a folded leaf, containing poppy seeds, which she promptly offered Jormungand for the pain.  "Here."

"'s a last resort.  If you're going to bleed out, sear the wound shut." Otherwise, she wouldn't suggest it.  Not only out of personal preference.  Searing or cauterizing hurt.  And came with some danger.  "But if you can... Manage it without burning your flesh.  Saves you a higher risk of infection... 'an... Pain."

Carefully, she tipped one of her vials over her hoof, moving forward to gently apply the marigold poultice over the wounds.

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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Hey, look, now it's Aine, who came to join the party! Such joy, Jormungand almost wept with relief. Yeah, no. He observed through dull optics how the deer-fox hurried over, dumping her bag on the ground. Then she offered him some seeds, which he lapped up from her hoof, careful not to slurp up the dust should there be any stuck in between her hooves. He didn't really pay attention to what she was doing and instead was sniffing her pelt, trying to figure out how the fuck a deer-fox was born. Then, without his consent she poured something onto said hoof and smeared it all over his wound, the claws still in it. "You BITCH!" The curse was spat as all the fur on his body stood up. He leapt up with a snarl, somehow finding the energy, turning to face her, muzzle bared and talons unsheathing, light reflecting off of it. "Maybe remove the claws from the wound before pouring some shit onto it?" Did she not go through any medical training, ever? Don't you need to remove the stuff from the wound before trying to heal it?

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Kold - 02-26-2021

"JORMUNGAND." Kold nearly yelled, placing herself between the furious jaguar and her sister. Her voice was cold and cruel as she eyed him with darkening pearls. "Perhaps you should say you have claws in your wounds, or rather take them out yourself. I will not have this, stand down and I myself will remove the claws." She left no room to object as she moved toward him with fearless abandon, taking careful measures to take the claws from the wounds, pausing to make sure Jor wasn't going to lash out at her. If he did, he'd probably end up with worse wounds and maybe some burns.

After hopefully taking the claws out and letting them drop onto the ground, she backed away with a huff, ears flicking and eyebrows creased. "What if she just didn't know about the claws? Ever think about that, you dumb fuck?"
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - Windowmemer - 02-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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"If she's a medic, she should know  to clean out the wound before you take care of it. And why does she need her sister to fight her battles for her? Is she scared?" He snarled back, tolerating the way Kold gently took out the claws. He lifted his chin at Aine, a gesture that she could continue before returning his gaze to Kold, letting his  optics harden frighteningly quickly. "And you. Learn to kindly shut the fuck up before you get yourself into trouble." What did Kold taste like, he wondered. Would she mind if he just-
lunged forwards and snapped at her ear, letting his teeth snap shut right next to it before sitting back down with a threatening grin.

Re: SOLO // blooding | tw(gore) - aine. - 02-26-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Woah woah.  Okay.  The fae growled softly, clearly uncomfortable by Jor sniffing her up.  Ears flat.  Ass. More frustrated when he yelled at her rather than spoke rationally.  As though he had any medical training.

"What do you think this poultice is for?" Aine snapped, hazel hues ablaze. The marigold was for cleaning and staving off the bleeding.  Obviously.  And no one had mentioned claws.  Just searing wounds.  She huffed jn barely constrained fury as the panther disrespected Kold as well.  "'an you will show Kold respect.  She is Marauder for a reason.  Unless you don't want any more help."

The druid would not tolerate it.  Jor could deal with his injures himself if he thought yelling and talking back to a higher rank was okay behavior for a newly blooded Pittian.

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