Beasts of Beyond
KISSED A GIRL ☆ TRESPASSER? - Printable Version

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Rat was an interesting being, hell, her name was itself was interesting to say the least. It often made those who met her wonder why her parents had gave her such a blunt, cruel name yet Rat never did reveal that the name itself was a form of alias for herself and it just... So happen to stick for a while. The thought made the Irish lass snort in amusement as she crossed the uncharted territories meeting a few people there and here, they were interesting people though she wondered why they didn't really go to join any of the groups they told her about when she had settled next to a bonfire beside them all. Shaking her cranium at the memories, she let out a soft yelp when her paw sunk into muck but she pulled it back with a frown tugging at her lips  "Oi, what te bloody feck?"

Shaking off the mud from her paw, she lifted her muzzle to the air and began to get a few sniffs. It seemed that she wasn't the only one here with her ears twitching lightly, Rat moved further along not realizing she had passed the border and it wasn't long until she ended up within the town. A confused frown on her maw as she mumbled under her breath "What's all dis t'en?" The Irish woman glanced around a few times only to speak out "'Ello? M'names Rat and I'm wonderin where I am... I am a bit lost..." She paused shuffling her paws a bit nervously with her trusty bat hanging at her side, she continued "And maybe a place to stay... I am awful tired ya see." That seemed good enough wasn't it?

Re: KISSED A GIRL ☆ TRESPASSER? - arrow - 02-25-2021

Newcomers came, newcomers went. That was to be expected, you meet them at the edge of the swamp tired and hungry and sometimes a little agitated, needing shelter and food to last the night. The first week was always a gamble if they would stay or head on out once more, either the swamp simply wasn’t their calling, or they were only passing through. Or they went missing in the unforgiving heart of the gator kingdom. That was always tragic, but at least there was never a body to stumble upon.

But never, not once was there the issue of a funky little cowboy rollin’ in through the town on their own, no swamp person guide that went through the motions, just what was essentially a break-in. A kid wouldn’t be a threat, but this was no kid. And they had a bat.

The bone Arrow had been chewing on dropped to the ground with a clatter, jumping up from her position, which had formerly been laying across the town statue’s base, squinting at the tiny grave of Vigenere every so often. The cheetah looked a bit irritated, just a little, and awfully disheveled from the intrusion. ”You better not be looking for trouble, walkin’ all the way in here with a weapon.” Ears lowered and a frown on her face, she surveyed the stranger, as if assessing if there was an actual threat or not. Probably not, considering that if Rat really wanted to break some skulls, she would have already, having gotten this far. ”You’re deep in the heart of Tanglewood territory, like, center of operations. Residential district.” Arrow looked around, checking for any of her superiors, before locking an intense green gaze back on the hyena with a impish grin replacing the precious frown. ”I’m sure the boss will let ya stay, but if you’re gone by morning, I’ll have to kill you. Just business.”

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you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
It wasn't every day that someone literally waltzed into their camp, so of course it would seem like Rat got attention pretty quickly from the residents of Tanglewood. Hearing a bit of commotion - mostly Arrow's voice, and some strange accent - the savannah peeked out of her home before realizing she didn't recognize the creature who was standing in town. She scrambled outside in case Arrow was in danger, though the other didn't particularly seem bothered by the weapon that Rat had. Atbash cast a surprised glance at Arrow whenever she threatened the stranger and almost had half the mind to defend Aurum - but decided against it. Maybe it was better if a stranger thought they were in danger, who knows? Though given the fact that Rat had a fucking bat, Atbash wasn't too sure she was comfortable with Arrow threatening the other woman. "Uh, what's she's meaning to say is, you're welcome to stay if you want." Atbash clarified rather awkwardly.
female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: KISSED A GIRL ☆ TRESPASSER? - rhosmari - 02-25-2021

Exercises, her daily regiment. She had to do them in order to get her leg back into working conditions. It was normal now and she was about to start them now. Emerging from Moth's home she carefully walked down the steps, putting ginger weight on her back leg to try and ease it into taking her weight again. So far she was doing well, her leg was holding up. But well, she didn't get far as she heard Atbash's voice being a little nervous and awkward sounding. Turning her head toward the scene her fur bristled as she saw the stranger within the walls of their town and with a weapon no less. Her hackles almost raised because Arrow was there as well. Protective instincts kicking in as she made her way over. The flaming mane along the nape of her neck twisted and coiled like a living thing as she approached and truth be told she was unsure of the circumstances. After all she had not heard all that the stranger had said and she wanted to be clear on things. "If she understands things correctly then this one is looking to join, yes?" Her voice was not hostile but it was cautious because of the odd situation.

The hyena didn't seem particularly hostile. Looking more worn than anything but the huntress was still on guard. She moved slightly to press her muzzle against Arrow's shoulder before she pulled her back leg up. It had started to hurt after her little hustle over here. "She doesn't see a reason why she can not stay but Tanglewood is not a stop and go. If she stays she will have to work for the charity. This place has a lot of mouths to feed. Oh her name is also Elsweyr. She is happy to meet you..,um..." She realized that she had never gotten the other's name. Embarrassed honestly by this fact. How could she have forgotten that.

Re: KISSED A GIRL ☆ TRESPASSER? - wormwood. - 02-27-2021

Things had, quite honestly, been pretty peaceful in town for a while there. It was quiet, with most of the group out and about bustling with their own assigned tasks, or inside relaxing. Aurum himself had been laying on the porch of his house, taking a bit of a break from things to just sit and rest. The sun raining down on his golden pelt was pretty nice, and everything was fairly silent and lazy – save for the occasional kick from his stomach. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though the tiger's wonderful sense of peace could last forever. One moment he had been relaxing, his eyes closed and the world meaningless around him, and the next moment he could hear a strange accent floating through town, soon greeted with threats. One blue eye popping open, the luminary sighed heavily as he saw a bit of a group gathering at one side of camp, slowly pushing himself up and onto his paws. He wasn't in a frantic rush to get over there, considering whoever the newcomer was already seemed pretty handily surrounded.

Arriving not long after Elsweyr, Aurum found himself settling down into a seat beside Arrow, looking over at the vassal with a slight tilt of his head. Bumping his shoulder gently against hers, he found himself muttering, "Now, don't scare the newbies out of their skin too much there, Arrow." He knew full well that Arrow was mostly teasing, even if Rat had arrived with a weapon alongside her. Still, if the other had truly wanted to cause chaos within their town, she would've just attacked right away, rather than stopping to introduce herself. With this in mind, the tiger shook off a bit of drowsiness before speaking once more, "Rat, I think you said your name was... right? I'm Aurum Kingmaker, and I'm the luminary here, or the leader. So if you've got any questions, you can feel free to ask... and you should be fine to stay, provided you're willing to help out a bit." Even if Rat decided she didn't want to stay, he didn't have a problem with travelers staying for a couple of days, as long as they helped out the same as anyone else.