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[Image: Y2up8HZ.png]
roan ó faoláin-roux xx paintbrush
The story of Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux and Paintbrush started off rather simply. Paintbrush was a wanderer living near the edge of The Coalition of the Condemned's territory, while Roan was the proud and standoffish Soothsayer of The Typhoon. One day, Roan wanted to test out his sailing skills, and took a small boat of his own out onto the waves. Not long afterwards, a heavy storm hit the seas, resulting in Roan being thrown from his boat and ultimately passing out. When he awoke, he was on the edge of The Coalition's island, greeted by none other than Paintbrush himself.

Naturally cautious, Roan didn't give up much information to Paintbrush, although the two of them did hit it off fairly quickly. Both were medically inclined, and Paintbrush's calm attitude served to even out Roan's grumpier one. In the end, Paintbrush assisted Roan in getting back to The Typhoon safely, and Roan thought that would be the end of things. However, some time later, Paintbrush arrived at the border of The Typhoon's territory, shortly after the two of them encountering each other at the November Monthly Meeting.

Although surprised by the other's arrival, Roan was glad to see Paintbrush again, and the two of them hit it off once again. Before long, the two of them developed feelings for each other, and ultimately ended up dating as a result of said feelings. Both were very pleased with the relationship, although Roan kept it mostly under wraps due to his very private nature as a whole. This privacy was thoroughly ruined about a month later, however, when Roan became pregnant.

Despite what some may have thought, considering Roan's nature, these children were not a surprise to either father. In fact, Roan had shifted into a female version of his birth form specifically so that he would be able to have children. Their attempts were successful, and Roan has continued his work within The Typhoon as soothsayer while waiting for the children to arrive, with Paintbrush dutifully helping him out. Now the children are only a couple of weeks away, and even Roan's stubborn nature is unable to stop him from slowing down.

While Paintbrush has no significant relations, Roan is related to two of the largest families throughout the beyond. He is the son of Séamus Ó Faoláin and Roxanne Roux, with Roxanne Roux being the current captain of The Typhoon. He is also the current soothsayer of The Typhoon, or current head medic / head of the Necro Mambas. He has multiple HP relations, with his soon-to-be stepmother Diya being an officer of The Typhoon, and his uncle Michael and sister Keona both being dealers of The Typhoon. He also has multiple HP relations in Tanglewood as well, through the Roux family name.

These children will be domestic felines with a heavy chance of horn and/or wing mutations due to Roan's draconic feline blood and mutations. The genetics in terms of appearance are mostly free for all, but Roan is a cream point Siamese feline with bright blue eyes, as well as green wings and horns. Paintbrush, in domestic form, is a chimera feline with splotches of ginger, golden cream, black, and a bit of white. His eyes are mismatched, being amber and blue.

Alternatively, there are two child designs by BossTaurus that are up for grabs to use as an appearance for your child in this litter. Using these designs may even earn you some brownie points, and they can be found down below!

♡ These kittens will be very dearly loved by both parents, so no depressing names! There is no solid naming theme for these children, although they may be given loner names or two-part names.
♡ Inactivity is definitely understandable, but please make sure to stay at least semi-active with these children! At least 8 posts a month is preferred, and inactivity may result in your kit being rehomed.
♡ These kits will start at the age of 3 months, and will preferably age realistically. Age / time skips may happen, but is preferred you discuss it with the other siblings' roleplayers + myself and Andy to avoid confusion.
♡ These kits will all carry the last name of Ó Faoláin-Roux.
♡ Although using one of the two appearances above can earn you brownie points, please feel free to design your own children freely! Using those appearances is by no means a requirement.
♡ Applications will be decided by myself and Andy, so if you have any questions, feel free to DM either of us on Discord, or send a PM here on site.
♡ There is no current choosing date for the kittens, but it will probably be sometime in the next few weeks, considering Roan has been pregnant ICly for a while.
♡ This litter is not first come, first serve! Applications will be gone over by myself and Andy, and we will choose from them for the litter. There is no set number on how many kits this litter will be just yet, and that will be mostly determined by how much interest is shown!

character — gender — group — roleplayer
character — gender — group — roleplayer
pero de ti me enamoré. . .

Re: ¿FUERON TUS MANOS O TU VOZ? — TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - kinglykingstone - 02-25-2021

trackie tackie




uncle track uvu