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[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy wished that he could stay far away from this room, from that circle that was carefully drawn in chalk. It made him furious, mad beyond belief that Hughes almost committed the taboo. He considered Hughes to be quite lucky that he managed to walk in just in time to stop the transmutation from happening. If he waited a second longer, the outcomes could have been much different. He could have walked in to see a large eye open in the center, and little black hands around the circle as it glowed that blue, alchemic light. Hughes could have been hurt, he could have walked in to hear his friend screaming out in pain, blood splattered on the ground.

As he padded into the room with a bucket of soapy water, which he held the handle by his jaws, and a sponge inside the bucket, his eyes fell onto the array. The array was complicated, there were marks on it that Roy had trouble deciphering- he wondered how Hughes managed to find the information to draw this out. Not only draw it out, but understand it too. He can understand why Bastillepaw assumed it had to do with a cult. This array, from what he's seen from the Elric brothers, and how it sent him here and took his life away from Amestris, he knows that this is array is pure evil. He doesn't want Hughes to attempt it again, or anyone else to come across it and try to decipher it. It was best if it was removed, even if he didn't want to look at it. Roy placed the bucket down on the ground, standing before the array, grabbing the soaking wet sponge. "What was Hughes thinking?" He muttered to himself, as he began to scrub at the chalk array away. "Even he should know that this is forbidden for a reason," He added as ears flattened to his skull, continuing to scrub away at the array.


[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille had to admit -- Luna was pretty fucking savage, assigning this of all things to Roy. He assumed that they would make Maes clean up his damned mess, and he almost felt just the slightest bit bad that Roy had to clean up the evidence of his best friend-boyfriend-thing trying to get himself killed (again). Almost. He was still a little disgruntled with Roy for keeping such a harmless secret for so long, but he had to admit that this whole Maes thing was pretty fucking shitty. Bastille would probably have lost his shit, in Roy's position.

"Well, what were you thinking when you got yourself killed?" he drawled idly, arching a brow as he stood in the doorway and watched Roy scrub and mutter to himself. A bit hypocritical, calling someone else out for doing the exact same thing you'd done to land here, yeah? With a slight yawn, he added, "I'd imagine he was thinking the same thing you were, ya know?" Helpful? Probably not. Down right antagonistic? Nah.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — cosmic general — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: WHAT EQUALS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL? // OPEN, TASK - Suiteheart - 05-19-2018

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Unlike Bastille, Suiteheart did not know much about Roy and Maes and their shared alchemical abilities. She knew enough to perhaps get her by, but that was all. It was an interesting thing, their powers. Suite had never seen anything quite like it. The city she originated from held no such surprises, and her old Clan did not either. This was a new playing field.

The large polar bear padded toward Roy and Bastillepaw now, noting the bucket of soap that separated the pair. From what she'd heard and was currently viewing, Roy was cleaning up Maes's mistake. That was very odd to the Cosmic General, for should it not be the other way around? Hm, well, that was the question, wasn't it?

"You want some help, Roy?" she asked, eyes painting the chalk cirlce on the ground. The pattern was so unlike anything she'd ever seen.

Re: WHAT EQUALS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL? // OPEN, TASK - Character Graveyard. - 05-19-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had been clearly thinking when she had passed out all of the weekly tasks. She knew all of her Clanmates and that had helped her give out the tasks. Roy was the perfect one to do this, as he knew how to properly clean something like this up.

The serval had entered the room and took a seat next to Bastillepaw, watching Roy scrub away at the circle with a sponge.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WHAT EQUALS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL? // OPEN, TASK - Roy Mustang - 05-20-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
What came as a surprise to Roy's ears was the voice of Bastillepaw, who seemed to hear what Roy had been muttering about to himself. "Well, what were you thinking when you got yourself killed?" He heard the young Cosmic General's voice say, causing the male to freeze for a moment. He didn't say a word yet, awaiting for Bast to finish up, having a feeling the tom had more to say. And he was correct. "I'd imagine he was thinking the same thing you were, ya know?" Those words came not too long after his first, causing the male to look over his shoulder and face the tom. Roy was having a hard time accepting the truth- that he was really dead like Hughes. It was hard to handle, that flashback had been so livid- he remembered every moment of it. He didn't activate the array, and nor did Fullmetal or Alphonse. He wasn't sure who was to blame. But he certainly didn't approach that array back there like he intended to use it! No, he wanted to investigate it, the military had been summoned for a reason! Bastillepaw must be thinking Roy willingly attempted the taboo like Hughes almost did. "What was I thinking? Confusion, shock, despair- considering it was an accident and that I didn't activate it." He certainly can name more, a lot of emotions ran through his mind during the experience.

It might be hypocritical of him for calling out Hughes when in the end, Roy accidentally did the same thing. Roy has seen the truth, he's gone through that gate and paid for it with his toll. So Roy, who knows far more of what happens when someone commits the taboo, is going to call out his friend about it in a heartbeat. If that manages to convince his friend to never attempt it again, or stay away from alchemy all together, then he'll feel a million times better. He doesn't want Hughes to see the truth. He doesn't want his friend to pay a toll that might cost him his life and be forced to go through the gate and take up information until it becomes too much to handle. He didn't answer the second question, instead the melanistic bobcat went back to his task, focusing on scrubbing the chalk away.

He didn't get to focus that long on his task when another voice spoke up, this time being Suiteheart. He looked over towards the Polar Bear, who thankfully wasn't pressing questions on him like Bastillepaw did. Instead she was offering her assistance to him. He thought about it for a moment, but then decided on his answer. "I appreciate the offer, but no." He said to her with a flick of his ear, before glancing over at Lunafreya, who padded in next. Roy didn't say a word to her, wondering why she assigned this task to him rather than Maes himself, but he knew it had to be done. He can safely remove it before it can hurt anyone ever again.

Re: WHAT EQUALS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL? // OPEN, TASK - Margaery - 05-20-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery had stumbled across the rather unsettling alchemy circle when Maes had initially attempted to use it. She recalled vividly Roy's anger and her own confusion towards the situation. The circle had power, she understood that, but what sort of power? And why had her fellow starstruck guardian been so hellbent on preventing his friend from carrying out what he had set to do? She had walked away from that room with more questions than answers and wondered, briefly, if she could finally receive them today. [color=#b14757]"What is the purpose of that thing?" Came her sudden inquiry, fleeing her lips just seconds after she decided that she was going to ask about it, [color=#b14767]"It looks... dangerous."

Not in the way that she was dangerous and certainly not in the way a fire was dangerous but rather, an ancient way. A forgotten way. She assumed that you especially had to know what you were doing to utilize the ability of that circle and that the lack of knowledge could result in a death sentence. How fascinating, she thought to herself, ears perking forward attentively as she watched clean, how strange some of my clanmates are... they all have so many secrets to share...


[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
There was a flickering array of something awful in Roy's aura, and Bastille, for a moment, paused. He'd seen that glimmer of darkness and despair before, when Roy realized what had happened to him, and the bengal had actually backed off then. He may be a prick, but he wasn't cruel; he realized belatedly that Roy might not be over it, and by the time the Guardian was turning to him he'd already decided to back off. A peace offering.

"Oh," he supplied, tone bland. Bastille wasn't about to show sympathy or go about pitying Roy -- he had a feeling that would only piss him off, so instead he went for casual. "Well, then. I back up your assertion as to what the hell Maes was thinking." He eyed the remains of the circle, evidently willing to stop antagonizing Roy for once in the face of genuine distress. Again, not cruel -- just a bit of a jerk, though he wasn't willing to purposely dig into wounds. He just hadn't realized Roy's fate was accidental. "I feel like he should at least help," he commented, after a moment. Idly, he wondered if Roy was convinced Maes might try again if allowed near it, and didn't blame him. Clearly he hadn't gotten the message the first time.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — cosmic general — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: WHAT EQUALS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL? // OPEN, TASK - Suiteheart - 05-20-2018

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Suite's eyes moved from Roy to Bast and back again as Roy spoke. The subject the melanistic bobcat was talking about was obviously one he did not want to discuss. The polar bear's nonexistent eyebrows drew together in concern. Death was not an easy thing to relive through spoken word. She had died once, and the mere thought of it still shook her to her core.

She would nod as he told her he would take care of the cleaning himself, though she still wished to help him. To her, cleaning was therapeutic, in a way. It was quite literally washing, sweeping, and dusting away all that ailed you in that moment.

"Well, if you do need help, let me know, Roy," Suiteheart responded, settling into a sitting position as she watched him work at scrubbing the symbol away.