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PART OF YOUR WORLD 》 wood carving + painting - Printable Version

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PART OF YOUR WORLD 》 wood carving + painting - COSMIIX - 02-24-2021

Siborno had been occupying himself for the most part, nobody saw a lot of him and most thought he had might've left but that was not the case at all. He was within his and Aurum's shared home rearranging the furniture making sure that all the sharp edges were either blunted down or covered by a round piece of plastic. He was now in the bathroom fixing the top of his mane that sat on on his head only to stare at how sharp his saber teeth had gotten. He proceeded to try and make them less sharp, more blunt since he didn't want the possibility of hurting his children or Aurum with them. Once he was satisfied with it, he turned around with a soft sigh leaving his parted maw. He supposed that he should keep himself preoccupied so he went outside picking out large pieces of wood, he pulled the dagger from its bear skin hilt before sitting down to lean against a tree near his house. Siborno hummed a quiet melody to himself as he began go carve away at the large piece of wood, he had an idea of what he wanted so he let his blade do most of the work.  "Mmm... Perhaps.... F-four... Three... Or two."

His mind slipping away into thoughts of his future children with Aurum, the hybrid taking in a deep breath simply knowing that they would be a bit bigger than their last cubs. The ursine hybrid paused glancing down at his work only to snort which made a few wood shavings flying away from him, he closed his eyes slowly letting his head press onto the bark that was behind him. The Volkov man seemed to be lingering a lot more on his thoughts than what was currently within his large paws, he nibbled quietly at the inside of his left cheek feeling his face growing a bit warm. A soft flutter in his chest. With a shake of his head, he proceeded with his work until he had four small figurines. They had the characteristics of a tiger and a bear much like himself, he polished them off and smoothed them out with a small strip of sandpaper. Eventually, Siborno gathering a few paints as he began to color them... He knew not of how the children would look like or what gender they'd be but he would love them regardless, he was amused by this feeling as if he was painting easter eggs though... He would not hide these. He would put them within the nursery he had set up during these past few weeks.

He was on his second figurine as he painted idly, he appeared pretty concentrated in his work as he muttered a few things under his breath in his native tongue. Russian. A language he was more comfortable in speaking rather than English but he was gradually getting a bit better.

Re: PART OF YOUR WORLD 》 wood carving + painting - SirDio - 02-24-2021

Crafts and art such as wood carving and painting were not foreign activities to the girl - her stepfather delved in clay sculpting and her step sister did wood working. She would sit in their workshop, grateful for the times they didn't see her, ignored her as they always did.

Hobbling around the town the girl noticed a big, and I mean big, cat. Like, huge cat. Already intrigued by the man himself the girl started hobbling over. Once she was within speaking distance she spoke out, "Hello, sir! What're you doing?" his strange words did not go unnoticed to the girl, but she found them fascinating.

"That's really pretty!" her silver eyes drifted to the carvings, though her chest ached with the idea she could be ignored again.
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Re: PART OF YOUR WORLD 》 wood carving + painting - wormwood. - 02-27-2021

A couple of times in the last few weeks, Aurum had been approached by various faces wondering where Siborno was. Most were more worried for the luminary himself than his boyfriend, thinking that perhaps the tiger had been left to fend for himself with their new cubs. However, the angel was always quick to brush them off rather bluntly whenever he realized this implication, not liking the thought of them thinking Siborno would just leave. Of course he wouldn't. The other was so kind, and gentle, and loving... he was truly perfect for Aurum, and the golden tiger wasn't sure he'd ever meet anyone else so incredible. This was only further solidified by what Siborno was actually doing during all his time away. The luminary knew well that the other had essentially been baby-proofing the house once again, while also making sure all the necessary preparations were done. Aurum tried to help out here and there where he could, but his leader duties – along with the pregnancy itself – often kept him away, which made him even more grateful for Sib's presence. Besides that, just seeing the other's face whenever he returned home from a long day was enough to fill his chest with warmth, and affection.

This particular day hadn't been a long day in the frustrating sense, but Aurum was still feeling rather exhausted. As his pregnancy grew further along, he found himself getting tired more easily, which meant he wasn't able to do as much work. He doubted that it would be long before either Moth or Siborno – or both – forced him into bedrest, just to make sure that he wouldn't hurt himself, or the coming children. He honestly wouldn't mind getting a bit of extra rest, but he also felt bad just cooping himself up inside, when he knew that he could've been helping out around the group. Either way, the tiger's mind was wandering as he approached his home that day, trying to ignore the way that his paws were aching, or how he felt like just collapsing into a warm and soft bed. However, he stopped himself from finally heading into his final destination of home when he heard talking from nearby. First, the soft muttering in a foreign language that he recognized very well by this point, Russian, and then the voice of that new girl, Ana.

With a tired but pleased smile coming to his face as he spotted Siborno, Aurum made his way over slowly, his voice a warm rumble from the back of his throat, "Hey there, handsome. You carving something again?" He moved closer to his love, gently touching his nose to Sib's cheek before looking down at the small figurines. He paused after a moment of inspecting them, his smile growing slightly as he questioned, "Are these for the kids?" Once again, the angel could feel his heart swelling with love for the other, touched by the gesture.

Re: PART OF YOUR WORLD 》 wood carving + painting - arrow - 02-27-2021

Aw, that was cute.

Arrow hadn’t actually gotten to properly meet the man the myth the legend yet, what an impression she had of him. She’d heard Siborno was quite a large boy, but that was a terrible understatement. Sib was massive. She was like, 85% convinced that he could accidentally knock over an entire tree if he stumbled, or topple the derelict buildings of the town if he really wanted to. Really, how big was Aurum’s pad then? The cheetah made a mental note to get some home renovation advice later from the Luminary, since there was a little less space in her own residence since the gift of flesh and bone for herself, after all. Probably no room for no kids either, not that she was thinking that far ahead. It was just hard not imagining what it was like with a squad of little beasties watching her boss man waddle around looking rounder than before by the day. At this point, if it wasn’t a potential threat to the kids, Arrow probably could have rolled him around.

”Ew, PDA.” Arrow teased, sticking out her tongue like a child who had just witnessed their parents kissing or something. Obviously the vassal did not care, she had been living it up with all the PDA of her own from her beautiful girlfriend. Her head tilted at the little wood figurine, slowly laying down next to Ana to look at it a little better as the large man worked on his second piece. Her long tail curled over her body, a look of amusement lighting up her face. ”It’s fantastic craftsmanship, top tier. 5 stars, ten out of ten.”
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