Beasts of Beyond
ELBOWS OUT LETS BUST SOME LIPS // Snarky - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Good god, he needed a fucking break from The Pitt. The tensions were still high (at least, to him, they were) and although his wounds were still healing, Dante couldn't take being stuck in the cold-ass desert. He needed to go someplace warmer or he was going to succumb to his injuries. Probably. Being kinda-sorta cold-blooded had its disadvantages; not to mention, with him being high on some sort of substance, it certainly didn't help his laziness.

The last time he had been in The Typhoon's territory, he had gotten attacked. So this time, the hybrid decided to stay on the outskirts of their territory, in what he believed was one of the lesser-visited islands. Maybe this island was visited a lot though, who was he to know? Shrugging off that thought, Dante dove into the water, wincing as the salt burned into his injuries. He grit his teeth, trying to ignore the pain as much as possible - and honestly, it wasn't that hard, given how relieving it felt to be in the water again. Even if it was salt water and burned a bit, it was water nonetheless. The desert made his gills feel dry and scratchy and this certainly was much more suitable to him.