Beasts of Beyond
━ ' abra-ka-dabra! ' - Printable Version

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━ ' abra-ka-dabra! ' - abralithe - 02-24-2021

Welcome to my storage thread! I hope you're having a fantastic day! Here you will find forms, tags, heartcharts, and event trackers for my characters. Please refrain from stealing my characters or posting in this thread, thank you!

( biographies )
( posting )
axxo. ★
velyr. ★
alastor. ★

( heartcharts )
( event tracking )
no link yet. ★

━ ' i know this is home. ' - AXXO. - 02-24-2021

✧ axxo'viintoch | axxo
✧ physically easy, mentally difficult | november 20th | scorpio
✧ biologically male | agender + it/they/them
✧ clan/group | rank | titles (optional)
notes maybe (optional)

✧ alien | health: 100% | mutant deer
(ref. drawn by myself, do not use; color ref. made on
— axxo takes the form of a mutated deer that stands at five and a half feet tall. they have very little fur; the majority of their fur is centered on their tail, jawline, and on the top of their head. the fur on their tail is a dark blue; the fur on their jawline begins as the same shade of blue, but becomes yellow and orange towards the end of their muzzle. the hair upon the top of their head consists of various shades of orange-red, red, and pink. every other part of them is exposed, smooth skin of various shades of light, saturated blue.

their three toed feet are covered in black scales with a few dots of blue; each of these toes end in one black talon. moreover, every part of their body - including their fur - is slathered in a layer of transparent mucus which their skin produces. in fact, so much mucus is produced on their muzzle that it often conceals its opening; thus, they appear to not have a mouth until their jaws part. the tip of their muzzle is of a slightly darker shade than the other blues on their face and has one thin slit for a nostril which can make whistling noises if they exhale harshly.

axxo has four beady black eyes and a singular glowing yellow stripe on each cheekbone. their two long ears have bumps on their inner sides and tiny tufts of dark blue fur on the tips and backs of them. moreover, the skin on their inner ears is thin, allowing what appear to be bright blue veins to be seen. their neck is longer than a deer's and is capable of bending like a swan's neck. their tail is the length of their body.
— despite how their veins appear through the lens of their skin, the blood is actually a bright, saturated orange color.
— axxo dons a good manner of clothing. this clothing includes: a bright yellow jacket with pink fur about its neck, dark blue shorts, a bright yellow and pinkish-red saddle bag, a bright yellow baseball cap with an orange rim and a lighter orange diamond symbol on its front, and pink glasses. as a side note, they don't need glasses nor are the glasses made for improving perception.
— they have no injuries or scars at this time.

✧ (positives) passionate, confident, charming, gentle, adventurous, eccentric
✧ (neutral) hopeless romantic, vulnerable, wild, outrageous, mischievous, changeable
✧ (negatives) secretive, pessimistic, distrustful, moody, reckless, paranoid
— full personality here

✧ they don't know if their parents are alive | they don't know if they have any siblings
adopted by no one.
✧ their family name is 'toch.'
✧ panromantic asexual | crushes often & easily, but rarely follows through with a committed relationship | could be persuaded if there's good chemistry | ---
✧ friends | best friends | extra info

✧ physically easy | mentally difficult | no powers | no weapons unless you count claws and teeth
✧ will end fights, hard to provoke | willingness to kill depends upon circumstance
✧ no mentor | apprentice | has little to no skill in fighting
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #1AACE1 | mention [member=15563]abralithe[/member] when attacking

✧ diet consists of fruit and fish; but will eat insects, lizards, amphibians, small animals, and carrion in times of strife.
✧ this character carries themes of the effects of psychological manipulation.
— avatar is an art piece by ron hicks ; large source of inspiration are songs by the band "manchester orchestra."

━ ' axxo posting! ' - AXXO. - 02-24-2021


text here

credit to guppy for this template!

━ ' jimmy, he whispers. ' - AXXO. - 02-27-2021

events that took place before role-play of this character began. trigger warning for psychological manipulation, child abandonment, and cannibalism.
✧ Axxo'viintoch's egg was laid on September fifteenth alongside one other egg. However, as per tradition, one egg was deemed to be genetically superior pre-birth and chosen to stay on the planet with the mother (Jeq'jutoch [npc]). Axxo's egg was deemed genetically poor and therefore wouldn't be allowed to intermingle with others of his kind as to not "damage the gene pool." Thus, they were sent to another planet alongside their father (Lyc'syrtoch [npc]), who would oversee their growth to determine whether the choice of Axxo being inferior was correct.

Axxo hatched on November twentieth on this planet and they grew rapidly, becoming full-grown (physically speaking) before adulthood. While Lyc gave Axxo the tools to survive, he remained distant and cold towards his child as that was how their spawn were raised. Axxo's perception of them being agender despite having male sex organs stemmed not from personal choice. Lyc referred to them as "it/they/them" alongside subtle messages of "beasthood" in order to discourage a sense of identity so that Axxo wouldn't attempt to seek out their people or associate themselves with their species.

Once Axxo reached adulthood, Lyc forced Axxo to devour him as those who raise "lessers" are not allowed to return to their home planet. Axxo went on to wander alone, actively avoiding groups/clans due to being raised to believe they shouldn't associate with those socially higher than themselves.

events that took place during role-play.
✧ ( link[/color] ) text

━ ' we've lost our eyes. ' - AXXO. - 02-27-2021

( acquaintances )
( friends/romantic )
name. ★

( enemies )
( other )
name. ★

━ ' character concepts v.1 ' - abralithe - 02-28-2021

nephilim | giant wasp + canine | male + he/him
✧ Wasp is a being born from the union of an angel and a mortal. He craves the flesh of intelligent mortal creatures but keeps his cravings at bay by savagely slaying prey animals and drinking of their blood. However, since these beings are not those which can satiate him, he is left in a weakened state of constant hunger.
— (drawn ref pending; color ref, made on Wasp is a large being, standing at around seven and a half feet. Hence his name, he is in the shape of a giant wasp but with the head and neck of a lupine creature (ooc note for art: it looks just as unnatural as one would imagine). He does not have an internal bone structure and instead an exoskeleton - this includes his lupine head - of vibrant yellows and oranges, with pinker colors being on his neck, chest, and underside.
— On his lower thorax and abdomen are blue, crystalline structures which rise no more than two inches from his body. The ankles and "feet" of his back-most legs are entirely composed of it. Moreoevr, this same blue crystal sprouts on either side of his head in the form of ram's horns.
— His pink-toned eyes retain the qualities of an insect, meaning they have a honeycomb pattern. However, unlike an insect, there are faintly identifiable pupils in his eyes and lids which can close around them. The only hair upon his body is of scarlet red tones and grows upon the top of his head, on the sides and bottom of his abdomen, and upon the jointed legs located on the middle and lower end of his thorax.

other notes: Due to being predominantly insect rather than canine, he has no pain sensors. However, that doesn't make him more affective in battle as his organs and limbs loose function just the same way as those who do sense pain. Moreover, due to not having pain sensors, he also can't feel anything save for vibrations in the air and ground. please note that I tried to do research on whether or not insects feel pain but most of the sites arguing that they do are under ".com", ".org", or ".edu" - which I don't entirely trust.
✧ hybridization ; aesthetic elementals ; wall-walker ; enhanced senses
— 40,000

dragon | androgyne + she/her/he/him
✧ She's a made-up species of dragon known as a Biisykyr that is noted for the characteristics it shares with both dragons and drakes. Their name stems from the word "berserker" due to their short temperament and fearlessness. Biisykyr's dine primarily on large land animals such as moose and boars, but have been known to go after large carnivores and sealife. While they are opportunistic predators, they actively avoid rotting carrion save for the bones which they are capable of digesting.
✧ Their high body mass, thick natural armor (i.e. scales and tough skin), and sparse fire-breathing capabilities generate a great deal of heat. However, their enormous wings - which are more than double their size - not only allow them to take flight but also help regulate their body temperature. When living in hotter climates and out under the sun, they will often flap their wings in order to fan themselves. Biisykyr dragons, while they can live in hotter climates, much prefer milder - if not significantly colder - climates.
✧ Moreover, their methods of hunting involve divebombing prey, flaring their wings at the last moment and using the force of their hind legs to kill their prey on impact. One may note their lack of backward facing toes on their hind legs and conclude that they are unable to lift prey off the ground. However, they do have backward-facing toes on their front legs, preferring to carry prey with their front feet and using their stronger hind legs to lift themselves off the ground.
✧ Biisykyr typically live in small groups consisting of four to five members in their younger years; however, as they age and become larger, they will go to live on their own. Adult Biisykyr typically only live with others of their species if they are a mating pair and have hatchlings.
— (ref. drawn by myself, do not use, wings left in dark pencil to show what's behind them) description tba, note their unusual coloring for their species.
other notes: inspiration for him has mainly derived off of pangolins in terms of his scales, bats for her wings, dinosaurs for her head, and wolves for his feet.
✧ large mythical ; fire elemental
— 175,000

━ ' what does the god of your childhood look like? ' - velyr. - 01-21-2024

reserved for full bio.

━ ' a soft apparition pigeoned in the attic. ' - velyr. - 01-21-2024

reserved for relationships/heart chart.

━ ' velyr posting! ' - velyr. - 01-21-2024

I want a god who stands still with me. A long,
dull night on a hill, very still, without reaching.

text "speech"

template by orion

credit to orion for this template!

━ ' old things have strange hungers. ' - ALASTOR. - 01-22-2024

reserved for full bio.