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QUIT MOVING, QUIT DANCING ☆ pie + cookies - Printable Version

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QUIT MOVING, QUIT DANCING ☆ pie + cookies - S. PENDRAGON - 02-24-2021

After the visit, Sophiea had insisted that Goldenluxury stayed a few days within her hometown and to her surprise, the tigress didn't seem to mind the idea at all which made the British woman quite happy. It wasn't any different from when the both of them stayed within the Typhoon, the both of them would be close to one another, Sophiea in Goldie's embrace, and her muzzle close to the other's chest as they slept together. It made the Pendragon woman think in that moment... Anywhere felt like home whenever her lover was with her, she cherishes these moments with the striped wildcat never wanting to stray far from her. If staying within one place meant and having the former captain there, if it meant she would wake up within the others arms... Well, she'd never want that to change. She valued and loved the other woman dearly, Sophiea laying there as the small rays of sun would peek into through the cracks within the curtains. "I love you." Came the soft mumble of the Pendragon as she nuzzled into the others fur taking in the scent of ocean that still lingered in Goldie's coat, she pressed a kiss to the other's cheek deciding to get up and make herself useful.

Slipping out of her arms, Sophiea would begin to head downstairs with a soft yawn escaping her. She turned to her kitchen pulling out a book with some yellowed pages only to open to a certain page, she hadn't done any baking in a good while and she figured that the best thing to do this early was making a pie and some cookies. Sophiea normally didn't indulge in baking or let alone sweets but there were those rare moments where she did, she figured that she'd make enough for her clanmates and Goldie's family so she could take some back to the Typhoon. Apple pie seemed like her first choice and the cookies were a good usual chocolate chips. Although, she was following her nan's recipe and could recall the few times when she was little how she insisted on helping. A faint but sad smile appearing on her face as she got out the recipes, she cleared her throat quietly falling silent but proceeded to making the crust for the pies and switching over to make the batter for the cookies.

It wasn't long until she put the pies into the oven and was already preparing to put the cookies in as well as she set them above the oven. The sound of louder pawsteps made her tufted ears twitch and she noticed that it was her lover, Sophiea found a small smile on her maw as she said with a light shake of her cranium "I apologize for waking you, my love." The former captain mumbled something in response but Soph didn't quite catch onto it, a soft sigh leaving her maw as she drew near to give the tigress a few kisses. "I'll make myself some tea and get you apple juice." She said leading her girlfriend to go sit down while she prepared hot water for tea and checking on the pies for a quick moment, ah yes, they were baking beautifully. Sophiea glanced at her timer nodding slowly before getting a glass of apple juice for Goldenluxury who offered a sheepish yet sleepy smile.

Everything seemed so domestic and relaxing, Sophiea enjoyed it to say the least. She wished to spend every morning like this, she wouldn't want to spend the day any other way. Pulling out the pies carefully, she set them onto the windowsill where they could cool off only to place cookies into the oven after setting her timer. She closed it and turned around to see that Goldie had that sheepish smile on her maw with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sophiea playfully squinted at the other woman as she would mew "Why are you smiling so cheekily at me?" Mused the British woman before she got an answer, the tigress had already reached forward only to start tickling Sophiea. It was safe to say that Sophiea had not been expecting that as she burst into a fit of loud laughter followed by a few snorts, she managed to squirm away still laughing but covered her maw when another snort escaped her "O-oi, you daft b-bugger!" She mewed with embarrassment in her voice, her face going completely red and hot.

/ given permission to powerplay goldie

Re: QUIT MOVING, QUIT DANCING ☆ pie + cookies - arrow - 02-24-2021

”Well I’ll be damned.”

Sure, the smell of whatever Sophiea was baking had grabbed her attention first, after all, turned out the Brit could really bake up a storm. Baked goods hopefully would be a common item to see, it had a certain happy air to it that the place had lacked for some time, with all the bloodshed and tensions and all. Also they were just tasty to have, maybe not the most optimal food item to keep this sexy rockin’ bod, but a little now and again wouldn’t hurt, right?

Arrow was, uh, investigating the scene, making sure it was safe and all, when the first laugh had echoed through the air like hearing the ground rumble before a mountain blew its top. She raised a brow inquisitively as one ear twitched, thinking she might have just misheard something before boom, it happened again. And she had her doubts before the very British tease knocked them clean out of her head. That was definitely Soph, alright. Was the Lady Pendragon truly capable of more positive emotion than a few kind smiles aimed at her woman? She didn’t think it was possible, that judgemental frown was practically sketched into that soft but not so nice face. Perhaps she had a heart after all.

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Re: QUIT MOVING, QUIT DANCING ☆ pie + cookies - wormwood. - 02-28-2021

Domestic life. Honestly, it was something that Aurum had become used to, over time. While he wasn't exactly the most normal soul in existence, he did enjoy the quiet moments in life. He liked being cooped up within his home, with Siborno at his side and the sound of his children's footsteps echoing throughout the house. That happened much less often these days, but the luminary knew it wouldn't be long before he would be hearing it again. Sib also seemed aware of that fact, considering how close the other was staying to his side as of late. The tiger might've told the other to back off or reassure his boyfriend that he was fine, but he honestly found that he enjoyed the other's company. Siborno's constant and quiet presence was a boon in his life, and while he was sure he would be alright, he didn't want to push the other away. Instead, he just enjoyed those brief moments of relaxation inside, pressed up against his lover's fluff as he drifted in and out of sleep, not worrying about the world around them. He honestly wished that they would never end, most of the time.

However, those moments inevitably did end, and Aurum was forced to go out and perform his duties as usual. He knew it wouldn't be long until he got some kind of reprieve in the form of his children arriving, but he didn't exactly consider that to be a break. As happy as he would be, it would also be filled with a lot of pain and time just spent waiting for the children to come, and then a lot of napping from the exhaustion that came afterwards. He was half looking forward to it, and half absolutely petrified by it. He tried to keep his cool for the most part, however, and not focus on that. Instead, he just focused on his usual routines. Patrolling the territory, hunting for food, planning events... not to mention checking in on his high positions. Particularly Elsweyr, considering he wanted to make sure that his shadow regent was healing alright. She thankfully did seem to be, no doubt because of the influence of Arrow - as funny as that was to consider when taking into account the vassal's usual carefree attitude.

He had been going through this usual routine when he neared Sophiea's house, figuring that he would check in on how the shaderunner was doing. He doubted that she would be doing badly, considering she no doubt had Goldie with her at the moment. It was almost comical, seeing the difference between Sophiea without Goldie and Sophiea with Goldie. Comical and rather sweet, actually. He figured that he would just poke his head in and say hello and then head out, since he had no desire to act as a third wheel for the two of them. Besides, the faster he got his check-ins done, the faster he could return to his own domestic bliss with Siborno.

However, as the angel stepped up to Sophiea's front door, he was stunned by what sounded like a laugh echoing through the air. Not just any laugh, but Sophiea's laugh. He wasn't sure he had ever even heard her laugh before, and it felt as though his entire world was being turned upside down. Arrow seemed to feel similarly, considering the other seemed similarly frozen and bewildered. Briefly shaking his head to "reset" himself, Aurum hesitated before stepping inside, clearing his throat before he spoke, "Uhm... hello Sophiea. Hello Goldie... I was just coming to do my usual check up on the semi-high and high positions. But... I can see that you're doing well, so I think I'll just go now..." He quickly pointed behind himself with a paw, turning to head out and trying to hide the amused smile that briefly flashed across his muzzle. He couldn't help feeling a little bemused, considering Sophiea had looked and sounded so genuinely happy. Clearly Goldie was a good influence.