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Hidden in the Sand - Joining - Printable Version

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Hidden in the Sand - Joining - SirDio - 02-22-2021

The swamp. Not the most pretty of the island, dark and damp most of the year, gators and snakes that would easily snap up a child. It was here that Ana Thervos found herself. The tall yet young child leaned against a tree, a gentle breath coming from her. Thin three legs wavered slightly but she sat down, wings folded neatly against her back. Wide silver eyes at in a round face and her large ears swiveled around to listen. Her stomach growled and she huffed, pulling her stub of a left front leg closer to her body. She didn't even know where she was.

Gently huffing out air she stood up and continued walking. Soon enough, though, fatigue took her on and she sat down next to another tree, leaning heavily on it. "Is there anyone even here? It's.. It's a swamp!"
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - rhosmari - 02-23-2021

"Yes, there are others here." Came the serene and mellow voice of the lioness dressed in paints. Though she hobbled slightly the woman held a strength to her that had not been seen in quite some time. Perhaps she was happier with her situation. Though she would still not forgive what had happened to Ares she knew where her daughter was. She was safe. That alone put a little ease to her heart as she ventured through the swampy area. They had other places that were not so...watery. The town for example and the shore as well as a few other locations. The swamp was largely a deterrent for those that wished to cause trouble. But the deputy didn't see that in this three legged child. Ibstead she saw someone she could potentially help perhaps. Tilting her head a bit she would give a small smile. "This one calls herself Elsweyr. Is she looking to join Tanglewood?" They had many new faces here and there. Though some she wasn't present for.

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - mulder. - 02-23-2021

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center; height: 165px; width: 165px; border-radius: 100%; border: 4px #222222 solid; float: left; margin-top: -20px; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: 5px;"]
how could you be what i want to see?・°☆

[b]"Yeahhhh, it is. But you get used to it."
At least he hopes so, and he's talking just as much for himself as he is the newcomer. After all, he's a newcomer himself, but not as brand new as this stranger. "Camp's dry though!" The fox trots up to take a seat beside the regent, figuring she has the down pat done so he'll ask the more meaty questions. He'd ask her how she's doing but really she doesn't look like the type to him that would take that question without some headstrong offense so he'll focus all of his attention on the kid for now.

"Why are you out here by yourself, kid?" Not just to be out here alone but to be stuck having to walk with only three legs is a tough break. Maybe she could fly but the vines and canopy might make that difficult, if she's even old enough to use her wings. Suddenly he flicks an ear forward then chuckles. "Wow, is that your stomach?" Mulder reaches into his scarf (carefully tucked up away from the mud below) and pulls out a small bundle of berries that he usually keeps on hand anytime he himself wants a snack. The haven't killed his little half pint self yet so surely they should be fine for someone he has to look up to see. He noses them forward then steps back, biting back more questions as to not be too overwhelming.

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-23-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Funny as it was, Atbash didn't mind the swamp - though, granted, she was used to her fur being wet most of the time during her days in Snowbound. Sure, it was much more humid and hotter here in the swamp, but the savannah didn't mind it too much. What did bother her, however, was the gators and snakes that lurked around. The gators in particular were extremely dangerous, though some of the bigger snakes could prove to be a threat too.

Being lured to the scene by voices, Atbash came to stand next to Elsweyr, giving both the lioness and Mulder a nod of greeting before she looked back at the stranger. "Heya. I'm Atbash Cipher." She greeted.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - wormwood. - 02-24-2021

Saying that Tanglewood was a swamp was certainly quite the statement of the obvious. Pretty much everyone who knew even a scrap about Tanglewood knew that the group lived within a swamp, and at one time, Aurum had been rather irritated by that fact. The muck had constantly dirtied his fur, and he had been quite prone to getting overheated as a result of the humidity and his thick pelt combined. However, nowadays things were much different. While he still occasionally got overheated, he had pretty handily learned the territory like the back of his paw, and knew all the best routes through it. Not only that, but he couldn't easily imagine Tanglewood living anywhere else. If they did... well, they just wouldn't be Tanglewood anymore, at least in his opinion.

In spite of this, the angel could certainly see how the swamp would be difficult to navigate for a child, particularly one that only had three legs. It was because of this that the pregnant tiger had a look of sympathy on his face as he approached. A rumbling chuckle left him before he spoke, "It is indeed a swamp... sorry we don't have the best welcome mat, but it makes sure enemies had trouble getting to us. So... little one. Like Elsweyr said, I'm assuming you're here to join? Even if you aren't, I'll introduce myself – I'm Aurum Kingmaker, the luminary or leader around here. So if you have any questions... feel free to just shoot." He was glad that Mulder had already offered Ana some food, considering the growling coming from her stomach. However, even if she wasn't around to join, the large feline would still probably try to grab her a substantial piece of prey, just to know for sure she wouldn't be going hungry.

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - S. PENDRAGON - 02-24-2021

If anyone ever asked Sophiea about her feelings towards the swamp, well, she absolutely hated it. She preferred going over to the Typhoon and spending time with her girlfriend on the sandy beaches of her home rather than the swamp any given day yet this is where Eternalknight had dragged them to. And frankly, Sophiea had already settled down within a home keeping a rather large space for herself. A soft sigh leaving her as she stretched herself out when the sound of a child calling out made a frown appear on her maw, without much of a thought, she slipped on her satchel and the pink scarf that was given to her by Goldie. Sophiea drawing it close to her muzzle to hide that shy smile that touched her lips for a brief moment, she shook herself out once and was off in the direction of the voice. Soon enough, she was there with the rest of her clanmates to see a good amount of them being gathered.

"How uncanny that lone children keep appearing on our borders..." She moreso mumbled to herself and stood next to Aurum with both of her tufted ears twitching lightly as she glanced over Ana to make sure that the child didn't have any injuries during their journey to Tanglewood. After the small inspection, Sophiea let out a soft huff before introducing herself "Hello there. I am Sophiea Pendragon," There was a pause listening to everyone's tidbits on the swamp, Sophiea nodded slowly "Yes... The camp is dry in comparison to the swamp." The thought of gators or snakes living within the swamp being brushed away, she was aware of them but they never bothered her and she did not bother them or let alone actively seek them out anyways.

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - SirDio - 02-24-2021

Ana's eyes focused on the painted lioness, immediately captured by the look. "Oh, nice." She breathed, not entirely paying attention to Elsweyr's words until Mulder arrived. Blinking at his words and actions the kitten smiled widely. "Well.. I-uh.. I ran away from home." She spoke a little shyly, averting her eyes for a moment before he dropped the bag before her. "Wait - I.. I can have some?"

It seemed she would be giving plenty of surprised looks, considering her mouth made a little 'o' shape as Aurum approached. "Yeah, I'm here to join!" Her face flushed, gaze turning to Elsweyr. "Sorry Miss Elsweyr, I wasn't paying attention to you when you spoke." Turning to Sophiea her face flushed again. Names! God, she completely forgot. Making sure she got a good view of everyone, Elsweyr, Mulder, Atbash, Aurum, Sophiea, She waved her nub slightly. "I'm Ana Thervos."
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Hidden in the Sand - Joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-24-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
It seemed like the whole of Tanglewood was just coming to arrive and as much as Atbash was comfortable around her clanmates, she couldn't help but feel a little clausterphobic at the moment. Still, she forced herself to keep the friendly smile on her face as she spoke, "It's nice to meet you, Ana. Do you want a tour, or anything? Or I can at least just show you to camp, if you prefer that." She added her last sentence rather quickly, glancing over at Aurum in fear that she had ruined something - namely, his buddy system, since getting shown around the place was the whole point of the system. Among other things, of course.
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi