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in bloom .. belated birthday & death - Printable Version

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in bloom .. belated birthday & death - teef - 02-22-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] TW:: DROWNING //

silence filled the air, the slap of water on shore awakening the loneliness within his chest, heart beating nearly frantically. ah. this hurts, he would think to himself, paw raising to touch his breast and collarbone. why was he feeling this way today? looking up at the sky, he tipped his head in quiet wonder, exhaling painfully as it dawned upon him. his birthday had come and passed, and he'd been alone again. not that he could mind, he wasn't exactly outgoing in the matter of making friends, not since she died, leaving him alone with family members too busy to see him, or those who thought themselves higher than a crippled boy.

shaking his head, he didn't want to deal with the painful thoughts within his mind, the taunts from those who had been children with him circling and crushing the breath in his chest now. paws shaking as the feeling of loneliness spread, causing his skin and muscles to tingle, throat tightening and restricting as he coughed to try to get rid of this horrid tightness. oh how he hated everytime that tears came to taunt him, they felt like fiery bullets leaving his eyes, things that could be used against him should someone see him exposing his feelings. trying to growl, the paralyzed serval shook his head, the growl choked out by even more tears. hanging his head, he would admit defeat, simply moving his body along the tiger's boardwalk. maybe he could cool off if he took a walk? he didn't know, but he was placing his bets on it. lifting his head up to the sky, he would watch the starry skies so far above, wondering what it would feel like to soar through the skies, to be so free to be able to move a body even as broken as his.

he had been getting better - he didn't know when it had changed. maybe it was the sound of children that had reminded him of things, of the past, before his accident when he had been but a child himself. how strange and fleeting those pastel dreams, weighed down and chased by darker nightmares of the accident. would he ever forgive himself for that accident? no. it was his duty as the brother, older or younger, to protect his sister and he had failed in that, and veris had ultimately died. the grief and guilt pursued him in his every waking moment, a mistake and sin he could never atone for in his mortal life.

orbs fixated on the stars, he stopped against the railing, resting his screaming lungs. he couldn't feel the pain in his legs from knocking them against the wood and whatever else had come across his path, unaware of the slight path of torn fur and ichor that he had left behind him in his movements. gritting his teeth, "it's never enough! it's never enough for you bastards, is it!?", he would yowl at the stars, ears pinned back to his head. too vocal was he to notice the creaking and groaning of the boardwalk, too late was he to feel the world tilt and crumble under himself, too frantic was he to reach for the edge of the boardwalk as the rotten wood collapsed under his body. he should have been paying attention, maybe he could have saved himself from a spill in the water. crying out in fear and surprise as the wood gave away, his voice came out in a befuddled cry, suddenly cut short as he made contact with salty water below.

impact drove the last of the air from his lungs, landing upon his back, unable to twist his broken body around for what would be an easier landing. mouth gasping for air as he sank immediately, he managed a whisp of air before the brine of the deep swept in. desperately kicking his paws against the current and water, he lashed out frantically, trying to save his life. he used to be so good in the water, almost as if he was more fish than he was feline. now, that ability was lost to him, treading water so desperately as the darkness of night crept into his vision like indigo tendrils, mouth working as he tried to expel the water clogging his throat and nose. he couldn't breathe and the darkness that was coming was a heavy blanket, crushing him in its hold as it swept him over, tempting his struggles to cease as he would drift in the water, memories flashing him by. what a pitiful way to die, drowning in the sea that had once been his playmate and favorite place to be.

my life is like this because I deserve it right? the thought rang through his head like a stone on a frozen lake, each word driving into his mind like daggers, heat upon his face in the form of tears that joined the sea. the agony spread through him like a wildfire, choking out the numbness he felt, I did a lot of things I'm not proud of, came the response, I'm not the best brother, or the best son. hell, im not much of a friend ... everyone leaves in the end. this life is like the sea, it falls and it rises without a care for those within its arms.

maybe the sea is made from tears?, he would think quietly as his mind broiled and fought itself, memories of his family flashing across his face, curling up on himself as if he was a newborn within his egg again. as the darkness came for him, he was mindless of the foam kissing the shore above, the frothy mark of the sea singing his final breaths away as his gaze fixed on the surface so far above, splendid and divine in its beauty, the moon a wavering shape he struggled to make out. reaching one paw towards the far away moon, would the darkness take him in a peaceful end. -

Re: in bloom .. belated birthday & death - Ares - 02-22-2021

She couldn't save everyone. Ares hadn't come to realize it but beneath the anger in her soul she had to have known. Maybe she wouldn't had been so broken, so crying when she saw Laeglin fall beneath the boardwalk that night. Wounded body moving too slow to make it for him. To slow. So very slow. A yell of alarm ripped from her and she stood at the edge of the fallen boardwalk. "Lae-LAEGLIN? Laeglin, please!? Please come up! PLEASE!" She wanted to think it was a joke. But the lack of movement, lack of resurgence, settled the stone of dread in her. And she couldn't swim.

"Laeglin.. Laeglin... Lae.." Breath caught in anger and she turned her head toward the shore. "SOMEONE - ANYONE - PLEASE! LAEGLIN'S UNDERWATER.. I-I CAN'T SWIM!" The scream as thrown into the night air. Softly she wheezed. "I can't swim.. I can't... I.." What would she even do? He was bigger than Ares.. What would she even do? Swallowing her rage she stepped back from the edge then stepped back to it. Selfish girl, thinking she could give herself a chance to live. "I... I can't.." I can't save everyone.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: in bloom .. belated birthday & death - Valianté - 02-23-2021

This will never end 'cause I want more・♠️ }
Valianté makes it his business to stay out of other people's business but hearing someone's scream split the night brings the canine sprinting toward the sea. A detestable place after he and his "son's" long swim and it seems the malicious waters have swallowed someone up by Ares's words. Laeglin? Wordlessly, his golden eyes flick over the environment when he notices the broken boards. Begrudgingly, but with speed, the two-tone shepherd leaps into the water and swims over to the spot.

He goes under himself, searching for what he can only assume is a corpse by now considering there is no movement. It's a shame if so, but not something that he would lose sleep over. Things die everyday and he's not become attached to anyone here yet to care too much about their fates. Still, no matter the creature, Valienté believes everyone has a right to a burial where those that do know them can say goodbye. As repulsive as touching the dead or near dead can be. Unless it's lost to the sea or the victim of the waters is too big for the dog to carry, he might return to land dragging the sodden form.

Re: in bloom .. belated birthday & death - RHINESTONE. - 02-24-2021

Rhinestone didn't know Laeglin all that well personally, if she looked back on things. She knew that the other was related to Bai Shi, and had once hailed from the now disbanded Alithís Evgenis – those were both positive things in her eyes, but that didn't mean she knew him. Not on a deeply personal level. She wanted to be there for him in his times of need, as she tried to be for all the members of the Glades, but that wasn't always possible. She was a busy woman, and considering the recent developments in her personal life as well, her free time was mostly spent with those she loved, familial or otherwise. Perhaps if she had been able to get away a bit more, and see what Laeglin was going through... maybe things would've been better. Maybe he would've been safer, in the long run. All she knew was that she would feel guilt over this incident for some time to come. After all, Bai Shi had once trusted her greatly as an ally, and she had offered to take in the former members of Alithís Evgenis as her own – she should've been able to see what was going on. She should've known the other's struggles.

However, all she could really do now was hope. Hope that, by some miracle, Laeglin was still alright. She knew that it was unlikely – had known from the moment she heard Ares's scream break through the air – but she still wanted to have some amount of hope that he would be alright. Either way, the legate's long legs carried her quickly towards the sound of Ares's voice, recoiling when she arrived only to see a chunk of the boardwalk destroyed and broken. Rhine had known that certain parts of the boardwalk were less stable than others, but this... she hadn't been expecting this. And from the looks of it, Laeglin hadn't been aware of the risk he was taking, either. Feeling a tight clench of pain in her chest, Rhinestone moved over to the edge of the sudden drop, pressing her side against that of Ares. She muttered softly to the girl, hoping that the other wouldn't blame herself for what bad transpired, "Ares... take a deep breath, please. You're going to make yourself panic, and I'm sure he wouldn't want that..." He could tell her as much himself, if he managed to come out of the water alive.

Turning her brightly colored gaze towards the shore, Rhine was just able to see as Valianté threw himself into the waves, no doubt going to retrieve Laeglin. Or, in the worse case scenario, his body. With her claws digging lightly against the rotting wood below her, the thylacine waited until the other started to head back towards the shore before she called out, "Hey! What... what does he look like? Is he...?" She didn't want to say it. Didn't want to utter the word dead while Ares was practically bawling right beside her. Still, she needed to know, and she wasn't sure if she had it in her heart to go down and look for herself, at least not at this moment. She already had a funeral and memorial for Medusa that she still needed to plan, she didn't want to have to make it a double occasion with Laeglin as well. She just... she didn't want to lose anyone else, not when things had been going so well. Not when she had a chance to make everyone happy, as she had always meant for them to be.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]