Beasts of Beyond
EVERY TIME I HEAR YOU SAY → return - Printable Version

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EVERY TIME I HEAR YOU SAY → return - Grimm - 02-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Ever tumultuous those dark unfathomable depths, perpetual cycle, advance and retreat. Familiar had it grown in a time that seemed so meagre upon reflection. Different this, beneath the blended hues tracing the final moments of twilight taken that familiarity. Time the possible culprit, further experiences loosening the moments from his memories, or a wish to discard, guilt and shame even entangled in it. No longer could he run from it, pretend the actions of a child were correct.

They had never been, a pursuit meant only to temper his own selfish desire. Wished to prove himself, be more than what was expected of him, grow beyond the comments others made.

Downward vision trailed, the transition from sand to tide focal point. About rather sodden paw it arose in a quiet wash, fine the residue left behind, brief yet replacement always there before the last disappeared. Fond the smile curling his lips, sweet the moments recalled, as poorly constructed they were, noticeable the filler supplied as time laid waste to each. Hailkit within the surf, the purpose lost now, yet not the thrill of being to climb atop, elevated for a moment. The decidedly strange fish that Rhine had been proud in showing off. The terror produced from witnessing Rhine caught in the eye of a vortex of unnatural creation. Too numerous his escapades across the beach, taken to mimicry as fished the shallow tide.

He wishes to hold them, those suspended moments, but they fall away, as does his smile. Upward forced sage hued vision, known activity slowed to a point undetected may he be for a time. The want is there, however, beneath the shame, a bubbling mess — desire and heady joy, inhibitions so easily shed if allowed. Anchored is he here, however, where the tide and the sand met, chewing on his lip as the contending notions wage war.

No warning, nothing to prevail, only the sudden momentum. Something within his mind screamed to turn back, escape any due punishment, yet small that portion, drowned beneath everything else. Soon enough he began to slow, chest burning, legs aching, registered at last how tears gathered and fell in a silent cascade. He had missed the beach a great deal, the people within in equal measure, more than he cared to admit truthfully. Too much caught between teeth, held there as he waited, the wish to speak pushed down beneath every thought crowding his mind.

Re: EVERY TIME I HEAR YOU SAY → return - RHINESTONE. - 02-26-2021

Foampaw. The young feline was a son to Rhinestonestar in everything but the most literal of definitions, and she had taken it hard when he had suddenly disappeared. For the most part, the legate was able to fairly effectively keep her emotions under wraps, and she had done the same with Foam's disappearance. She had shoved her sadness deep down, only allowing herself to truly feel it when she was alone, and she could cry until her tears ran out. It wasn't the ideal way of handling things, but it was the way that she had chosen, for better or worse.

However, things had been getting better for Rhine as of late. The Glades were booming with activity – as had become almost standard at this point – and she was surrounded by others that loved her, and that she loved in turn. This didn't erase her sadness over Foam's disappearance – it was still very much there – but it simply made things more manageable. She was able to hold herself together a bit more effectively, and she was happy for that. It meant less nights spent alone, and less nights left with a hollow in her chest where her heart was meant to be. Suga's presence was of particular comfort, even if the legate occasionally felt bad about waking her lover up as a result of her emotional and restless sleep.

When she walked down to the shore that day, however, she felt a burst of pure joy inside of her when he spotted him. Foampaw. Her son. he was there, and he was safe. He was crying, yes, but Rhine could already feel tears in her own eyes as she raced over, her tail wagging frantically behind her. Vaguely, the thylacine registered that Foampaw probably wouldn't recognize her in her current form. However, she also found that she didn't truly care. All she cared about was wrapping Foam up in her front limbs, hugging him against her chest as she spoke frantically, "Foampaw... Foam, you're back. I'm so glad to see that you're safe, and that you're home... I was so worried about you. You're not hurt, right?" She leaned back a bit, carefully looking the boy over for any signs of injury. When she didn't see anything obvious, she leaned forward to touch her nose to his head, muttering softly, "It's Rhinestonestar... I know the new form might be a bit confusing, but I promise I'm still me." Hopefully he wouldn't push her away, since she wasn't sure she could take it in her current state.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: EVERY TIME I HEAR YOU SAY → return - Grimm - 03-02-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Part of him knew. Never needed the audible utterance of the words, a declaration petty when faced with all that had come before, too much for words to encompass. He had known it when a stranger had brought the tides of war, assistance sought though failure were they doomed to, his staunch courage a poorly disguised plea. Don't take Rhine as well. Too much lost, a casualty for the ocean to swallow without reason, none the wiser for a loss that meant nothing. Yet she had been there, the plans once set into place ground to a halt.

As he did then something understood even as mouth moved in a silent tremble, minute the shake of his head. Not the one he had left behind, yet could he say he was the same, a perfect frozen snapshot of the boy that made a fool of himself chasing after idiotic dreams.

Suddenly she was there, gone the ground, world spinning for a brief moment. Soft. The thought broke through the turbulent waves of his thoughts, his amusement voiced in a short, choked off giggle. Unconscious his press, uncaring how sodden cheeks left wet patches as he nuzzle against this individual that felt so familiar, yet, within that same moment, forgein. For now he did not care, enjoyed the warmth that encapsulated him, stilled only as she spoke. Felt rather than heard, each reverberating through her chest, realisation a cruel thing.

He wished for Rhine, for the parent he had left behind as his own had, and he clutched at what he thought a stranger as though they were a perfect replacement.

Shame burnt his cheeks, gaze averted as the other drew back, shifted to further move away, escape from the embrace sought. It ended not with the break of it, rather the graze of a gentle touch, query followed by an admittance that quickened his heart. "Rhine…" Her name fell from his lips in a shaky whisper, renewed his tears, outward reaching, clutching at chest, neck, anything to draw her close once more. He was an idiot. "I'm sorry…" So much more there, teeth ground into the tip of his tongue before he may speak any further, however, overtaken by renewed tears.