Beasts of Beyond
Feeling Eggscelent | Winter - Printable Version

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Feeling Eggscelent | Winter - Onyxdreams - 02-20-2021

~ ☼ A loud crunch echoed out down the boardwalk, and Onyx just couldn't help but wonder why everyone was looking at her so strangely. She was just eating her snack, one of the best foods that she had yet to find, in fact, this might just be the best food she would ever find. So what if she ate eggs whole with the shells, that wasn't weird, if anything everyone else was weird for not liking the shells! They were nice, the crunchiness really helped to offset the sort of slimy feel that the inside yellow and white bits of the egg had, the crunch just made it better! It was so weird though, no one else seemed to eat eggs, and she just couldn't fathom why, they were amazing, plus if she was in a hurry, she could just swallow them whole without a problem, it was so convenient!

Maybe it had to do with how difficult it was to get them in the first place, birds didn't lay their eggs on the ground after all, to get to them you had to be a good climber, and she just happened to be one of the best. Well, that or fly, but she still hadn't figured that out just yet, she had gotten gliding down though, so getting down from trees with those eggs intact had gotten much easier! There were a lot more birds around the Glades lately too with the changing of the season, not all of them were laying eggs just yet, but with the ones that were she had really been pulling in great hauls out there! She was just enjoying her latest one, her largest one to date, ten whole eggs, and they were all hers, enough for her to snack on for days!

Enjoying her snack, she let her eyes roam over her surroundings, passing over the buildings of the boardwalk, the ocean out in the distance, before her eyes settled on a particular sight, wing frozen halfway to her mouth with another egg. Winterhyms was out tending his garden again...and he still looked just as sad as the last time she had passed. She...she didn't know exactly how he must feel, but with Mazekit hurt like that, and with that expression...she guessed it must be kind of like how she felt, after...after her other mom died. Swallowing dryly, she gazed down at the egg in her claws, one of the nicest looking ones too, then back up to him...and made her decision. "Uh, hey Winter, you doing?" It was awkward, really awkward, she didn't know how to really start a conversation like this, but she kept it up nevertheless, padding her way over to him, egg still clasped in her wing-claws