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say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - Printable Version

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say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - rhosmari - 02-19-2021

Even injured the woman had decided to get out for a bit and see her daughter. Medusa had informed her on where she was residing now. And though it brought a bitterness to her tongue she hadn't wanted to make a scene about it. Her daughter with people she considered enemies was a hard thing to swallow and well, now she was walking to their border. Well, partially limping and then walking. But she had not come alone. She knew better than to try and travel in her healing state on her own and so she had asked someone to come with her. Arrow. The woman was a constant in her life, someone she felt for and being here with her now brought a sense of security. As the border came within view she gave a sigh and tried to swallow back her disdain.

She felt that they were no better than the Coalition. Considering they had preyed on Tanglewood and had helped them. No matter their sudden change of heart. They shouldn't be trusted and her eyes of bright blue shifted to the luminous green of Arrow's. She held concern in her own as she looked to the king cheetah before she paused upon the border. It felt wrong to be here and she probably would have felt the same if she was on the Pitt's border at this moment. Looking over the forest she would then call out with hopefully a loud enough voice. "Tanglers are here to visit! She is only here to see Ares!"

Re: say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - Ares - 02-19-2021

The child was exploring the territory and gathering herbs when she heard the voice. Her voice. Pretty-Mother. She was reminded of what had happened and Ares felt her chest tighten. She pushed the nervousness aside and started for the voice. "Pretty-Mother..? What happened to you - why are you hurt??" She gasped as her eyes settled on the duo. "And who is this?" She pointed to Arrow, wings twitching.

"Pretty-Mother.. I.. gods I've missed you." She whispered, as though scared to admit it. "How are things .. how are things back in the swamp?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - arrow - 02-19-2021

Arrow had never been to the Palm Glades, and admittedly knew little about it. Other than their part in the Coalition's little game, from start to end, where they supposedly switched sides. Who knows why, could have been a true change of heart, could have been them seeing the group was losing hold on their conquest. She had nothing to say on that, she wasn't present. Her mission wasn't to wrestle with the group, her objective was staying next to the Shadow Regent. She smiled brightly as Elsweyr's gaze, a quiet reminder that she had the woman's back. The cheetah never expressed her thoughts, but wandering out here with the injuries that Els had sustained seemed less than optimal. Not that she'd be able to convince her otherwise, or be able to say it in good conscious, knowing it would make her a hypocrite at best.

"Consider me your mother's personal bodyguard." Arrow responded casually to Ares, tilting her head. She left the rest to the lioness, she was the reason Arrow was here, after all, and Ares was her own. In the meantime, the vassal couldn't help but watch a bird fly overhead.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - RHINESTONE. - 02-21-2021

Tanglers on the border. That was certainly a surprise, even if Atbash had visited somewhat recently. Even if Elsweyr and Arrow had only arrived to come and see Ares, Rhinestone wasn't about to just stay in camp and ignore their presence. While she didn't legitimately think Elsweyr or Arrow would hurt Ares or take her back to Tanglewood against her will, there was still some sense of anxiety within her. After all, Elsweyr had freely lashed out at Medusa when she had only gone to talk, and that had soured the other's reputation quite badly for Rhinestone. The legate tried to keep those emotions in check for now, however, especially considering Ares seemed glad to see her, which wasn't entirely surprising. If she considered Els to be like a mother to her, why wouldn't she be glad to see the other once again?

Long strides brought the canine over to where Elsweyr and Arrow stood, sitting down a bit behind Ares and allowing herself to settle. She looked both the shadow regent and vassal over, her head tilting to one side curiously when she noticed Elsweyr's various injuries. What had happened to her? Was there some kind of political news that she was unaware of? Lightly biting down on the inside of her cheek in thought, Rhinestone then muttered, "Hello there... don't worry, I'm not here to kick you out. Just... observing." Elsweyr may have been Ares's mother, but Rhine still felt as though she had a responsibility to look out for the girl's safety. After another moment of thoughtful pause, she then questioned, "...I'm also curious about where those injuries came from. There aren't any new enemies out there I need to worry about, are there?" That wouldn't exactly be great news, considering they had just managed to beat the Coalition back into submission.

Re: say hello, i missed you - open; tanglers - rhosmari - 02-22-2021

The sight of her daughter was relieving to say the least. She was hoping that she wouldn't be hurt and that she would be okay. Everything seemed fine and a smile was on the lionesse' maw yet it dropped from her muzzle as the question was asked about her appearance. Taking a deep breath she looked toward Arrow as she was questioned about who she was. Arrow was important,  her mate, her love,  her dearest, her moon, the air she breathed. But she wasn't sure how to explain this to Ares. Arrow would technically be her second mother...perhaps. Yet she didn't have to respond cause Arrow spoke up. Focusing back on the first question she drew herself up straight, fatigue wearing in her aching limbs. "It is a long story. But she is okay, she is healing and it is nothing for Ares to worry about. Is Ares okay here?" She wanted to know honestly. "Everything is okay in the swamp. Aurum is taking care of things."

Though her blue eyes cut to the side as the leader she assumed came forth. Her expression almost soured. But she easily masked it. Instead she kept up formalities despite her injuries. She was still the Shadow Regent after all. They were only neutral with Tanglewood and she didn't see a reason to give out such information. "No new enemies she knows of. I'm sure Aurum will tell a summary of Tanglewood's affairs at the next gathering."