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THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - Printable Version

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THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - trojan g. - 02-18-2021

[[ cw: falling from high places, broken bones // tldr at the bottom ]]

He had heard in bedtime stories of a man who made his own wings of wax and jumped out of a window to fly to the sun. When being told the bedtime stories, there had never been mention of the man falling to his death, simply flying. Whether that was because Maze always fell asleep before the end of the story or because it was just never told didn't matter in the long run, he just simply didn't know. All he knew is that he wanted to fly, he wanted to be like the man named Icarus, and he was going to try his best to do so. He went to bed that night planning on making his own pair of wings to fly with, trying to think of all the things that would need to be gathered in order to do what he wanted.

In the morning it was discovered that they didn't have candle wax, and Mazekit didn't feel like going out of his way to try and find some, so he figured things like glue would work. He went outside and gathered sticks and leaves, waddling his way back home and picking up small things he saw on the way. Feathers and fur from animals that had shed. They were soft so he thought they would make things work, thought they'd make him fly. When he was finished he had a sloppy pair of wings glued and tied together, bits of feathers and fur stuck to them that fit around his shoulders and along his back. It didn't look the best - Maze had never been proud of his art skills - but they fit comfortably and they seemed to flap when he jumped so they'd work. He knew they'd work.

He soon found himself venturing out of the house, walking around the territory in search of the best place to test out his wings. When he saw it, he gasped, running forward and looking out towards the ground below. He watched as the water lapped at the base below, watched as part of it seemed a deeper blue than the others. Mazekit remembered something about bluer water meaning it was deeper and there was more water. It meant that he was where the Legacy Cavern was, something he had always wanted to see. He knew then that his flying would then soon be diving so he could show off his skills, so he could prove that the kittens should be let out of their house to explore. If he could make wings that allowed him to fly, then he should be able to explore the territory. If he was high above the ground then nothing could go wrong, right?

Turning around for a moment, Mazekit would clear his throat, looking over his shoulder for just a moment before he spoke out, words belting. "For my first trick, I'll be flying using my wings I made, and I will land safely in the Legacy Cavern below!" He would allow his words to echo through the land, whiskers twitching in satisfaction before he promptly turned around once more, and bringing his feet together he bunched his muscles tight, crouching down and pushing out, lifting off the ground, a large smile on his face. Hope fluttered in his chest as he made it through the air. He was flying!

And then he was falling.

Down, [sub]down, [sub]down, [sub]down [/sub][/sub][/sub] the Pendragon-Daisuke kid fell, wooden constructed wings flapping harshly in the wind, sticks and feathers flying upwards and out as the craft that Mazekit had made quickly fell apart, pushed by the sudden ache in his shoulders. Following the feathers there soon came cream and tan bloodied fur. The screams that followed were the worst part. Scared and pained mixed with the gurgling of the child sobbing, hoping and praying that he would survive this, that he would suddenly be able to fly despite his wings being missing, despite the pain that he felt as the wind whipped against skin. Wings erupted from the child's shoulders then, causing balance to be lost and for him to veer slightly off course. He was tumbling through the air now instead of simply falling, and soon enough with a sickening crunch Mazekit Pendragon-Daisuke hit the water, the world immediately darkening around him as he passed out.

What he didn't know was that his sudden appearance of wings had saved his life. He sudden plumage upon his back had slowed him down enough that he wouldn't immediately die when he hit the water. His flailing had made the perfect way to land to reduce the damage he received, landing directly on his side instead of his head or back. In fact he had veered out of the path to the deepest part of the water and simply sink down somewhere he could easily be seen on the shore. If someone were to come fast enough he could survive, albeit broken and with three new fears.

[[ tldr; Mazekit decided to make a pair of wings out of sticks and glue in order to fly, choosing the Highwind Cliff as his "perfect" spot to test them to make sure they worked. He called for everyone to see his trick then jumped, the wings falling apart on his way down as real wings painfully grew from his shoulders. The sudden weight on his body caused him to spin and land in a shallower part of the water, and he is currently sinking and unconscious. He is scratched up from the falling debri all over his body and his two right legs are broken and will need casts, he will also develop pneumonia from the water that is in his lungs. As always nonviolent powerplay is allowed.

Do not feel the need to match the length of this post. 

Re: THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-18-2021

Winterhymns had been preoccupied for the most part, he had been doing his newer duties as a gladiator and keeping track of all his children. A soft breath leaving his maw as he stopped tending to his garden glancing around only to find a smile forming on his maw, he was quite proud with what he had so far. It was certain that it would be the most lovely garden that existed, he set the watering can to the side of his home stepping into the safety of his home unable to help but find a soft smile on his maw. His home. He didn't believe that he would find a place that he could ever call that... Especially with his past, Winnie passed his bedroom only to drop off his satchel feeling his pawpads grow sore with each step, his nose twitching at the smell of fur and feathers coming from the children's room.

He stepped inside of the room finding a few scattered sticks, feathers, and clumps of fur. The scent of Mazekit lingering with all these items, Win frowned for a moment but simply shrugged deciding that he would start to clean up the mess while he was there. It took him a moment to realize that some of it was sticky with glue, he raised a nonexistent eyebrow wondering why his son had needed glue to begin with though he didn't dwell on the thought for long as he threw away the remnants of whatever had been left within the room. He noticed that there was a small trail of it heading out of the house, Win assuming that the boy had went to show off whatever he had made. He stayed where he stood for a few moments, he couldn't push away this small amount of worry that was beginning to form within him.

Picking at each of the pieces, Winterhymns began to see where his some could have gone. The feeling only getting worse when he realized that the boy hadn't gone to the beach, he felt dread starting to climb into his chest but he shook his head trying to stay optimistic about this. His son was probably a little farther along, he found less and less of the trail but the man could still find the kitten by his scent. Suddenly, the distant screaming made the fur along his spine begin to rise and he recognized that scream. The very same one when Mezrith had brought the dead body of Medusa for everyone to see, dropping whatever he had did the gladiator sprint forward. His heart racing in his chest and he could feel tears beginning to prick at his eyes when the scent of blood brushed against his nose. "MAZEKIT! MAZEKIT!" He began to yell then the screaming of his child had stopped, he found himself skidding to a halt at where the kitten had jumped off seeing what his son had crafted.

With sight blurred by tears, he found a way to get down to his son not caring if a few of the jagged rocks had cut into his pawpads. Winnie stumbling forward and pulling his child from the water only to hold him in his arms for a moment, his breathing growing quick and hitched. He began to get lightheaded, a broken sob leaving him as Winter pressed close to Mazekit feeling his entire body beginning to shake with ugly sobs, he closed his eyes tightly trying his best to keep himself steady but it was growing hard with each passing moment. The second time he looked at Mazekit... It wasn't him... But a different kitten with a creamier coat and she wouldn't move. Why wasn't she moving? Winnie felt his body continuing to tremble as breathing grew a bit harder but he managed to whisper out with a weak cry "T-Trufflekit..."

Roseveil had been excited to become a mother, she could recall telling her brother and parents of the news. She had tried sharing the very same news to her husband but he had dismissed her, Rose having been disheartened by that yet she figured that he was a busy man. She had already thought of several potential names on her own. Days becoming weeks and weeks becoming months. Soon, her due date was approaching. She was nervous about it. The last few weeks having been stressful and her husband began to grow harsh towards her, it was almost as if he didn't love her anymore. It made Roseveil Pendragon wonder what she had done wrong to upset him yet she did not have time to make ammends not when the contractions began to make her stay in one place.

Just as it had started, it was over. Two kittens laid before her, Rose not realizing what was wrong with them at first as she named them quietly in an exhausted voice "Timberkit..." She decided to name the small tomkit before turning to the shekit unable to smile tiredly as she murmured "And Trufflekit." The mother had a tired mindset, she had barely gotten much sleep the last few days and when she called for her husband. He arrived to see what his wife had called him for, Rose had been happy to see him in that moment but before she could get a word out. He spoke in his solemn voice. They're dead. She felt a frown on her maw shaking her head as she began to protest that they were asleep and then she felt one of their bodies. They were cold. He didn't linger for long and turned away with a sigh of... Disappointment? She was unsure as her eyes stung with tears, the new mother crying for the loss of her kittens. What had she done wrong? Why her?

"Timberkit... T-Trufflekit... M-my babies... my babies... T-trufflekit..."

"Truf... Mazekit..." He sobbed out quietly only to feel his nose begin to scrunch up "No... Not t-this time... You won't t-take him away from me too..." He hissed silently to no one in particular as he checked for a pulse and once he had done that he nudged his son onto his back gently before beginning to push a bit at his belly to get the water that the kitten possibly swallowed out, he stopped then proceeded to do this again. He got close to the kitten as he did a bit of a CPR method, whenever he moved away to see if the boy would breathe by himself, the gladiator would mumble "Come on, mein liebling..." Winnie wasn't going to lose one of his kittens this time, he was determined. It would absolutely destroy him if one of his children ever died.

"Bitte wach auf, mein Schatz."

Re: THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - Ares - 02-18-2021

"Mazekit, no!" Ares yelled all too late, unable to stop the boy from jumping from the spot he chose. For a moment she watched as the boy fell like Icarus in slow motion, his screaming bringing her back to reality and she climbed to the spot he jumped. "MAZEKIT!?" She shrieked, once dull eyes now alight with panic. She readied herself and leapt from the spot, wings acting a little late but soon she was gliding down toward the ground, seeing the boy's father coming to Mazekit's aid. Landing clumsily on the rocks she rushed forward, panic fresh in her body.

Arriving at the two, she felt her body shake at Winter's tears, but she watched as his father did CPR before Ares decided to act. Taking the dagger off and sticking it into the ground near her she walked up, leaning down and licking the boy's fur vigorously, stopping every now and then to check on movement. Eyeing the wings she gritted her teeth. "Come on... Come on, Mazekit, you can pull through." She looked at Winterhymns as if looking for affirmation that she was doing good. That she was helping.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - WYVERNKIT - 02-18-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Wyvernkit had heard the same stories her brother had. The gentle words about the man who crafted wax wings, soaring away from the tower he had been trapped in for the longest time, soaring over the sea. And it worked, for a crazy minute, it worked. But the story always ended there, and almost with a bitter thing of something missing. Wyvern knew there was more to the story, and it was almost fitting that the blood-curdling screams and cries for their brother.

She had watched him bring the materials in, keeping his trap shut and to himself, and just as quickly as he came in, he left. Her eyes watched him for a long moment, before she busied herself once again with her seaglass. Mapa came in, and Wyvern greeting him with a gentle mew, but just as soon as he came in he was leaving. She blinked, before pushing to her paws, following after him. She was a bit more careful on the rocks, knowing she would slip and fall if she wasn't. But as they passed closer and closer to the water, her body felt more and more weak with dread.

She almost wished she hadn't followed Mapa.

The fur all over her body stood on end, and her stomach twisted and curdled. A paw pressed to her muzzle, Wyvern's purple eyes staring at the bloody mess of a brother. She turned her eyes, squeezing her eyes shut. She almost refused to believe it. Was this real, a dream, a nightmare? Wyv felt her chest tighten as she turned back. Mapa was doing CPR, and Ares was just as close. Her ears flattened, tears rolling down her cheek, her throat burning as she sobbed.

"Is he.. is he.." She couldn't finish her sentence, hiccuping and sitting down slowly.


Re: THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - SHIELDKIT. - 02-20-2021

( tw for vague descriptions of v//miting in 5th paragraph )

Shieldkit had discovered from an early age that he was a rather big fan of birds. He found them to be fascinating creatures, and just so very different from what he was used to. They were not covered in the thick and soft fur that he and his siblings had, but instead had feathers. Feathers that could be rough or soft, and feathers that made up wings that allowed them to fly. It was an incredible thing to witness, staring up into the sky as the winged creatures flung themselves up from the trees, carrying themselves on the wind and up, up, up into the air. Eld had spent hours of his first few days outside just... watching in wonder, utterly baffled as he tried to figure out how they did it. Of course, once he had managed to ask his mapa and look at a couple of nature books, he had figured out that their bones were hollow. That was even more incredible to the young tom, who could feel the solid thunk whenever he accidentally knocked one of his limbs into something like a piece of furniture.

This meant that when Shield had been told the story of Icarus, he had immediately written it off as ridiculous. A mere myth, and a story for children like himself. After all, if Icarus was someone just like them, then his bones weren't hollow. He'd only end up plummeting down with wings that couldn't soar. It was because of this that Eld had never decided to try something similar, knowing that it would only end in bloody and gruesome disaster. This only seemed further confirmed when he had sought out more information about the story itself, his heart slowly sinking as he saw paintings depicting Icarus, his body plummeting down from the sky. Some of them were truly upsetting, not focused on Icarus, but instead on those around him. People who either had no idea of what was going on, or simply didn't care. A father and son just walking along, focused on their own lives while Icarus burned away behind them. After that, Eld hadn't liked the story so much, and had instantly closed his eyes whenever he could hear the opening words of it come from one of his parents' mouths.

It seemed as though Mazekit hadn't felt the same, however. Shieldkit hadn't been keeping an eye on his brother, the young boy instead curled up outside of his family's home, eyes closed and body relaxed. He had gone and done a bit of exploration on the boardwalk that morning, so he didn't feel like moving around much more. Of course, that was what ultimately proved to be his downfall - or rather, Maze's downfall. Perhaps if the kit had been awake, he would've caught on to what his brother was planning on doing, and could've stopped him. Shield certainly wasn't usually one of the more responsible siblings - that was really more Gunkit's department - but he still would've been able to see what a horrendous idea what Maze was doing was. He wouldn't have necessarily snitched on Mazekit in the same way Gun would have, but he certainly would've tried to talk Maze out of it, or even trick him into doing something else. Surely he could've figured something out that would've been more exciting, and less dangerous.

However, he hadn't been awake. He hadn't stopped Mazekit. Instead, he had only been woken up when an earsplitting shriek tore through the air, horrified and pained. As Shieldkit's eyes flew open, he felt his stomach turn painfully, bile raising up in his throat from the sheer terror of what he heard. Maze. That was Maze's voice, screaming out in agony as he fell through the air. He couldn't help the shout that left him in response, his blood running cold, "Maze... MAZEKIT!" He could barely process what was going on around him as he threw himself forward, his paws spraying up sand as he quickly followed the footsteps of both Win and Wyvernkit. Deep down inside, Eld knew that it was too late for him to do anything of note. The way that the screaming had been harshly cut off was indication enough of that. In the back of his mind, the boy even wondered if Mazekit was... if Maze was gone. He shoved that possibility away immediately, though. That couldn't be true. If it was, he... he had no idea what he would do. All he knew was that it wouldn't be good - not in the slightest.

The young Pendragon arrived not so long after Wyvernkit, his entire body freezing when he saw Mazekit in his mapa's arms, huddled tightly against Win's chest. Eld couldn't tell if the other was breathing at all, and he suddenly began to feel lightheaded, turning and rushing off behind one of the nearby rocks. His head was spinning as he heaved, his entire body shaking until it was finished. When he managed to stumble his way back to where Win, Ares, and Wyv were, he only managed to mutter weakly, Maze...? Mazekit, please open your eyes..." His voice was weak and rough, throat torn up as he dropped himself into a sitting position. Tears were stinging his gaze, and he repeated, a bit more firmly, "Maze... open your eyes. You need to. For me. For mapa and dad... for all of us." This was his fault. It was all his fault... none of them would be hurting, if only he had been awake. What was wrong with him?

Suddenly, he didn't feel quite so tired anymore.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: THE BIRDS ARE MOCKING ME;; open - injury & mutations - trojan g. - 02-21-2021

The world had gone dark around him, and the soft echoing of voices around him told him that he was no longer alone, that he was safe somehow. Mazekit couldn't open his eyes, no matter how much he tried, but he wanted to scream, to scream that he was there and alive and he would be okay. Somehow he would be okay. The cacophony of the different screams of his name reached the child's ears and they twitched once, something so small that only those looking for it would see it as what it was - a sign that he was still with them - until his eyes soon flew open and water spewed from his mouth and nose, bile rising from his throat in return.

Shaking, he looked up for a moment, the hazy figure of one of his parents meeting his eyes. He'd reach up to touch him with a shaky paw before a cry left him, recoiling in pain immediately. It hurt to move, and he couldn't even imagine how he looked, he didn't even want to begin to think about that. Ears flattened to his head as he pushed his face into his father's chest, muffled words soon leaving the child. "Mapa," Course voice would begin, "Am I dead?" He had a taste of it, and he didn't like it. He didn't think life could hurt as much as he was right now though.