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EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - Printable Version

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EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - torren - 02-17-2021

A prince grew up surrounded more often than not -- an environment quick to overwhelm any quieter mind.  Within the swamp, the wildcat found it just as easy to disappear; unintentional in his seclusion but not suffering guilt for it either.  The youth was a reserved spirit; selective with time and company.  Tending to his friend and housemate mattered more to him than stepping into the limelight.

A futile attempt to convince said housemate to eat led the youth outside.  His thick striped tail twitched, eyes lingering on the door behind him before sighing.  A hot cup of tea, he managed to encourage, but even home baked sugar cookies appeared to lack appeal.  Torren had no intention of eating them himself in that case, choosing instead to pad over to the tavern, basket in tow.

Sugar cookies had a simplicity to them.  Hopefully someone would enjoy them.  It would be nice to bring some cheer.  Torren wore the faintest, tired smile as he gently set the basket on a table, glancing around in a moment of thought -- reluctant to remain or depart.

In the end, the scottish wildcat released another sigh; relenting to the politeness of open invitation.  "Would anyone like a sugar cookie? There's plenty to share."
**latibule (n.)   torren winther / scottish wildcat / tangler

Re: EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-18-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Atbash couldn't relate to the feeling of wanting to get away from anyone. Not only was she just a social person, but being born in the lower classes of her home Dimension, she wasn't surrounded by people other than her family. Not to mention, females just were treated as nicely in the Seventh Tier as they were higher up.

The savannah's head turned towards the tavern entrance as she noticed some movement, with Torren coming and setting his plate of cookies on a table. With the invite, Atbash got up and went over to the table, taking a cookie for herself. "Thank you." She chirped. "My name is Atbash, by the way. I don't think we've met before." With her introduction out of the way, she took a bite of the cookie, her eyes soon lighting up. "These are delicious!!"
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - wormwood. - 02-19-2021

Torren. Aurum hadn't really seen the other since he and Kiira had properly "returned," but that wasn't really much of a surprise. Much as the luminary liked the little prince, he also knew that the other had always been a bit of a recluse. He liked being around Kiira, and that was... pretty much it. So, the tiger had never taken it personally when Torren disappeared for a while, especially if it was obvious Kiira wasn't doing well. Nevertheless, this was why the luminary wore a slightly startled expression as he walked into the tavern that day, surprised to see Torren of all people in the structure usually saved for social events.

Just the mere sound of the word cookie was enough to make the angel's stomach growl, although that wasn't really his fault. His stomach was growing larger as his and Siborno's cubs grew, and there was no doubt in his mind that the little ones were starved for nutrients, even with all he had been eating for them. Not that sugar cookies would really provide many nutrients, but... well, the cubs wanted what they wanted. So, Aurum was quick to make his way over to Atbash's side, the golden tiger pulling one of the cookies to him before taking a large bite of it. Once he was done chewing, he found himself muttering to Torren, gaze lit up, "That was really good... I'm glad it actually tasted good. N... Not that I thought they would taste bad, it's just... the cubs make it so some things don't taste as good as they used to. Especially sweet things." Pregnancy cravings were weird, and he really didn't appreciate the way they made him despise certain foods that he had once loved.

Re: EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - rhosmari - 02-19-2021

She was supposed to be resting. Yet the lioness often found herself restless and needing to do something of importance. Or at least be around enough that she could watch and be exposed to what was happening around Tanglewood. Even now she was being careful about her leg and maneuvering so that she didn't have to use it as often. A little stumble here and there from time to time was frustrating but she was managing and that was what mattered. She would always have a large scar across the back of her leg from her Pitt encounter. Always a reminder of one's hate and another's inaction. Her ears perked up as she listened to sudden conversation and she pulled rounded ears forward. Tilting here head the pale creature would change her path and head that way and when she poked her head in she realize that it was a whole crowd.

Oh and there was something else. Something she didn't understand. Her tribe did not cook things, well, bake. Cook they did but just with the flesh from beasts that they caught and killed to sustain the tribe. This was different it seemed. Her muzzle sniffed the air to try and understand the hard disks before she tilted her head and moved all the way in, holding her injured leg off the ground. Her head at least was giving her a reprieve from the swimming feeling and so she managed a smile but confusion was in her gaze. "Um..this one is sorry but she doesn't understand. What are these little flat rocks?" She knew they were edible at least the smell told her this. But she was a little apprehensive on trying them. "She does think they smell very good."

Re: EMPTY SHORELINES | baked goods - COSMIIX - 02-24-2021

The large male ambled over with his tufted ears twitching lightly with his small tail wiggling to the sides, Siborno had been keeping himself busy as of late trying to make the house comfortable for the arrival of his and Aurum's cubs but also trying to learn some English within the privacy of their home. Frankly, he needed to get out more and socialize to actually test out that English of his but the Russian man was moreso scared of the possibility of being teased for his pronunciation of some words. Well, he couldn't keep hiding forever and not to mention, that he worried for Aurum especially with the golden tigress growing bigger and bigger by the passing days though the cubs were merely growing too... Especially with the ursine blood that they carried from him, he snorted quietly as he left the safety of his home to see what was the commotion. The Volkov man noticing that everyone was eating a cookie or well, everyone except Elsweyr who seemed to be confused by what cookies were. Flat rocks she called them. It amused him knowing that he probably would've called them that a while ago if he had stayed within the wilderness any longer, the striped hybrid would speak in a deep, heavily accented voice "They are... c-cookies."

His whiskers twitched lightly as he took one showing the lioness as he continued with a small nod "Edible." He'd offer her a gentle smile before taking bite out of the sugar cookie and couldn't help but let out a soft mmm of approval, these were delightful but he added "Not as hard... As a rock." Hopefully, that had been enough reassurance for the woman as he reached for another this time holding it out to Elsweyr. He figured that he might as well introduce himself since he was already here "I am... Siborno Volkov." If she took the cookie from him as he hoped that she would, he'd turn over to Aurum and brush up against his lover only to nod to Torren showing his gratitude for the sweets. He sat down deciding that he would fall silent for now.