Beasts of Beyond
she can do this - open; trying to walk - Printable Version

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she can do this - open; trying to walk - rhosmari - 02-16-2021

Perhaps it was just too early, maybe she was trying to hard to get back on her paws. Tanglewood didn't need her too urgently and she was more inclined to believe they didn't need her at all. They were strong enough without her to withstand the storm that hostilities could bring after the encounter with the Pitt. A part of her wished that she had never gone there. Maybe she should have spoken up against any sort of ambassador for them after knowing the tale that the Ardejt had given. Yet she hadn't expected this. She hadn't expected him to be okay with her constantly being insulted and then when she was attacked everything had come untangled. But she couldn't take it back now. And after what she had heard was happening from the confines of Moth's home she wished she was better. Wished she wasn't constantly fighting nausea and having to put up with the pain in her leg. She needed to get up.

The Shadow Regent had crept out of the house late at night. Careful to not make much noise. She struggled, head swimming as she swayed. But she forced herself to keep going till she had found herself behind Moth's home. Limping had been the best option but now she was going to out weight on her leg. The moment she did try it collapsed and she buckled. Forcing herself to firmly hold her weight forward. She growled to herself, pain lancing up the limb and she forced herself to wait it out, breathing in deeply. Once again she tried but the result was the same. Too much pain, weakness of the limb. But she felt she couldn't give up. She had to press on. Rather she was needed or not she could just lay around and wait. Time and time again she failed and she held back her cry, her anguish. Tears spilled and she bit down on her own bottom lip to contain what she felt. Elsweyr, tribal warrior, she had never felt so weak. A burden. Her claws broke the earth and she forced herself to stand once more. "She is stronger than this. Just keep going..." She didn't want to be scared that this was permanent. She wanted to beat it.

Re: she can do this - open; trying to walk - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-17-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
As strange as it may seem, sleeping didn't come naturally to Atbash. Her species of demon didn't necessarily need sleep, though the bodies they possessed still did. So while she experienced exhaustion, the she-cat could fight it if she wanted to and force her body to stay awake. Tonight was one of those nights when the savannah decided on staying up, mostly because of the words of Atticus still running through her mind, though she didn't see when Elsweyr had left. By the time the lioness came back, Atbash was relaxing on her porch and perked up when she saw that Elsweyr was up and trying to move around. Worried at first, Atbash jumped to her paws, though she relaxed when it seemed like Els had everything under control.

That is, until the Shadow Regent's legs buckled beneath her. Immediately, Atbash rushed to Elsweyr's side, attempting to help the lioness up and to use herself as an aid. It would be hard, considering the size difference, but anything was better than nothing, no? "You've got this, Elsweyr." Atbash tried to encourage. "You're doing much better than before, things are going uphill. You can lean on me if you need to, I'll be here."
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: she can do this - open; trying to walk - wormwood. - 02-19-2021

Even as Aurum went about doing his daily tasks as luminary of Tanglewood, he often found his thoughts drifting back to Elsweyr during the day. He knew that she was alive, and being cared for, but that did little to quell the feeling of anxiety inside him, knowing that things could easily go wrong as she healed. However, when he did get to interact with her, he tried to act normal. Not baby her, or act as if she were suddenly made from glass, or porcelain. It was the exact reason he hadn't left her warning out of the meeting – even if he had put her on probation to force her to get some proper rest. He knew that it would do neither of them any good for him to act as if she were some small, wounded child. Although he didn't know everything about her former culture, he had learned over time that power, dignity, and self-sufficiency led to respect. Els wouldn't want him to treat her as if she had lost that self-sufficiency, and he knew that, hence why he usually kept conversations casual and business oriented when he did get to visit her.

Still, even if he didn't want her to feel coddled, or looked down on, he also didn't want her to push herself too much, far too fast. Not only would it no doubt upset Moth, but he didn't want her to injure herself further. It could only lead to disastrous consequences, the least of which being that she would have to take longer to recover. It was because of this that, while out on a nighttime patrol, Aurum froze up upon hearing Atbash's words of encouragement. Elsweyr was out? On her own? At night? With a frown coming to his muzzle, the tiger made his way over to where his shadow regent was, with Atbash desperately trying to help her out. He was quick to get on Elsweyr's other side, muttering as he moved to support her, "Here, lemme help... and don't you dare say we shouldn't help. The whole point of physical therapy is that you have help, and you get better on your own, step by step. I promise you Moth would give you the same speech if she was up. So just... let us help you get through the first few steps." He wasn't sure how long he'd let her do this before getting Moth, considering she could end up hurting herself, but he wasn't gonna stop her immediately. If she wanted to make the first steps now, then it was her right to try, at the very least.

Re: she can do this - open; trying to walk - trojan g. - 02-20-2021

It seemed as though even though Aurum would threaten to grab his sister, she would come of her own accord. With more and more things happening at and beyond the borders of Tanglewood causing more and more members to come home or arrive on their borders injured, it had started to get harder for Moth to sleep. She stayed up late wondering what she could do to try and make sure things didn't happen, only to fall asleep with the understanding that some things you just couldn't prepare for, no matter how hard you tried.

But someone sneaking out of her house despite being injured and needing rest was something that she should have had been prepared for. It was no secret that half of Tanglewood were stubborn individuals who didn't want to wait for something to happen, didn't want to let the healing process go on. They wanted to say when their wounds were clean and ready to be pushed again, wanted to test their limits. After all, the reaper's own son was one of the impatient ones, the sight of him trying to run off to the Pitt to get help with broken rips echoed in her mind every night.

Silent at first, Moth walked upon the scene, eyes flicking over the three that were there, a small sigh leaving her as a shake of her head soon followed. "You could have woken me up if you wanted to go out so badly." She mused, tail lashing behind her once before she came forward, eyes glancing over Elsweyr's leg once before looking up towards her. "I promise you I would have helped you. It's hard to be patient but you have to let it heal and start off slow, or else your leg won't be able to be used to it's full potential." She understood the not being able to walk, the want to go out and see the sun but being unable to due to an injury. She'd been through this herself and had seen it in so many others. "You are strong Els, but I know you're also not stupid, and you know that pushing yourself is a bad idea right now. Trust me, no one will see it as a weakness for you to rest." She didn't know why anyone would, given Els's accomplishments in the group and the strength it took to simply come back to Tanglewood with the injuries she had sustained.
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