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SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - Printable Version

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SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - wormwood. - 02-16-2021

Time for another meeting. And yet again, it was time for Aurum to be jolted awake by the fact that he needed to hold a meeting. He had just been trying to rest, curled up on his bed with his chin resting on his paws, when a jolt of realization rushed through him. He sighed heavily, slipping down from the bed as he muttered, "Shit... I gotta make sure I say something." After all, the last few weeks had been pretty chaotic, with the major event of Elsweyr's return from The Pitt still weighing heavily on his mind. Scrubbing at his face lightly with a paw, the tiger moved out of his home, gently nudging the front door of his home open before he headed out towards the middle of town. He heaved himself up and onto the large slab he had previously used as a platform, finding such an action a little harder than last time he had done it. He really was getting big now, wasn't he? Vaguely, he wondered how long it would be until the cubs arrived – maybe he should go and talk to Moth about it.

Turning to face towards the few stragglers that had already begun to gather, Aurum called out, "Tanglewood! Please gather around for a meeting!" He then settled himself, tail wrapping around his paws as he watched familiar faces migrate over. Clearing his throat and giving a quick shake of his head to hopefully fight off the last of the grogginess, the luminary spoke firmly, "First of all... hello, everyone. We've gotten several new members in the last few weeks, so I'd like you to give them all a big Tanglewood welcome. These newcomers are Farah, Puffball, Seven, Barghest, Mulder, Steel, and... Trevor. I hope you all enjoy your time in Tanglewood to the fullest." He hesitated a bit before he spoke Trevor's name, not so fondly remembering the other's stumbling about at the border.

With a short sigh, the archangel then continued, "In terms of buddy system pairs this time... Mulder, you're with Arrow. Barghest, you're with Atbash. Steel, you're with Elsweyr. And Puffball... you're with Sophiea. In case you don't know what the buddy system is, it essentially means that the older member will be showing you around Tanglewood and telling you all about how things work around here." He was fairly happy with those pairs, particularly Steel and Elsweyr. Els was still injured, but Steel also seemed to be patient and kind enough to understand the shadow regent's current limitations. And in the case of Puffball and Sophiea... well, Aurum really just thought that would be pretty amusing to watch from afar.

Offering a little smile to those that had been paired together, the tiger then moved on, a soft and pleased hum leaving him, "Next up... I'd like to give shout outs to both Elsweyr and Moth for their activity lately. You've both been doing very well " Of course, Elsweyr hadn't been around as much as of late, but that was understandable because of her injuries – she needed the rest. He couldn't help but feel proud calling out his sister's name as well, always glad to see her around. He then moved on, gaze searching the crowd before he glanced between two particular faces, "As for promotions... I'd like Atbash to step up as a shaderunner for her activity these past few weeks. I'd also like to ask Arrow to step up to the rank of vassal, considering her continued contributions. She may choose whatever expertise she'd like to specialize in." There were many to choose from, and Aurum had no doubt that Arrow's strong-willed mind would push her towards one definitively.

Next was some... not so great news, considering the way that the tigress's expression dropped slightly. With a sigh, he pushed through, shaking his head, "Additionally... I'm issuing a warning to Elsweyr. Your activity has been good as always, but your actions in the last few weeks... have been questionable at best. Giving a weapon to a child – a dangerous one, at that – and hostilities towards your groupmates... aren't exactly befitting of the shadow regent of the group. I am not demoting you, but I am putting you on temporary probation. Both to see if your future actions are more stable, and also to encourage you to get some rest. You've been injured, and you need it. Don't worry about your duties right now." He hated to issue such a warning, but before her injuries... Els had been acting erratically. Her initial promotion had been marred in uncertainty for him due to her mental state, and his doubts had only become larger as she clung onto Ares, and gave her a weapon. Not to mention the way she had badmouthed Sophiea, and had only barely managed to hold back her glares of pure disdain for those around her – including himself. Still, he was going to give her a second chance, especially considering her current injuries.

Aurum's grim expression only seemed to worsen as he moved onto the next piece of news, although his disappointment was joined by anger. As his tail began to lash, he rumbled from the back of his throat, "And as I'm sure you all know... The Pitt has broken our peaceful truce with their attack on Elsweyr. A patrol is being sent to their territory in order to demand punishment for the one who attacked her, and also to see what else goes on, so I will keep you all updated. Needless to say though, there is no more truce for The Pitt." He then added, a disdainful snort leaving him, "The Pitt also remains as our prank target for February. However, considering their actions... you can feel free to have your pranks be as malicious as you want. They're an enemy. No truce, no friendships anymore – not when they mauled one of our own." He had tried over and over again to give them a new chance. Over and over he had thought that maybe they had changed since Jervis's reign. But no, all that happened each time was that they got a fresh coat of paint, while the bad seeds within them continued to fester and grow. The only difference now was that they had a complete pushover of a leader that couldn't control his own members.

Not wanting to linger on that subject any longer, he half forced a smile onto his muzzle, a sigh leaving him. He moved on to lighter things, his tail settling once again, "As for more... peaceful events going on in the last few weeks... we got a visit from Winterhymns, evidently with some news for his brother, our very own Eternalknight. Mulder and Barghest claimed themselves a new home within town, and Steel also did the same, although also with the added twist of a bit of... personal sprucing up." He still didn't quite understand the little altars she was making, but he wasn't about to question it. Wasn't his place, after all.

Feeling calmer than before and ready to relax, the luminary then shook his head, speaking softly, "I think... I think that's it, for this one. So... aside from any questions that any of you may have, meeting dismissed." Aurum remained in his spot, however, ready for any potential questions from his "audience." He hoped there wouldn't be too many, considering how groggy he was still feeling.

meeting recap!:

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - arrow - 02-16-2021

Admittedly, Arrow had just about choked on air when she heard her name, feeling as if she'd just been promoted the first time around a week ago. Sort of stupid for a ghost to start choking on oxygen, given she didn't breathe, but it was like phantom breathing, shut up.

Ah, decisions, decisions. There were indeed many paths she could take with this, but it wasn't like every option She was social enough for communal, but would have rather spent her time wandering the grounds than have to plan out community events, or whatever that path did, she sure as hell wasn't smart enough or able to hold her tongue long enough for espionage, and medical? Yeah, sure, if you wanted to invent the vassal of malpractice. Ambassadorship? Absolutely not, not as a focus. She cared only for Tanglewood, admittedly, and maybe the Typhoon by extension. That left...

So there was the little ghost issue, but that could be...fixed. Eventually. And it didn't obstruct everything. Arrow glanced back at her scrawny little frame, tail thumping against the ground without a sound. Nah, she could prove that she was capable of being tough after all. What better fit a squirrelly little imp that grew on survival instead of safety? "Give me military, boss." Also it was just funny, given her name.

As for her new buddy, she recognized Mulder. The alien hunter. He was funny, she liked this little man.

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-16-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
What The Pitt had done was still on everyone's mind and everyone was, understandably on edge and worried about what would happen. Atbash especially, given her past with them, and as such, found herself unable to sleep. While dream demons didn't need to sleep themselves, the bodies they possessed did and as such, Atbash found herself extremely worn out and exhausted. Still, at Aurum's call, the short-tailed feline made her way over to the meeting area, a yawn escaping her.

Honestly, Atbash was quite surprised to be promoted, given how she had only joined Tanglewood recently. It was almost when she was promoted to a semi-high position in Snowbound, how funny was that? "Thank you, Aurum." She dipped her head to the Luminary, taking a mental note to look for her new partner for the buddy system.
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - Atticus Roux - 02-16-2021

The concept of a meeting was... a strange one to Atticus. The last one he had been to was the monthly meeting, given things didn't end well there, and his previous meetings within Tanglewood were usually led by Leroy. Golden eyes surveyed the new face upon the stage, only to move forward and settle down in the back. Pointed ears stood up, listening carefully to the lion's words. Every now and then, he'd look back for Moth and Sweeney, only to come up empty in the moment. They would show eventually. Whether now or later, his subtle appreciation would be shown with a soft smile.

Newbies. The buddy system. A snooze. The whites of his eyes practically rolled back into his head as the alluring voice of Aurum led him into boredom. Promotions only did the same. His attention snapped back into place as Elsweyr's warning was mentioned. The canine's eyes narrowed. He couldn't help but wonder what that was all about, given that the large feline's behavior had been exceptional around him. Given that she was injured also, it wasn't morally right to him to necessarily give her shit. She had gone the length to express her neutrality with his own clan, despite getting attacked by a rogue Pittian. Atticus, in turn, was thankful for her. He hoped his counterparts would do the same.

An inevitable subject arose. Elsweyr's downfall. The canine's jagged teeth clenched together as the leader spoke, a growl arising from the back of his throat. He held his tongue though. Hot fury seethed throughout his body, claws digging into the ground and his golden hues narrowing in on Aurum. His head craned. What was he considered then? An enemy? What was Sweeney? Their next exile? Family couldn't be the only exception here. They couldn't be loners shifting between two enemy groups either. Frustrating dawning on Atticus, he decided to pipe up.

"Aurum," the Pittian called out from the back. "Pardon my French, will ya?" He rose to his feet and began to traverse to the front, only to stop when he stood before the leader's podium. "But what the fuck are you thinking?" Before the leader could answer, the canine interjected. "Declaring The Pitt as an enemy for a sole member's actions, especially before visiting them and discussing the subject, only endangers the lives of your own." Not only Tanglewooders' lives, but his own. He and his partner could be presumed traitors or even be kept as hostages for leverage. Declaring The Pitt as an enemy, notably a warbound clan, came with consequences. If Aurum truly wanted to protect his own, he'd talk before he acted rashly. "And choosing to be 'malicious' beforehand, rather than an innocent prank war, only reinforces that."

His gaze attempted to lock with Aurum's, searching for any sign of hesitance. "Answer me this," he demanded deeply. "If you hold no truce or friendship with The Pitt anymore, then what am I to you?"

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - suvi. - 02-16-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
The scrawny vixen wandered into the crowd slowly, sticking to the outskirts.  Listening in silence.  Muted apathy until the former medic couldn't help but frown.  Her mitch-matched hues flashed up at Aurum, then to Atticus for a moment.  Agreeing wholeheartedly with the tom.

It was hardly proper... To jump into malice before a talk.  What sort of...?  The arctic fox made a quiet, frustrated noise in the back of her throat and shook her head before raising her soft telepathic voice to join Atticus' in his protest.  Are you serious?  Before even trying to talk?  You'd just be giving them an actual reason to be 'malicious' back by antagonizing them.  Any further bloodshed would be on your paws, Aurum, not theirs.

After all, it was one Pittian.  They had no other incidents of any others against the truce.  Nothing.  And Aurum wanted to just... Jump the gun.  Punish them all.  It wasn't right.  It'd just start the cycle all over again.  No regard for lives at all.  Kiira fumed.  If that was how he wanted to run things she wasn't so sure she wanted to be part of his Tanglewood.

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-16-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Maybe Aurum should have went to talk with The Pitt before saying that they were allowed to be the target of malicious pranks, but Atbash couldn't agree. Her ears flicked at Atticus's and Suvi's words, hearing them but not exactly sympathizing with them. She couldn't. "Have you forgotten what The Pitt has done to several others?" She asked in a harsh tone, looking over at Atticus and then over at Suvi as she spoke. "They're not the innocent ones in this situation. If this was just about Elsweyr getting attacked, maybe I would agree, but The Pitt has a history of being slimeballs and attacking others, even for no reason. It's not just 'one guy' when these situations keep coming up even after months of peace."
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - arrow - 02-16-2021

Boom goes the dynamite.

She tried to avoid the topic, not so much as bringing it up. She didn't want to, hadn't wanted to. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this was going to go off the rails and fast. Family got tied into this, old hard feelings were practically woven in from the start. And somehow, she understood it all. It used to be simpler, no? No one in Tanglewood was at risk for losing anything when they attacked the Pitt, at least not like this. The bloodshed seemed more potent, more...dramatic.

She looked from Atticus and Kiira to Atbash, frowning with a wince. There was no right thing to say, everyone still lost. Desperately, she turned her head up to Aurum, as if he had the answers, but all she saw was the rage. The anger. The look of vengeance. Briefly she traced over the extended abdomen of the Luminary. All she felt like she saw was more playthings for a potential attack. No, no that was her leader, she just got promoted by him. She had a wordless oath to follow him through. This was how it was. She followed Beck, and Morgan, and Crow. They had all waged war, did they not? And she was at their side with claws unsheathed and a mouth full of blood. Why was this any different? And Elsweyr...she looked around for the woman. Nowhere, why? Because she was injured. Injured and sent on her way without help, death had been a probability that only got larger as she marched along with her injuries. She felt rage, she felt animosity, adrenaline and felt Atbash's words in her heart. At least until Kiira, quiet little thing, broke it.

This was fine, this was all going to be fine.

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - Atticus Roux - 02-16-2021

As telepathic words range in Atticus' mind, his golden hues turned to face Suvi. He nodded in agreement as she spoke. It was better to not raise tensions. If Aurum wanted war, he could have it, but Atticus would pay no mind to his destruction. Like the girl mentioned, any blood would be on his hands. He'd hope Sweeney and Moth would do the same. With a shake of his head, he let out a sigh. "Thank you," he muttered towards the white feline. His gratitude was indescribable.

His attention moved towards Atbash and he turned to face her. A growl erupted from his throat. "The rest aren't innocent? I'm not innocent because of ONE PITTIAN'S actions?" he snapped back. Claws gripped at the grass. Red hot fury rushed throughout his veins, ready to throw the Cipher onto the floor. That would make him no better than Dante though. Instead, he kept his tone deep and spoke through bared teeth. "You're going to punish an entire group, including myself, over one man's wrongdoings?"

The canine sauntered towards the spotted feline and came face-to-face. Narrowed eyes looked down at her like daggers. "If you think The Pitt is all bad, you might as well kill me here and now," Atticus spat. A sharp claw attempted to point at Atbash's chest, daring her to take a step forward. He tapped it's tip against where her heart would be. "Have a heart, Atbash. Some sympathy wouldn't hurt." His eye twitched. With a rumble, he spoke one final time in a whisper. "No wonder Snowbound's blood is on your paws." They never learned, did they? If Atbash was willing to generalize and sacrifice an entire group over one man's actions, so be it. It would only end the same way.

He pulled away and returned to his former position. Trembling paws held himself up as his golden hues returned to Aurum. "So?" If no answer came soon, he'd turn to leave and go to see how Elsweyr was doing. After all, he found her and treated her like a member, not as an enemy.

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - suvi. - 02-16-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
Kiira felt like a cord ready to snap.  Eyes flashing in newfound fury and pain.  Terrified that she'd lose her cousins to this stupid sense of 'justice'.  When she barely even knew them.  Not right.  It wasn't right.  It wasn't fair.

The vixen's ears flattened against her skull.  Her tail disappeared behind her as her emotions bubbled to the surface.  Above everything, she was devastated that so few could see through the tinted glasses.  They were blinded by anger.  By past wrongs done by those already gone.

... Her mitch-matched hues locked on Atbash with unusual focus.  Cold.  Broken.  You think I could forget? ... When they took me?  Weeks.  Weeks.  She spent in those caves.  Starving.  Dehydrated.  Alone.  ... Atticus is right.  Have a heart.

The one who took me is gone. Jervis.  Why should I blame those who had nothing to do with it?  Why should I hate the ones who've tried to change things? Gael.  Aine.  They disbanded slavery.  Did their best to enforce neutrality.  They weren't the ones who hurt Elswyr.  Odds were they weren't happy about it, either.  You'd hinder them more with these stupid generalizations.  When you tell someone they can't change, you're the one in the way of it.

When you punish the many for the crime of one, you don't help.  You're not being just.  You just add fuel to the fire.  You make it worse.

Re: SUPER ASYMMETRY ☆ meeting 2/16 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-17-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Atbash should have known her words would have sparked something and her gaze narrowed as Atticus spoke and the male approached her, speaking his mind. Honestly, she had half the mind to say that, yes, ALL Pittians were bad, but held her tongue for the moment and allowed Atticus to spit words at her. In her mind, she had a right to feel wary and suspicious of all Pittians, regardless of who they were. Maybe it was wrong, as Suvi stated, but Atbash couldn't shake this feeling off.

What actually hurt Atbash, however, was the statement regarding Snowbound. The former leader's angry expression changed to one of shock and hurt, surprised that Atticus would say such a thing. "Do you really think I didn't try to fight for my entire Tribe?" She shot back with a hiss. "I could have lost my life trying to defend them, their safety came before mine. Why do you think we all abandoned camp when the fire raged through? It's better for them to have been safe, with little to no wounds, than to risk casualty. I certainly wasn't going to." Maybe that just proved Suvi's point of this mindset was going to cause needless slaughter and injury, but again, the savannah felt she had a right to feel upset by everything.

"I have sympathy for those who clearly deserve it." Atbash went on, frustration once again rising in her voice. She was angry that Atticus attacked her for something she was clearly still insecure about, frustrated that they were arguing for The Pitt not to be bothered. "If it were only one person's actions, then why the fuck is it still popping up? You claim that they are changing -" Atbash was responding to Suvi now, in addition to addressing Atticus. "- but when they come back, time and time again, after saying they've changed, how many times are we supposed to forgive them? It's like ripping a bandage off of a wound that's trying to heal; it's going to get worse if you keep doing it."

Honestly, she felt bad for what happened to Suvi, and she wished she could address it. But in this moment, there was nothing but frustration felt. Being captured was awful, Atbash would know, it was traumatic, even. But not everyone was willing to forgive their captors and abusers. Suvi should know this.

Looking over at Aurum, Atbash decided to speak again, "Actually, Aurum, while we're at it. Why don't we consider giving the Coalition a truce? After all, they had returned someone they captured, and they're obviously changing their ways, just as The Pitt is." Her words were sarcastic and her tone was as well, hoping she was getting her point across to Suvi and Atticus. The Coalition was just like The Pitt; if they were having a truce with them, then why not the Coalition as well? Despite the fact that both groups were vicious and vile. Why should the Coalition be left out when they were under new leadership?
bio | female | shaderunner [shp] of tanglewood
© madi