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Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Printable Version

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Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Alistar Sky - 02-15-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

After travailing a little more, Alistar had reached a very cold climate. The cold made her shiver, especially when it hit her back right leg. It was still healing from her father attacking her. She was very tired and wanted to rest. She laid down and was close to closing her eyes to sleep. She laid there looking at the snow around her. It made her very cold.

Alistar looked at the trees around her, but she didn't get up. Because of the cold snow touching her back right leg, it started hurting more. She laid her head on her front paws and looked at the trees in front of her before closing her eyes. She wasn't asleep, but she was close to it.

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Star Pepper - 03-05-2021

Star Pepper | 14 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Star had been out walking around the territory alone. He liked the quiet as he walked. Star was paying attention to everything around him as he walked. If he hadn't, he wouldn't haven't spotted Alistar. Curious he walked over to her seeing that she was laying down. This made him worried considering it was cold out. He looked at Alistar. "Hey, kid are you alright? He asked worried that she was dead.

Star sat down as he waited for a response before noticing that she was hurt. This made him worry more that she could be more hurt than she was, but he couldn't do much but move her to somewhere safe where she could be looked after.

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-05-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
The cold was certainly different scene for Horizon, and his rather short coat definitely did not help matters, which was pretty funny considering he choose to join a group called The Frostblown, for fuck's sake. Horizon was exploring his new home, mostly to warm himself up, when he came across unfamiliar scents. One of them was from The Frostblown, though he didn't know them, while the other was a... child?

"Shit." Horizon cursed under his breath as he trotted over as quickly as he could, his ears perking up when he caught the scent of blood. "You okay, kid?" It didn't appear to be super serious, but maybe that was because he couldn't exact see how bad the wound was.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Alistar Sky - 03-08-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar opened her eyes hearing Horizon Cipher and Star. She looked at them for a moment, she hadn't sat up. "I'm Alistar Sky." She said now sitting up slowly before looking at Horizon. Alistar knew she was hurt, but didn't want to really talk about how she got injury, especially since she had seen her mother, brother, and sister killed in front of her. She stared at them before saying anything else. "All I'll say is this, my father did this." Alistar said as tears began to form in her eyes. She was happy to be away from Bullitt, but she missed her mother, brother, and sister.

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-09-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
TRIGGER WARNING: this post talks about many different kinds of abuse, including a brief mention of misgendering in the first paragraph.

Horizon visibly winced at Alistar's response to his question, gritting his teeth in what seemed to be pain. While he wasn't in any physical pain, he could definitely relate to Alistar - as sad as it was. Caesar wasn't exactly the best father out there by any means, what with lashing out at his children, yelling at them over the simplest things. Horizon remembered how Caesar hit him and often misgendered him, typically using the way he identified as a reward. It was sickening. Fortunately Horizon didn't have any physical scars from Caesar, but that didn't mean that what his father did didn't have a lasting impact on him.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry." The devil mumbled in response, trying to get his own memories of his father out of his head.
"Can you walk? We can take you back to camp to try and fix your wound up. You won't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He understood the pain, he really did.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Star Pepper - 03-10-2021

Star Pepper | 14 months
Snow Leopard | Frostblown

Star looked at Alistar. He didn't like hearing what she had said. He wanted to ask more, but didn't. He then looked at Horizon afterwards, thenĀ  back at Alistar, wanting to get her back to the camp so she could rest. Since Horizon had asked, Star decided to wait for an answer, but he kept an eye on Alistar.

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - Alistar Sky - 03-10-2021

Alistar Sky | 3 months

Alistar nodded and stood up slowly, the cold had made her body ache. "I can walk, it just aches." Ailstar said. She looked at both Star and Horizon. She then didn't know where she was. "Um, where are we?" She asked curiously. She looked around at the snow that was around them. She then looked at them after having looking around her.

Re: Another New Home | Alistar's Joining | - teef - 03-10-2021

"you're on the border of the frostblown, little miss", came the rumble from auberon as the akhlut made his way over, paws leaving deep imprints as he made his way over to the snow leopard, tasmanian devil and jaguar cub. "you've come a far way, young one. what's your name? i'm auberon.", he would murmur, his eyes darkening as he caught the information that her father had been the one to injure her. he would have to find out where this bastard was, and stop by for a 'courtesy' visit.

no child ever deserved to be hurt by their parents, they deserved to be loved. shaking his head slightly, the heavily scarred whale and wolf creature would come closer, "we will bring you back to our camp to treat your wounds, and feed you. if your leg aches too much, tell one of us and we will carry you back", he rumbled as he bent close enough to sniff her in hopes of catching her father's scent on her pelt, perhaps he could track the bastard down himself.