Beasts of Beyond
time for us to leave her - open; waking up - Printable Version

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time for us to leave her - open; waking up - rhosmari - 02-14-2021

Two days had passed since the incident that had almost put the lioness in a coma but thankfully it hadn't gotten that bad. She was just healing, sleeping but there hadn't been no movement since she had been moved to Moth's home. The light of a new day was dawning and with it came twitching movement. First her toes flexed, claws unsheathing and then sheathing again before her legs moved, shifting slightly. A breath longer was pulled in and then it was released before slowly blue eyes opened up. Squinting against the light her stomach rolled and she grimaced at the pain that pulsed through her head. Confusion welled up in her gaze as she tired to look around at her surroundings. She didn't understand where she was and slowly she pushed herself to stand up. Or at least try but the moment she tried to put any pressure on her wounded hind leg her body collapsed down. A pained grunt left her and she turned to try and look at it but it was covered up and bandaged.

The woman was reeling a bit, swallowing thickly to keep herself from retching considering how bad her stomach was doing flips right now. With a slow motion she tried to move, swaying on her paws and holding her injured leg off the ground. It was then that she flung the door to the home open to view the world around her. The town that was bustling with activity. She took a deep breath in and paused there. There was a need to figure out just what happened to her...The Pitt. Something happened there. A grimace pulled across her face as her headache increased and black spots started to appear in her vision from the strain and she heavily sat down within the door frame, blood seeping from her bandaged limbs as she looked down at her paws. Right...right...she had been attacked. She guessed she had made it back home or at least as close as she could to get some help.

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - SirDio - 02-14-2021

The drake smiled, slowly walking up the stairs of Moth's house and approaching Elsweyr. [color=#e57f7f]"Hello - you're finally awake. Don't move too much, they said you were in bad shape." She rumbled, sitting down next to the lioness. [color=#e57f7f]"I'm Steel Versach-Cruss, I joined just yesterday and was told of your condition."

The former general set her spear down and looked back out over the town. [color=#e57f7f]"Jus' rest, now. Moth probably won't let you do anything for a while."
——————— Steel & Tanglewood & Info ———————

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-14-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Atbash was still angry from the whole ordeal with The Pitt, if not only from her own experiences with them. She felt bad that Elsweyr had to deal with them and they had roughed up the cheetah in such a way. It was traumatic, to say the least, at least it had been for Atbash. The savannah worried about the Shadow Regent's well-being often and was on her way to visit Elsweyr with some water-filled moss - just in case the woman woke up. What Atbash wasn't expecting, however, was Elsweyr to be outside of Moth's home when she arrived.

"Ah, Elsweyr!" Atbash squeaked, rushing over as she saw the cheetah on the stairs and seemingly trying to already get to doing her normal duties. "Steel's right, you shouldn't be moving around too much right now." She added quickly, dropping the moss at Elsweyr's paws. "I got you water if you want some, though."
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - arrow - 02-14-2021

"Yo, Elsweyr's awake?"

Damn it, how had she missed that? She'd been pacing around Moth's place for what felt like an eternity, fretting every step of the way about the Shadow Regent's condition, staying in the extra room Moth had mentioned, but never for too long. She just couldn't do it, couldn't take being around the newest patient. It didn't feel right, it didn't make her any better. Not that she could help, so she just often took her ass outside and wandered the grounds. Sometimes far enough that no one would be able to stumble upon her, on purpose, unless their name was Aurum, apparently.

Arrow had taken off towards to the direction of the medic's house fast enough to trip and fall over when she skidded to a stop, rolling a decent few feet before finally ending up at her desired destination, a little less gracefully than planned, but then again, graceful had never been her style. "How we doin', Elsie?" Her voice faltered near the end of her sentence, wondering if she had taken enough damage to fuck up her memory, something she had recently learned happened to poor Goldenluxury down in the Typhoon. Maybe that's what fueled the fear that Elsweyr wouldn't even remember her or something, she couldn't tell.

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - rhosmari - 02-15-2021

It was a defensive mechanism to flinch away from the stranger. Her fur standing on end but it wasn't like she was in any condition to be able to protect herself. It took a longer moment for her to realize that she was not in any immediate danger than it should and slowly she began to relax. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to keep her attention on what was being said to her. Head pounding and slowly she looked down. She hadn't gone that far, just a little bit out of the house but she did understand the warning. She felt like she could fall over at any moment. "Nice to meet her. This one calls herself Elsweyr. Though she is assuming that she already knew that." The Shadow Regent spoke softly so as not to cause her headache to get worse.

Her attention was then grabbed by Atbash as the other came forward and she tilted her head a bit. The lioness remembered her well enough and she felt bad that she was causing this much worry from others. Her rounded ears flattened against her skull and her stomach twisted at the sight of the water. A grimace pulled across her muzzle but she still forced herself to drink just a little. "She thanks her, but she needs to do something. Tell Aurum what happened...." Surely he would believe her story. Her intention was not to cause trouble and she most definitely didn't incite the aggression first. Suddenly her head throbbed and she groaned, pain lancing through her skull. She wobbled where she sat before her eyes opened up upon a familiar voice.

"Arrow...." She spoke almost breathless and she didn't know why but she was very happy to see the phantom. It made her at least feel better and she allowed a rather tired chuckle to leave her throat. "Well, she has definitely had better days. Has she missed anything?" Out of context but she had missed Arrow and she looked down to her paws to try and pull herself together.

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - wormwood. - 02-15-2021

Ever since Elsweyr had returned from her journey to The Pitt, it was nearly impossible not to notice the anger radiating off of Aurum in waves. While the luminary was able to calm himself and focus on strategizing what to do next, he couldn't deny that he had been a bit... snappy, as of late. Not only because of pregnancy hormones wreaking havoc on his mental state, but also because of the stress currently sitting heavily on his shoulders. Part of that was just trying to figure out what to do about The Pitt, but part of it was also because of his worry over Elsweyr. Despite his earlier issues with his shadow regent, he still cared deeply for her, and didn't want to see her in a coma, or for something even worse to befall her. He trusted Moth wholeheartedly, yet the possibility of Els dying still hung over his head, following him wherever he went. As he moved through town and took care of his duties, he found himself constantly wondering how Elsweyr was doing – and he occasionally checked in with Moth, obviously.

He had been on his way to do another check-in when he noticed the gathering crowd around Moth's home, his heart immediately beating frantically. Was Elsweyr better? Or was she... no. He couldn't think that way. Taking a deep breath, the angelic tiger made his way over quickly, a breath of relief leaving him when he arrived and saw Elsweyr sitting there. She looked battered and beaten, naturally, but she was also alive. Offering her a smile, Aurum muttered softly, "Elsweyr... I'm so glad to see you awake. Do you need me to get Moth?" He then said, his front paws shifting a little as he shook his head, "I'll be happy to listen to your story when you're ready to tell it, but... we should make sure that you're alright beforehand. I don't want you trying to tell me what happened and then collapsing because you aren't doing well." The archangel obviously had a great deal of interest in finding out the full story of what had happened, but he also wanted to ensure her safety beforehand. Once Moth gave her the go ahead, Aurum would be happy to listen. Or perhaps not... happy, exactly, but glad to know the full story of what had happened.

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - trojan g. - 02-16-2021

Moth had not expected to wake up to the sound of voices at her front door that morning. She knew that there were many within Tanglewood that were expecting news of Elsweyr at any given point in time, but she hadn't expected too many to be at the door of her home simply talking. She would have prefered if they had made an appointment or something first in all honesty. On her way to the front door she checked inside Els's room, panic setting in for a moment as she realized her patient was no longer htere, only to recognize scents and voices at the door frame. They were all talking to her, she was okay, she was still technically here.

"No need to get me." Moth would speak, tail lashing behind her for a moment as she looked around at all the members that were around gathering at her home. "Elsweyr if you're able to speak about what happened then you're free to, so long as you're inside a house and not out where you could get infected if your wounds open up." She didn't need to be dealing with an infection on top of everything else, especially considering the reaper still wasn't sure if there was anything wrong with her head or not give her sleeping. "Besides, I haven't checked on everything today to make sure you're able to walk, though I guess since you made it down here you're able to do that at least somewhat." She would muse, offering a small smile to the other for a moment.

She would take a step back inside, hoping that Elsweyr would soon follow. "And as much as I love company, I'd appreciate it if not too many were to crowd my house so early in the morning. Aurum and Arrow you're allowed in of course, we still need to discuss things after all, but everyone else needs to stay outside. If everyone is comfortable with it I'll keep the door open so you can all talk, but I just don't have the room for many more animals inside." She already lived with Sweeney and Atticus full time, so having more than what she was taking care of for the moment was just... a lot.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: time for us to leave her - open; waking up - arrow - 02-16-2021

Arrow let out a huge relieved sigh, a little on the extra side, pressing a paw to her chest. "Oh thank fuck! Had me worried you took too hard of a bonk on the ol' noggin and forgot about me." Her ears flopped about in an almost comedic way, a friendly reminder that they were fuckin' huge, as she shook her head aggressively until she felt almost lightheaded.

What had she missed? Other than the obvious Pitt debacle, Arrow racked her brain for anything that could have happened while Elsweyr was down and out. Y'know, the smaller shit. "It's been awfully quiet back home. Caught myself talking to your skulls, had an argument with the water buffalo. Called me a bitch." She was joking of course, obvious by the dorky smile on her narrow face. At least, until it struck her that she had officially declared the shared place a home rather than just her house with a bonus roommate. Maybe she was just awkward, but it came off more domestic than she'd planned. Arrow cleared her throat and avoided eye contact, suspiciously so. "I mean, the house. Residence. The one you live in, too. The thing...i'm sorry." She screamed like a fucking moron internally. Great job, Casanova.

She nodded her head quickly at Moth, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yes! Discussions. I love discussing things. Let's do that."