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PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - Printable Version

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PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - wifewoof - 02-13-2021

I just wanna leave this place behind
Every time I see your face in mine
A black jaguar prowled around the snowy areas around camp, his paws restless as his tail twitched and lashed. One held his head low as he had half-growls and panicked breaths leave his throat. His fangs peeking as he fought a snarl. He thought he was over the nightmares, and thought he wasn't scared of his father anymore. But, one little nightmare, one little dream, reminded him of why he was terrified of his father.

It did, however, bring him euphoric peace, that his father was rotting in hell where he belonged. The ending blow dealt in lands far away, as he had run to this place to escape the legacy of his upbringing and his family. His wings itched, as they were begging to be released from his lower back. He hadn't shown his wings to anyone for so long. He was scared to see them again, he was scared to see them be massive and have 4 or 6 wings now. He is at the age where those of his half-angel bloodline would gain more wings.

One is scared to have any resemblance to his father.

Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - deimos - 02-22-2021

The growling typically indicated that there was a fight. Some predator, perhaps against another, or that a predator was hunting. The smaller cat had her fur stand on end, and slowly she inched out of her hut, eyes glimmering towards the black jaguar. Her paws started to shake, her chest pressing in against itself. She couldn't sleep, and this definitely wasn't helping her, no.

Savah slowly worked her jaw, before speaking, her lips trembling and eyes wide and alert. "Are.. are you okay? D.. Do you need some.. something?" She spoke, her teeth chattering. Slowly, she stepped out of her hut, creeping towards him. For some reason, she had a good gut feeling he wouldn't turn and lash out at her.



Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - wifewoof - 02-25-2021

I just wanna leave this place behind
Every time I see your face in mine
The jaguar froze, the sounds of distress fading. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Savah, "Ah..." One's breath was still a little hurried and stilted, "I'll be okay." He took another breath, "I'll be okay. I just had a nightmare about unpleasant memories." His tail flicked and twitched as he sat until he curled it around his paws and kept a paw ontop of it, "I'm sorry I bothered you, I'm used to being one of the only ones up."

Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - Windowmemer - 02-25-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

The young hybrid padded out of her mother's den, blinking large golden eyes, the alabaster ring gleaming as she tilted her head curiously to see what the commotion was about. She saw wings, tightly pressed against a lower back, and ruffled her own in an automatic response. Savah approached, a scared little thing, and her voice actually trembled when she asked the dude a question. A small laugh escaped Jade as she padded forwards, waving her spotted tail in greeting. "Hey there. Who are you, and whatcha doin here?" Her accent made the tone seem curious, the light British lilt soft.



Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - deimos - 02-25-2021

There was a bit of a relax when the other relaxed. Savah's ears pushed back forward gently as she relaxed, her ears twitching as she listened. The small cat stepped closer, offering him a tiny smile. "I'm awake at all times of the night." She replied quietly, slowly sitting down herself. She tilted her head for a moment, before dipping her head a bit. "There's nothing to apologize a-about." She stated. Savah was going to say more but there was another figure.

Quickly, her breath flared up and her ears flattened again. The laugh caused her anxiety to spike, her breathing almost flatlining and she turned her head away. Quickly, the smaller cat stood, stepping away from Jade as fast as she could- which led her closer to One in response. Her eyes adverted, one paw reaching up and dragging her beanie down over her cheeks. She didn't answer Jade.



Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - teef - 03-10-2021

the sounds of growls and discussion caught the sage's attention, his ears standing up and angling towards the grouping. a tempered breath leaving him, the akhlut would approach with his lantern held in his jaws, casting a soft flickering light over the snow-laden grounds. "good evening", he would mumble about the iron ring, his voice distorted. eyes flickered over feathers among fur, fabrics among hides, he would set the lantern down as the sentry stretched. "are you alright, one?", he was still getting used to the names of those around him, slowly coming to remember them. gaze flitting to the small she-cat, he searched his mind for her name, ah, savah.

"how about you, savah? and young miss jade?", he would be completely honest, his patrol had been lonely and boring, having believed himself to be the only body out and about. his head would turn as he heard the sounds of rustling feathers and of jaws clicking shut, rewarded by the bedraggled sight of their local valkyrie climbing from her den after jadeire, her eyes still half-open. he felt bad for having sent the corps member on so many patrols as of recent, but she had taken it without complaint, a silent force alongside everyone, a force to get shit done. the woman was tired for it, even he could tell that, but he was amused by her tired stumbling over to one, sinking her muzzle into his fur with soft spoken muffled words that he couldn't catch.

Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-10-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"I'm fine, thank you." She ignored Savah and addressed Auberon directly, looking with interest as the lantern cast flickering shadows on his face as he approached and asked how she did. She was honestly surprised that he called her "young" and "miss", but hey, she wasn't complaining.


Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - teef - 03-11-2021

[Image: 950139033ea4cceb4ec50052cf40da9e.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]following her daughter from her den, wedding band glinting in the lantern light, the valkyrie would yawn and stretch out her back legs as she manuevered single-mindedly over to oneheart before burying her muzzle into his fur with a soft sigh, mindless of those around them. eyes sliding closed as she nuzzled his shoulder, she breathed in his scent to further wake herself up before yawning and touching noses with him, "one ... are you alright?", she'd heard words outside her den but hadn't stirred to check it out until she caught her husband's scent on the air. flaring her wings out behind her after she noticed the others, she dipped her head in tired greeting, letting the weathers rattle and settle against her back and sides, trapping in valuable heat against the chill of the night.

nodding to savah, she would sneeze, the corps member settling in the snow with her wings tightly pressed to her sides, both pairs shimmering with a thin layer of melting frosty dew, her nest calling her name. resting her head against one wing, she moved it to scratch at her ear with a low groan as she attacked an itch, gazing off wordlessly. she truly was too tired to give a crap about anyone else that was here, but ah, she only had her mate and daughter to worry about.

Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-11-2021

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

"Hey mother." Jade stepped back slightly as mom walked past her, stuffing her nose into Auberon's shoulder. Her mother seemed cold, she noted, and stepped closer to the grown direwolf hybrid, sitting down next to her and extending a wing and attempted to wrap it around her mother, pressing her other wing against herself to trap heat. "You okay? You seem very tired..."



Re: PASSAGE OF TIME || One's Intro - deimos - 03-11-2021

Two more people came, but Savah couldn't see them- just hear them, smell them. She tugged her hat up, however, being addressed by Auberon. She gave him a tiny, weak smile, her ears still flat against her head. Slowly, she stepped away from all of the groups. Noting the disposition between Margaret and One, and thus, Jade and Margaret, her fur stood on end.

And slowly, Savah turned and walked away, mumbling out a reply only for the Sage to hear. "M' fine."

// awkward out!

