Beasts of Beyond
chewing the bones of my own reprieve ☽ ( joining ) - Printable Version

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chewing the bones of my own reprieve ☽ ( joining ) - MIRIAM VOLTAIRE - 02-13-2021

MIRIAM VOLTAIRE [ mirror - ee - um ] - [ vole - tear ]
A metallic clatter sounds from a makeshift paw of blades as he steps from his uncle's boat, splintered wood showers the snowy earth and the stinging wind ruffles the old white cloth flag that flaps loudly above. The aged white Jaguar by the name of Opanyi Voltaire, (Uncle Opie) leans lazily against the railing of his old boat watching the dog as he stares into the unfamiliar territory. The thick iced boreal forest loomed ahead, the smells of many creatures but all of relative scent. This must be it, The coalition of the Condemned. Mortisha Voltaire, his adoptive mother had cited their story among others, but his interest was peaked predominantly upon their mentioning. “ I think it’s stupid to leave your home, protected and trained you for many moons we did…Mortisha may approve but the way I see it… this is my boat, so- no turnin’ back now, dog. I wish you luck  ” the old cat disturbs Miriam’s thoughts with a mocking tone. Silvery hues turn to the Jaguar, hooded with dull interest now as he curls his lips backward. “ House Voltaire is crumbled by their own greed anyhow, it’s time this bastard wrote his own story ” his tongue flicked with eloquence, even as his heart throbbed with the prospect of never seeing his adoptive mother again. “bastard you are, a mutt raised among jaguars- comic relief as I see it” the old coot snorts with disinterest as he gets to setting sail again. “ hope I chipped enough wood to sink you, ye’ old shit ” Miriam grumbled under his breath before limping forth, turning his skull to re-adjust his belongings as they tucked into his belts.

The frost combed his fur and fog perfumed from his silvery nostrils in short gusts. Miriam loved the cold, he liked the feeling of his metals as they rested in his skin, adored the way it made him feel more aware. He was vaguely aware that he needed to somehow alert the group as to initiate a proper attempt to join. With that he did what he despised, utilized his canine attributes. He cocks his decorated skull backward and howls gently into the wind. The song of a wolf greeting the misty skies.
// excited to finally rp here!
[you are amazing][table][tr][td]
[color=#856363] ( Dog|Mutt ) ▹ amputee ▹ Machiavellian
⋆ acrobatic  ⋆ mentally hard/physically medium (varies) ⋆ gambling addict ⋆ witchcraft ⋆ gold addict

Re: chewing the bones of my own reprieve ☽ ( joining ) - rhosmari - 02-13-2021

Sailing and boat riding had never been her thing. But because their home was many different islands they needed it but only The serpent bridged their home easily enough. Their mountainous and cold climate kept a lot of their enemies at bay and she hoped that they would make fools of themselves by trying to attack a place they had never ventured into. The land was not like Elysium's, and neither was it like the original home of the Coalition. It had been moved, manipulated, and changed by many elementals welders. Herself included. Her family's massive conquest to achieve these lands had not been disappointing. The only thing she was annoyed by was the fact that well, they had body died or abandoned them. Abandoned them was what her fucked mind was telling her. Again and again and again. To take over almost all of these groups and then to let themselves be cut down. Her father first and then well, to her her mother had jumped ship. It was laughable. She had laughed then. Laughed and cried together, the same emotion swimming through her.

Now she stood there on the edge, looming over a cliff when she heard the howl. The blue tinged lioness turned away from it, still the thought of being weightless in her mind as she made her way to where it had come from. Normally many avoided these lands and well, she knew why. All of the current groups hated them, hated her parents for what they had done to help the Coalition to survive. To her it didn't matter, it was a pity. Pathetic. She was not her parents but she also wouldn't grovel to them. A smile split her muzzle wide as her gaze landed upon the canine that had called out. Who was he? Who was he? Pulling her rounded ears forward the splotched leader would pause there with snow clinging to the backs of her limbs. "I guess I should be welcoming. Not too often we get guests." She began as she tilted her head to the side a bit. "These lands belong to the Coalition. I'm Sojourn. What do you want?"

-- hey and welcome! we are happy to have you! Its rhosmari by the way! : )

Re: chewing the bones of my own reprieve ☽ ( joining ) - MIRIAM VOLTAIRE - 02-14-2021

MIRIAM VOLTAIRE [ mirror - ee - um ] - [ vole - tear ]
The coal and ash hued dog let his tongue loll from his sharp jagged cage of teeth, the metal piercing on his barbed tongue absorbing the frigid climate quickly. He took the opportunity to tighten his belts, reaching around with practiced balance as he waited for a response to his howl. He was stabbing in the dark here, for all he knew, he could be here for hours. In Which case, he would plop down with a book or maybe perform a little wiccan ritual for spiritual rehabilitation. He noted vaguely that he had some pink rose quarts in a little satchel.

Pulled from his thoughts however, the symphony of heavy pads on snow laid arrow to quiver of his attention. The sight of the horned lioness was one to behold, unique by design and perhaps coveted wherever she went. The magicless dog was sure the beast was capable of anything, so all he could do was shift on his long slender legs and hope this doesn’t lead to a fight. “ I can’t imagine so-, living on an island however. I assume it’s to limit such occurrences ” he considers before drawing a smile across his decorated maw. “ ngk- …. pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sojourn  ” he dips his chin respectfully, having been raised with strict manners despite his family’s morally corrupt habits and thieveries. “ Right- I’ll cut the bullshit- … I want to join. ” he tests. “ I can fight, hunt, gamble- and I’m working on making jewelry. ” he proposes his worth, “ If you got kids here, I can also babysit ” he rolls his shoulders then, hoping to god he doesn’t actually get put on babysitting duty. I’d rather try my chances at swimming back.

// rhos you make such badass characters my dude :'o her vibes are immaculate.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td]
[color=#856363] ( Dog|Mutt ) ▹ amputee ▹ Machiavellian
⋆ acrobatic  ⋆ mentally hard/physically medium (varies) ⋆ gambling addict ⋆ witchcraft ⋆ gold addict

Re: chewing the bones of my own reprieve ☽ ( joining ) - rhosmari - 02-14-2021

"You would be both correct and incorrect." She spoke up as he talked about what the island would deter. They surely didn't need any unwanted guests creeping around here. Namely the plethora of enemies that they had. But she supposed getting a few nonhostiles didn't hurt either. They had moved these lands in order to have a better life. A better start. She sighed softly as she shook her head a bit. No need to get lost in her head. Especially with a strange before her. That would be such rotten luck! The smile that dropped across her maw slowly returned before she listened fully to him. Fight, hunt, gamble, making jewelry. All fine things. All welcomed. She saw no reason to turn him away. No reason to shove him off a cliff and watch him fly. He seemed well natured and respectful. That much she felt was enough to let him in.

Her tail whipped through the air as he finally ended and she couldn't help but burst out laughing. Babysitting. She wouldn't be caught dead with kids but he could risk that if he wanted to. "I think all of your skills is enough to let you in. But do mind yourself and learn the rules. We don't appreciate accidents here. Would you like a guide to the mountain? There you can pick out your own home. Do whatever it is you want with it." She was free to show him around actually if he so wished it. The territory was quite large honestly.

-- thank you! And so are yours as always!