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SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - Printable Version

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SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - HORIZON CIPHER. - 02-13-2021

i was lost now i'm found !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Alright, it was, what... attempt number three now? Honestly, Horizon didn't mind leaving his groups per say, but he almost felt bad, but when the group disbanded, what point was there of sticking around? He hadn't been apart of his last group for long, so it was likely that scent associated with the Cardinal Sect hadn't really clung to his pelt. Even if it did, The devil mused. It's not like it matters. Unfortunate, as he had been rather interested in the group but alas, things happen.

Horizon could tell there was a group nearby based on the strong scent that was here and so, the Tasmanian Devil waited.
thrall of cardinal sect

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - deimos - 02-22-2021

Savah hadn't done much for the group recently, besides being holed up in her room, counting herbs and keeping her nose out of other peoples business. But it was time for a change, really, and she chose today to venture outside. Perhaps it would have been better for her to keep herself away from the borders, but the long walk was needed. She yawned as she stretched her paws out, reaching up and tugging her hat closer, before she spotted him.

Her body froze, and her ears flattening. She looked at him, and she was sure that he saw her, and slowly she stepped closer. "Um. Hello?"



Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - HORIZON CIPHER. - 02-22-2021

i was lost now i'm found !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Truth be told, Horizon was slightly disappointed by the fact that the first person to approach was someone who seemed very meek. But the devil pushed down that thought and decided to give Savah a smile, trying to reassure her that he wasn't going to harm her. "Hi there." He barked. "My name is Horizon Cipher. Um, I think this is where a group resides, right? I was looking to join if so."
thrall of cardinal sect

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - deimos - 02-25-2021

A smile, at first, well that was good news. She relaxed just a bit, but as he barked, Savah's shoulders tensed up a bit. She exhaled quietly, before offering him a tiny smile. She gave him a nod, squaring up her shoulders and relaxing them at the same time. Confidence, Savah, it's okay. He's not going to hurt you. "Hi. My name is S-Savah. This is the F-Frostbound, yes." She replied, tilting her head for a moment. "You can join, I believe. I don't think Balaal will have anything against you."



Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - HORIZON CIPHER. - 02-25-2021

i was lost now i'm found !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Savah reminded Horizon a lot about his half-sister, Gordon. The poor girl was traumatized by their father (for good reason) and she definitely acted a lot like how Savah was doing. Though he couldn't recall her ever tensing up whenever he barked. Still, the devil found it hard to really sympathize with Savah, even if he had someone who acted just like her. From what he could tell, Gordon was mostly afraid of people telling Caesar things that she's done, and a way to locate her. On the other hand, Horizon had no idea what Savah's deal was and although he was a nosy bitch, he knew better than to ask her.

So Horizon tried to continue to be nice and seem as non-threatening as possible. Though, that might be a bit hard, considering his fangs and demeanor. "Baalal's your leader, I'm assuming?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation now.
transmale | loner, no group

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - teef - 03-10-2021

padding up fairly quietly, the akhlut would roll his shoulders, jaws splitting in a tired yawn, tail flicking behind himself. "baalal wouldn't have an issue, no, and nor would i.", he rumbled, "my name is auberon, i'm the new sage of the frostblown. i took over from baalal," he would murmur, "if you're looking to join, i'll allow it. you'll be given the rank of ashfoot, and will be treated as a newcomer until we hold our next meeting, and if you've proven your worth, you'll be promoted to the rank of greenhorn, a trainee rank." he would rumble as he would look the devil over quietly. he would look to savah, blinking wordlessly. he would have to get used to those around him, he hadn't been among others in what turned out to be a long time, and many of these faces were new to him.

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-10-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
Alright, now that was an interesting creature. Horizon's eyes widened in awe as Auberon came over and introduced himself, studying the Sage for a moment before responding, "Thank you, Auberon. I appreciate it."
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - teef - 03-11-2021

dipping his head to horizon, he would give a soft grin in the devil's direction, "sure thing, horizon.", he would murmur before turning his head back towards the inside of the territory, "would you like a tour of the territory? it's mostly snow and stone but ah, when the thaws come, things will begin to look different though you'll have to wait until next month to see the arrival of spring.", he would rumble softly with a chuckle, tail curling slightly over his back. eyes casting up the mountains above, he would exhale heavily before turning his attention back to savah and horizon, "let's head back to camp for now."

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - HORIZON CIPHER. - 03-11-2021

don't be fooled, i was raised by the wolves !
i'm sustained by the sound of angels singing me to sleep !
"Good to know it isn't always like this." Horizon commented, a bit relieved that once the cold weather left the island, this place would get warmer. He was there that out there, somewhere, there was a group that resided in the mountains and as such, had snow all year-round. Now that wasn't a place he wanted to be. Having short, fine hair did not help matters at all. The Tasmanian devil quickly followed after Auberon as the Sage invited him, saying a brief farewell to Savah, before turning his attention back to the strange wolf-orca. "I'd appreciate a tour, if you wouldn't mind, actually." He barked in response to Auberon's offer.
transmale | ashfoot of the frostblown

Re: SUGAR HONEY ICE & TEA // open, joining - teef - 03-23-2021

a soft rumble would escape the akhlut, "you and i can agree on that, though i don't always get away without a sunburn in the summer", he laughed. nodding faintly, "a tour would do well, then. there's a fair amount of history here, if you're willing to listen to it.", he chuckled, nodding to Savah as he led the way, "if we're taking a stroll around it may be best to pick up some cloaks for the both of us."

no fancy sorry//