Beasts of Beyond
I SEE FIRE- intro - Printable Version

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I SEE FIRE- intro - WYVERNKIT - 02-13-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
She had no idea how this happened. Her ears were flat to her head, purple eyes narrowed and a frown 'cross her muzzle. Wyvernkit was not known for sitting around, and of course, she had a splinter in her paw- one of the only things that could slow her down. Her eyes were narrowed at her paw, and her teeth were gently grit. She sighed, before sitting herself up and forward, the small kitten's tiny tail twitching and she tried to get her teeth up in there to tug it out.

Her nose wrinkled, and her eyes squinted, before turning her head and letting go. She couldn't get it out, and with a solid whine, she slowly pushed herself to her paws and wandered out of the room, looking- presumably- for help. It had been a harmless adventure, just outside of the reaches of home, to see some of the world. It had ended, well, in flames and tears. She was biting her cheek just to keep her tears down.

/short and lazy, but she's hobbling around looking angy with a thorn in her paw!


Re: I SEE FIRE- intro - Grimm - 02-13-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Given the mere hint of a chance a little bird was liable to try leaving the nest before prepared. Understandable in such situation, too many packed into a single space, their voices drowned out by the next, tiresome grown old sights as the days wore on. For only so long may the window act as solitary glimpse of that beyond the walls holding them in, desire ever fanned until it grew beyond what control may be exerted over it.

Beyond had he ventured as well, though his reasoning was theft that necessitated a rather well earned reprimand, quelled his own want for now. Her exit had gone unnoticed, though this the chocolate hued child bore witness to if only that she made noise on her feeble attempt at removal. Ears perked, briefly held before forward they fell once more, disturbed by the tilt of his head. Smile slow to grow as Wyvern made her presence known, abandoned the room they all occupied, apparent her favouring of a certain side.

"Why ya walking all funny like, Wyvie." Snicker wrapped up his words as Wild stepped closer, unconscious his poor imitation of her gait. There was nothing malicious in the amusement that lingered in the toothy smile he wore, though expressing it so blatantly may have been in poor taste, diminished his worry for it.

Re: I SEE FIRE- intro - WYVERNKIT - 02-14-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Her eyes narrowed sharply, her folded ears digging and burying themselves down against her head. Purple eyes narrowed and focused on Wildkit, the fur on her back slowly standing on end. It was almost as if he had uttered tongues at her, but maybe it was the simple fact that he spoke to her at all. Of course, it likely wasn't his fault at all- no, rather, it was the crippling amount of pain her paw was in. The thorn was buried between her toes, sunk in deep.

Her eyes didn't bother to process the mocking limp, and her lips drew back, baring her tiny but sharp teeth. "Leave me alone, Wild. M' paw hurts." She retorted sharply, turning her head and continuing to head where she was going. Which, honestly, Wyvern did not have a clue where she was going. Anywhere but home would lead her to a location where she might have a change to remove her ailment. She hadn't predicted her brothers would have followed her from the depths of their home.

Perhaps, in hindsight, that was a stupid oversight.


Re: I SEE FIRE- intro - SHIELDKIT. - 02-16-2021

Maybe, if the one with a splinter in their paw was anyone other than one of his siblings, Shieldkit would've laughed. After all, it was pretty funny, watching Wyvernkit hobble around as if she was some kind of pirate on a newly attached peg-leg. However, Wyv was his sister, and so he felt some amount of responsibility to find some help for her. Which was a shame, really, since he had been enjoying his time just chilling out in their house, not accomplishing much. However, duty called, especially when Win and Magnum weren't around to make everything better already.

Tail flicking behind him, the dark brown kit made his way over to where Wyvern and Wild were, shooting a small glare in  Wildkit's direction for the look that he carried on his face. Couldn't he at least show a bit of understanding for the situation that Wyv was in? Being none too gentle about the way that he slipped past Wildkit and followed after Wyvernkit, Eld questioned as he rushed to keep up with her, "Wyv! Have you got somethin' in your paw? You should try finding mapa, or dad... or maybe Rhinestone! I'm sure that she could help out... mapa says she's really smart and important, sooo..." Surely someone who had made it to the rank of leader would know how to take a splinter out, right? That made sense to him, anyways.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I SEE FIRE- intro - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-17-2021

Winterhymns had gone out of the house to go attend to a few matters, he had been planning something for a while now and hadn't gotten much of a chance when he had been weighed down by most of the kittens so he figured that he might as well begin again at this idea now that the children were born. A soft breath leaving him as he walked alongside the shore of the beach with his satchel swaying slightly, he had already gotten some of the main things he needed and he was tired now so, he figured that he should go home... Possibly curl up with the kids or even his boyfriend, the thought alone made a smile appear on his maw. Winnie stepped into his house after shaking some of the sand from his toes before passing his bedroom to drop off his satchel, the sound of his children speaking was enough to make the feline decide to investigate.

He had to make sure that all of them were hydrated and fed since he was gone, he found a small frown brushing onto his maw realizing that his daughter was limping around for some reason. Fortunately for Wyvernkit, Winnie was present to help his daughter in her time of need. A soft sigh leaving his maw, the gladiator offering most of his sons and daughter a smile though he raised an nonexistent eyebrow at Wildkit for a moment realizing that he was teasing his sister though he figured that he would worry about it afterwards once he helped Wyvy with the thorn. "Did you step on something, sweetheart?" He began to ask gently as he sat in front of Wyvernkit only to hold out one of his paws, Win knew how horrid it was to have a thorn lodged in ones paw and he would help Wyvy with her current predicament. "I'll help you, mein liebling."

Re: I SEE FIRE- intro - WYVERNKIT - 02-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Here came Shieldkit. Her ears flattened against her head further, and she turned her head. She closed her eyes and ground her teeth together, expecting her other brother to harrass her too. However, as he got up and stepped closer without saying anything to her at first, she opening her eyes and looked towards him. She almost regretted opening her eyes, seeing that he was just turning back to her and speaking as she shifted her paw again.

Her eyebrows drew together. "I'm not going to get Miss Rhinestone. She's too important for a splinter. Thorn. Whatever." She ground her teeth together, but as Winter turned the corner, she relaxed her jaw and looked up at him. She fluffed up a tiny bit, with a sheepish frown, she gave a tiny nod. "I did. I dunno how, but I can't get to it." Slowly, she sat down, raising her paw to let Winter investigate.
