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wood carving — SAIL ON - Printable Version

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wood carving — SAIL ON - Kian. - 02-12-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman came back to a tense environment -- eyebrows raised as NPCs filled him in on the gist of recent days.  With the cold front damaging resources, the pirate would have suspected nobody would want a conflict; nobody in their right mind that is.  Old Pittian values conflicting with new or not, it wasn't sensible.  Gael's probably livid.  The small wildcat would not be surprised of that in the slightest.

He had been intending to make this visit a relatively brief one; a check-in so to speak, on his cousins, but the faerie could not help but decide to stick around a little longer.  Just long enough to see the matter resolved; hopefully with no one else hurt.

This is why I hate politics, he mused, setting up a small spot to sit among the marketplace.  The rusty spotted cat found it the perfect place to catch gossip while working.  His jovial smile remained in place despite the uneasy atmosphere, humming a tune as he did some woodcarving -- someone had to keep their spirits up after all. 

Aided by his ability to manipulate water, he used sharp shards of ice to whittle a piece of wood into the shape of a small sailboat, sea-green eyes narrowed in fierce concentration.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: wood carving — SAIL ON - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-12-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Dante cared not for medical supplies or the medic position as a whole, as if that wasn't obvious by now. He wasn't one to keep his opinions to himself, especially when he was in the heat-of-the-moment rage. The shark-cat didn't regret his words nor his actions by any means, but what did irritate him is the punishment Gael gave: to take care of himself, essentially. Fuck, did Gael really think he did that anyway? No, that's probably why he did that in the first place. It was likely that Gael knew that Dante liked to laze around and get high, preferring his clanmates to do all the hard work.

By this point, Dante was used to the glares that he was getting from NPCs and shook them off. His wounds were healing at a rather slow rate, given the fact that he hadn't received (nor wanted) Aine's help. The sound of wood being carved caught the hybrid's attention and he looked over at Kian and called out to him, "The hell are you doing?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: wood carving — SAIL ON - aine. - 02-13-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Tired.  The petite deer-fox still had a headache.  The pressure sitting at the back of her head.  Feverfew would help.  Or chamomile.  But she didn't want to waste any of it.  Not even what she had grown in the temple in a spontaneous display of power.  She could walk now and handle light, so she would be fine.  Certainly fine enough to say hello to her cousin.

And promptly ignore Dante.  Still frustrated.  Exasperated.  But he had his punishment.  No reason to make it better or worse.  Her father had known exactly what to do to make him suffer for his actions.  It'd be up to him if he learned to think before he acted or not.

Her hazel hues settled on the sailboat with curiosity, perked ears attempting to pick up the tune Kian was humming as well.  So, her father wasn't the only one with artistic hobbies in the family.  She smiled softly, recalling Ry's similar talent for woodcarving. "Salut," she greeted quietly, head falling to one side.  "Tha-that's really clever... What you're doing with the ice..."

"Is... Is it sailboat?" Aine had never seen one.  Let alone been on one.  Roan crashed when he went sailing... So it sounded dangerous to her... But her father had always said Kian's heart belonged to the ocean.  Perhaps it was fun.  With the right safety measures... And good weather.

Re: wood carving — SAIL ON - Kian. - 02-13-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The faerie raised his head a little, smile still in place.  He knew his cousin liked to say he was too nice; an optimist who believed in others a little too much.  He didn't mind though, since he was a proprietor for second chances.  Besides, the wildcat knew the hybrid was seeing a lot of dirty glances thrown his way -- Kian would not be part of that, regardless of his personal opinion on the issue.

"Woodcarving," he explained brightly.  "Just a little hobby I picked up a while back -- 's good for practice," he added, making a small adjustment with another slice of ice.

Satisfied, the pirate set the sailboat down and nudged it towards Aine so she could have a better look at it.  "That's right.  I often just carve the first thing that comes to mind; today was a boat.  I have more wood set aside, if either of you want me to try my paws at something else?"
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: wood carving — SAIL ON - gael - 02-15-2021

Considering the years the two have known each other, there would be no surprise from Gael about Kian's suspicions.  The vulpine felt little more than fury and frustration with the matter of Dante Northwest -- doubling his daily patrols and observing the tunnel entrances in precaution for any vigilante moves by Tanglewood.

A previous incident led a former Luminary to attempt an intimidation patrol and give demands -- nothing that impressed the faerie, and while he preferred to deal with matters civilly, it would not surprise him if a Tangler went off-book from previous habits and leapt straight for violence before words.  In the end, he knew Aurum better for his anger than his ability to be civil.

Consequently, the Ardent felt tired by the time he returned to camp; only trotting into the marketplace after he felt satisfied that the borders were clear and the tunnels safe.  His hazel gaze quickly flashed past Dante onto Kian -- unaware his cousin had decided to stay for another long visit.

"Good to see you staying sharp, Kian," he observed, studying the woodcarving quietly.  His cousin possessed water elementals since birth -- Gael hardly suspected he required any further mastery, but the diligence was worth respecting.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: wood carving — SAIL ON - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
"Hard pass." Dante responded to Kian's offer with a snort, seemingly offended that the other male would even ask if he wanted something. Seeing Gael come over made the hybrid roll his eyes and huff, before he decided to walk off and abandon the scene. It was more so a lack of respect rather than disapproval of Gael being around, but as of this moment... Dante wasn't too happy to see the Ardent around, especially given his punishment; he believed that Gael was doing it on purpose, as opposed to actually punishing him.

//out unless stopped!![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]