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I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - Printable Version

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I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - roan ; - 02-12-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Six months. It had nearly very nearly been exactly since months since Roan had been promoted to his current position of soothsayer, and he couldn't say that he wasn't proud. After all, he was glad that had had managed to get to his current position, and glad that he had managed to keep it, as well. However, that didn't mean that things had been all sunshines and rainbows during his time as a medic. His paws had been stained with the blood of his loved ones for a long time, the siamese having to frequently patch up those that he cared about the most. It seemed that the pressure weighed heavily on his shoulders, although he liked to think that he carried it well. Still, he had done so more easily when he had his sages working alongside him, Lawkit and Rosemary. Unfortunately, Lawkit had disappeared a long time ago, and Rosemary had decided to step down, which meant that he was once again left all alone. It wasn't a good position to be in, especially considering there were still threats that loomed over all of their heads. Thankfully, his mama seemed to realize this, as she had approved of him holding yet another round of sage tryouts.

Not only was he holding a new round of tryouts, but it seemed as though he wouldn't be doing so alone this time, either. He knew full well why Goldie had volunteered to help out – it was a bit hard not to know, with his slowly swelling stomach occasionally making it difficult for him to navigate the temple. Still, no matter the reason, he was glad to have an assistant to help him out, gently encouraging Goldie as she helped him to drag various batches of herbs out of the temple, and out onto a table. It was odd to think of the other as his assistant, considering it hadn't been so long since she was the captain of the whole Typhoon, but he didn't mind it. He was glad to have her around, and she certainly wasn't a bad choice to help him out. In fact, he had half a mind to just make her his sage, and teach her everything he knew. It was an idea that had crossed his mind more than once, but... well, they would just have to see how this went.

After about an hour of setup, Roan had a large table set up in front of the temple, with various stacks of herbs spread all across it, along with a few notes, for himself. He knew that Goldie stood at the ready nearby, and he was sure to flash her a small, slightly tired smile before he turned to call out, "Hey! If any of you are interested in becoming a sage or even a soothsayer, come over here for some tryouts!" Sitting back on his haunches, the soothsayer then took a deep breath inwards, ignoring the way that his stomach seemed to occasionally churn as he moved. For the most part he could ignore his coming children, but trying to do so was getting harder and harder as the days passed. Shaking his head briefly, Roan then continued, "We'll... we'll mainly be going over the basics. Broken bones, infections, maybe a bit on concussions..." That last one certainly seemed appropriate, considering who was helping him out.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - bubblegum - 02-12-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Even before her head injury, the tigress had always done her best to be a helping hand to their medical division. She'd not ever had the interest of being a part of it until just recently, but she knew the skill was very important to learn, and she'd witnessed firsthand how stressful it could be on those who held the position. Plus, seeing her own family hurt...she hadn't liked the idea of just sitting idly by not knowing what to do. She'd originally learned about herbs due to her papa's own concussion; one she'd witness him endure when she was still very young. And now, she couldn't remember any of it, in part due to her own, so she had to start from scratch. She felt so inclined to focus on the medical division only because it was the easiest for her to help around with at the moment. Crowds overwhelmed her, and she couldn't even so much as defend herself right now. So, the best way for her to be useful would be to step in where she could, gather herbs when Roan was busy, try her best to help where she could. It only felt natural, that she'd assist with this, too.

And as the two would settle, prepared for the tryouts, she'd listen quietly as Roan spoke up. She wasn't certain she could offer herself for such a position. Not that she would turn it down if it were offered, but she didn't see herself being that useful of a crewmate that she'd be worthy of holding the sage position. She'd be flattered that Roan even considered it, really. "Make sure t' specify if you're actually interested, too, or you're jus' here t' learn, please." The female would add on after Roan finished speaking, offering a nod to him. The tigress would gently press up against the other in an affectionate manner before laying down, notepad in front of her, pen in paw. She was hoping that keeping notes for the other would help him go over everything easier later on, and if he got distracted by anything then he could rely on Goldie's notes for information.

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - daniel - 02-12-2021

He was still learning how everything was run here, having been blown in by the storm and too scared to leave on his own, the kid was left with his curiosity about the funny people who ran the place, smelling like the ocean. He attended the recent meeting and pieced together that the pretty woman that offered him food in the tavern was calling the shots, which he thought was pretty cool. There was a whole place full of fish, like, in the water. His surprise and adventure continued on with this new thing, having seen the medic from earlier as well carry out plants he didn't remember ever seeing with someone who he'd never seen before either.

Danny slowly inched forward towards the table set up before the temple, stopping a few times in his tracks nervously. He was still very shy, but he also really wanted to see the herbs on the table. He put his front paws on the table, realizing he was much too short to stand easily to look over the table. He struggled for a bit, successfully getting a stray leaf in his nose. And of course, that took a minute or so of pacing in a circle before sneezing it out opposite the Soothsayer and his golden companion. "What's a sage, or uh...a, um..." Danny frowned, batting his now itchy nose with one of the paws that were formerly clinging pathetically to the table top. "Sooth-say-er." His tail wagged aggressively as he scrunched his little face up, having to pronounce the word first, not wanting to mess it up. Then they'd think he was stupid, and he wasn't stupid.
[glow=black,2,300]— ❤ —[/glow]

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - rhosmari - 02-13-2021

Frankly he didn't know one thing about herbs or plants for that matter. They all looked the same to him and so he didn't think much of them. They were rather unimportant to his life and he didn't think he had a reason for wandering over here. But he had given himself a reason and a purpose for making himself a prominent figure. The one that anyone could turn to for answers and if they were lost. The youth held his head up high as he walked over to the odd arrangement that was in front of the temple, having already forgotten what the heck had been said previously. Something about a cockle or whatever. He didn't know considering his mind was on other things. With a sweep of his forked tail he gave a bright smirk as he sat down as if he already knew all of the answers. He didn't of course cause well, green stuff was all the same. It grew everywhere, like right there, and right there, and right there. He didn't understand the importance of it and if someone was hurt he guess he would just pull up the green and plaster it on someone's scratch.

''I don't want to be a sage or a soothe whatever but I need to make sure I know how to help my fellow Tyhooners against evil menaces.'' He spoke brightly as he swayed his forked tail back and forth, inclining his horned skull slightly

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - Seakit Roux. - 02-13-2021

tiguar . adult . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seabound approached, tail lifted slightly to keep the shells and string layered across it from fragging. His eyes glanced over his mother and he faltered, unsure, before propelling himself forwards. He looked over the other two that had gathered, realizing he new neither. He really needed to get out more, honestly, he'd been shut away for too long. Could anyone really blame him though.

"They're the healers of the group," he said as he settled with the others, listening to Pyrrhicteign's disinterest in the rank, and for an amusing reason. "The soothsayer, Roan, is the head of the medics and the Sage, which is what one of my brothers were," his voice cracks, falters, as he remembers yet another loss, "they're kinda like the apprentice? They work under the Soothsayer and learn from them."

His attention shifted to the two adult, lingering on his mother before shifting to Roan, an amused smile on his face in reaction to the roundness of the Soothsayer. More Roux's then, hm? Sea had certainly missed a lot. "I'm, I'm interested in the position, by the way," he'd been thinking about it since the announcement, how he's never been much of a fighter. Maybe healing could do well for him.

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - Grimm - 02-15-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]A time long past, once before when youth was held tight, simple those few days ravaged by that which came after, serious his consideration of such path. Housed within such meagre space heady the aroma of herbs, dried and fresh alike, each day a new chance to learn, tutelage of the one deemed his father offered without fuss. Yet much had fallen away, the few he had picked up upon of little need, not when he had been caught in the throes of terror when presented true destruction. Known now how useless the fear, abandoned as jaded had he grown, aside placed that quiet want to follow father for an early grave was all it had gotten him.

So why was it, with the talk and preparations, was his interest piqued. A brush up on old lessons, such was his reasoning for approaching, small the smile worn. Unfamiliar each, though expected, so too may his face prove an unknown, too young most to know his beginnings. Better this way, quelled his worry as Harland found a place he may have a clear vantage point from.

"I'm just…" Gravelly the hushed words, use and practice within his own time making easier vocal communication he had not bothered with in almost a year, his pause not from any cause of it. There was an ache, familiar that simmering heat low in his throat, this deliberate, thoughts grown frantic. He had truly wished for nothing more than to merely learn, the possibility of more not thought on, beyond his capabilities, presented before him as it was, however, it grew tempting. Accepting him as such a different matter, one he was not sure he was prepared for, being among them enough for now. "Brushing up on the basics." There would be time enough for more later, for now he would settle for the lesson.

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - ROXANNE R. - 02-15-2021

Walking over, the captain kept to the sidelines and figured that she would pick up on the lesson even if she was the head honcho of the group. She offered all of those a smile before watching her son through her mismatched gaze, she curled her tail around her forepaws happy to see that some people were taking interest yet her gaze lingered on Goldenluxury for a moment. "Maybe..." She mumbled to herself though she would shift away her gaze to watch the lesson unfold.

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - Windowmemer - 02-18-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —      ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Not like she really wanted to become a sage or anything, but the knowledge of ugh, plants, was good to have in case she happened to stumble upon a certain someone. "You gonna also teach us what medicine stuff to use to like, poison people or something?" Her sentence ended as she halted somewhat close to Roxanne, casting a glance at the captain in greeting.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - roan ; - 02-18-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

Even before he held this particular little tryout, Roan already had a couple of people in mind for who he'd like to see on his team. However, he'd have to test their knowledge beforehand, and he knew that well. He nodded in Goldie's direction as she spoke up, the soothsayer's tail flicking as he muttered, "Ah... yes, thank you Goldie. Wanna make sure I'm not shoving anybody into a role that they don't want." He then took in everyone else that was present, with Seabound seemingly the only one actually interested in a sage or soothsayer role. He nodded in Sea's direction, glad that the other had explained to Danny what they were doing here so that he wouldn't have to push the lesson off any longer. Unfortunately, just as the feline was about to start off with his first question, Inferno soon arrived, asking about poisons. Roan's ears immediately pinned back at that, and he grumbled in her direction, "What? Are you stupid? Of course not. The only thing I'd be teaching in a lesson like this is how to treat poisons, not poison other people. If you want something like that, then go bother someone else." He just shook his head at that, finding the entire idea of poisoning someone ridiculous and barbaric in the first place.

After briefly rubbing at his temple to stop the throbbing pain that had already begun there, the medic then turned towards the rest of those that were present. He finally began on the actual lesson, taking in a deep breath before he questioned, "Alright, do any of you know the answer to what to do if someone has an open wound? For example... a large open cut on their leg. What are some of the first actions would you take in order to treat it?" He then paused, glancing towards Danny and Pyrrhic in particular before he added on, "...And don't worry if you don't know the answer. I'll review the correct answer with everyone once I know what kind of baseline I'm working with here..." He knew fully well that Goldie knew the answer to his question, but he was also interested to see how much Seabound knew. Maybe Goldie had taught him some of the things that she had learned?[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: I'VE BEEN FOCUSED ON A DREAM ☆ sage tryouts - Seakit Roux. - 02-18-2021

tiguar . adult . he/him
demigod of the deep
At Roan's nod, he gave the Soothsayer a smile, the kind that pushed his eyes into a squint. He flinched at Inferno's comment, round ears pinning against his head. He opened his maw to reply to the child, beat to the punch by Roan. Perhaps he'd talk to Roxanne about getting some help for the kitten, maybe someone to talk to? The kid was clearly messed up, no doubt by Aphra.

As Roan began the lesson, the Tiguar tilted his head to the side to think. He tapped a paw in thought before coming to a conclusion. "ou uh, you'd either like, press somethin' to tha wound ta stop th' bleeding? Yeah? Or you'd" he paused to try and think of the name of what he was needing. Unable to remember, he moved on. "I don't remember what its called? It'sa somethin' starting with 'turn' but its where ya like, wrap somethin above it tightly to make less blood go to tha wound?" that should explain what he needed pretty well.