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Lead Blackfall! - Printable Version

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Lead Blackfall! - Orion - 05-17-2018

We are in search of a leader of Blackfall once again, as human RP is being quite inactive lately. If you are interested, please show proof of your activity and comment below.

Re: Lead Blackfall! - Una. - 05-17-2018

I'm interested!

Here are a few posts I've made in the last few days:

Re: Lead Blackfall! - MADI - 05-17-2018

i am intrigue but have Lots of Questions
no, i am not just looking for an excuse to make some variation of cain, don't look at me like that

-- is blackfall strictly meant to stay as is or can there be subtle tweaks (just very minor rank name/traditions sort of things whilst still maintaining it as is otherwise since ik you guys planned these for a bit)
-- is there a thorough plot line in place for the two since they're meant to be at odds w one another
-- do you have any idea for the interest level for human rp in general (i feel like i saw a lot of activity for it in the discord but Unclear)

Re: Lead Blackfall! - Orion - 05-19-2018

Thank you both!

- I actually asked the people who led previously to make changes, but I saw none were made, so please make changes. I dearly encourage you to do it, as Blackfall does lack the tweaks it needs(on purpose, as I intended a blank slate).

- As of right now, yes. Here is what I have from the guide that I have yet to post publicly(short version):
- 2002 is when the world was beginning to have it's downfall (old faithful explosion, uprising within africa, scorched earth methods, and meeting within europe's safe haven, etc)
- late 2017 is when the start of the rebellion
- early 2018, prometheus formed blackfall and split away from kalopsia. around the same time, frederick changed kalopsia's name to griffingate.
- prometheus runs to asia, only to be killed by frederick himself during his escape.
- left leaderless, they look to axel to takeover.
- once in asia, they find themselves in the comfort of their new homes that were once abandoned in 2002.
- sadly, that does last. axel is soon poisoned with cyanide gas.
- leaderless as of now, which is where y'all come in.

- Compared to the animal roleplay, there is not as much interest, but in the future, I can see it growing.

Re: Lead Blackfall! - Una. - 05-19-2018

I noticed that there were no traditions for Blackfall as of now? I think it would be interesting to see the group w/ traditions like wearing face-paint and other stuff like that? It might also attract more people to the human roleplays if the groups had more interesting activities/ranks/etc?? :o

eyes madi, i remember cain owo

Re: Lead Blackfall! - Orion - 05-19-2018

Agreed! I had this from awhile back, but I figured it would be more oriented towards later development.

Re: Lead Blackfall! - MADI - 05-19-2018

oh ho ho
make changes you say???
my life PASSION??

anyway, from what i can gleam from the blackfall guide and that background, blackfallen are the rebellion/pushed away from kalopsia because it was too monarchial/strict? i see them being more the lower class that was fed up with the inequality that developed -- i.e., they were operating more as a black market and in the "slums" so to speak but the punishments were getting so severe for their behavior that they finally broke off to form their own nation, away from the injustice of kalopsia that they perceived. (your classic poverty breeds solidarity and hatred for the crown deal)
one thing that i wanted to change was the ranks because they still speak of a monarchy in a sense -- i.e., the king -- and i feel like if blackfall was trying to get away from the traditions of kalopsia, they wouldn't want to be structured similarly. operating more closely to a militia or army of sorts. their leaders come from within, their own people, and treat them as equals and whatnot. (they're also warbound so i see them operating more as a militia for this reason -- they are common people lacking the regal air of a monarchy like griffingate.)
drawing some inspiration from the show "revolution" which features a post-apocalyptic world where a militia develops to "protect people" and oppose harsh dictatorship, later comes to power over their own "nation"/republic and it's badass but slightly corrupt in its own way
so it'd probably be more a commander than a king, and operate on trust/loyalty, opposition to the higher monarchy, declaration that they are achieving justice and equality for all people that has been denied to them. i can see them starting to trend towards problematic practices as they grow stronger and more assured in their justice. i.e., monroe's militia kidnapped kids for brainwashing, and i can see blackfall kidnapping kids from griffingate to "save them" from the pollution of the monarchy and raising them in blackfall on equality. on the flip side, they also take in strays and are welcoming to newcomers who need a home or are suffering.
-- extreme moral gray area: they are helping the poor, trying to rescue the world, want to do good and believe that they attacks of griffingate are justified. they made go to gruesome extremes against higher ranking griffingate members or target those they believe have led to the suffering they felt, but they also take care of their own and are trying to protect the lower members of griffingate who didn't come with them in the rebellion.

traditions sense would probably fall along with some sort of loyalty ceremony, possible mark like the red hand / rebellion groups often don. those wary of tattoos could wear the symbol on a necklace or bracelet or carry it with them in some way. also:
-- court procedure for their accused / traitors - must maintain the sense of democracy, so someone who is guilty must be deemed guilty by the people, to avoid uproar over a conviction. think of roman fights and how the crowd dictates if someone has performed well enough -- in the end it's the commander's call, but they won't act if they think it'll piss off the people. (no martyrs)
-- those who can "rescue" children from griffingate are regarded as heroes. possible "baptism" of sorts for stolen children - this practice would extend to those strays they bring in off the streets and those who come to them willingly.
-- black market operations still continue - they brought the market with them when they left, and they act as suppliers for other rogue groups and for the remaining slums of griffingate, more or less. a lot of trade happens internally, as this is what people are accustomed to, even if technically all of their resources are shared. (command would not upset the nature order that they are used to living by, even if making it clear that no one will go hungry. the internal trading is more for secondary possessions and non-essentials)
-- bonfires. they like to burn memories of the past, burn darknesses, etc - a lively way to bond and a symbolic address to the things they are leaving behind / injustices they've seen, etc. 

also, litty
i have coerced a few people from ascendants to hop on the train and bring some humans over but i think a lot of conflict/engagement between the two groups would be key for drawing others into the human game
mostly bc as of right now the main game doesn't have as much foreign involvement going on (a little harder to have elaborate interactions with only four groups / things are still too new to get thorough politics going) so that might be a good way to encourage ppl to try it out
-- i could see new commander immediately planning a retaliation for axel, developing a militia strike of some form with the group after they've attended to his bonfire mourning - this would kind of start things out right in the midst of drama and might be a good starting point

[s]eyes back
i don't know what you're talking about
cain? never heard of him

Re: Lead Blackfall! - Orion - 05-20-2018

Since we cannot wait any longer, we have decided on [member=143]MADI[/member] being our newest Blackfallen leader! Sending information over Discord as of right now.