Beasts of Beyond
LET'S BUST SOME LIPS // open, hunting - Printable Version

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LET'S BUST SOME LIPS // open, hunting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 02-11-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Idiots. They were all idiots.

Dante didn't care for the fact that Gael had ordered his daughter not to heal him; after all, it had been his fault for causing an unnecessary fight - though of course to the hybrid, he saw it as needed. The Pitt was clearly getting walked over and it was infuriating to him. The only unfortunate thing in this situation was the fact that Dante wasn't a healer and didn't know how to properly take care of his wounds, but he did know how to fend for himself and hunt. A punishment that was irritating to the lazy male, but one that wasn't exactly unwanted. Given how everyone seemed angry at him for his actions with the unintelligent Tangler, Dante wanted some peace of mind and others not to bother him. He would much rather enjoy being by himself than hearing insults thrown at him.

So after the incident with the border and once he was freed from Gael's grip and yelling, the hybrid took off to his home to get high. As expected of course, but this time he did it to numb the pain he was going through. Everything burned and hurt and while that wasn't something Dante cared much about, it was exhausting when your body wanted to fall unconscious at every moment. Again, not something he wasn't used to (getting blackout drunk and abusing drugs did that to you) but he was still seething with anger. Truth be told, that's what kept Dante still conscious; he was angry, still unbelievably angry at everyone and everything.

In a dazed mess, the shark-cat fumbled around his home, trying to find anything that could be used to cover his still-bleeding wounds until they stopped. Makeshift tourniquets, if you would, with whatever cloth or he could find. At one point, he had to use the skin from the lion he killed during the Blooding to stop some of the more heavier wounds but since everything seemed to be somewhat under control now, he could relax.


A few hours later came the realization that he hadn't eaten yet that evening and his stomach grumbling is what woke him up from his anger-induced nap. Groaning to himself, Dante decided to get up and walk towards the jungle, ignoring the glares he got from NPCs. He was going to feed himself, like Gael ordered him to. Since nobody was going to be providing for him, he had to do it his own damned self. Fine. So he set off in search for prey, figuring the jungle would have something a little more appetizing than what the snow-covered desert would offer. Seeing as it was still cold, it would prove hard to find something suitable but eventually, Dante found himself stalking a young deer. Not much, but at least it would get him through the next couple of hours.

Should he be able to catch it, anyway.

//TL;DR - a couple hours after this thread and covering up his wounds as much as possible, Dante is hunting out in the jungle. Feel free to antagonize or sabotage him![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]