Beasts of Beyond
remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - Printable Version

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remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - rhosmari - 02-11-2021

The ringing hadn't stopped, sounding loud in her ears. She hadn't stopped either, trying her best to put as much distance between her and the desert. But a heavy fatigue was gripping her body, she wanted to lay down and to rest but she knew she had to get home. Her wounds ached and burned, the feeling in her badly gashed leg coming and going as she quickly limped her way across the expanse of unclaimed land. Her eyes were half open by the time she got anywhere near Tanglewood and still there was a bit of a ways to go. Her stomach lurched and and she had to stop, her body retching and trying to throw something up but nothing but bile showed itself. She hadn't really been eating to begin with. Licking her muzzle to try a nd rid herself of the taste she breathed out harshly before she started to move again. She was almost there, that was all she continued to remind herself. She was almost there. It was like that was the only thing that was keeping her going at the current moment, despite the blood trail she was leaving behind.

The world was getting dimmer and dimmer, black dots spotting in her vision even more and trying to over take her. It would be so good to stop now. Her body heavily slammed up against a tree and scrapped, leaving blood smeared against the trunk as she shoved off and placed another paw onto the border of her home. Tired...she just wanted to stop and it was like a switch was flicked off. Everything stopped working and she dropped to the ground with eyes rolling back. There she laid a mess upon Tanglewood's border, the flames on her mane small and almost withered looking.

- severe concussion
- gashes across her front left leg
- very bad and deep cut across her hind right leg - some tendon damage

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - Atticus Roux - 02-11-2021

Home. A conflicting thought. Atticus' mind couldn't help but wonder as he walked along Tanglewood's border, teeth gritting together in frustration. His thoughts wandered as he paced along. His golden eyes settled out on the horizon, briefly looking towards the direction where The Pitt was. A silhouette lined the aqua sky. Puzzled, the canine continued to walk along the border and go closer towards the stranger's direct destination.

As he grew closer, the stench of blood hit his nostrils. Inclined to give the benefit of the doubt towards a presumed member of his home, he crept closer with paws quickly traversing through the swamp, only to arrive when they crossed the border. To his surprise familiar face collapsed before his eyes. Blood stained the trunk before him and a pool of crimson began to seep from her, causing a growl to leave the frustrated canine. Before kneeling down to her side, his eyes darted around him. No one else was around yet.

A snort left him. This seemed to be his responsibility now. With a paw, he attempted to lift up the feline's head, seeing if she was conscious. Atticus, disappointed by the results, returned her head to the trunk and elevated it properly. (She didn't need to choke on her own vomit.) He pulled away and observed the rest of her body, noting the other various bleeding wounds. His gaze stabilized onto her back leg. Despite her mysterious unconsciousness, that seemed to be what was causing the most issues. Blood loss? Exhaustion? He didn't know. Nevertheless, something had to be done.

Atticus reached towards his necklace with a hesitant paw, rotating the clasp to the front and unhooking it properly. One successful, he lifted her leg upwards with his free paw and proceeded to slide his necklace underneath then around. The canine tugged tight on one end. Finding success, he used his claws to tie it into a knot as a makeshift tourniquet, subtly noting he'd need to wash it later.

With Moth's expertise and passed on knowledge leading him, the Pittian did what he could. He was at a loss for the rest and only tried to press down on her front leg, exuding pressure in hopes of stopping the bleeding. Unable to do more, Atticus decided to call out. "HEY!" came his deep shout. "WE'VE GOT AN ISSUE OVER HERE."

//powerplay granted by Rhosmarie

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - arrow - 02-12-2021

"but you promised me this is love"   ── The first sign that something was wrong was that Elsweyr had left for the Pitt at all. Arrow tried, she really did, but no amount of "truce" would make her not want to set the place on fire. Which would be rather useless considering it was a fucking desert, no? Still, the point was she hated their guts and would have pulled them out and hung them up like little decorations at this point, perhaps spelling out an ironic "live, laugh, love" to spruce the place up. Alas, she refrained, twas' not her decision to make.

The second sign something was wrong was that the lioness hadn't come home soon enough. The ghost had been pacing during the entire duration of the ambassador trip, biting her cheek in sudden regret that she didn't go with, feeling a sinking sensation in her nonexistent stomach. It had gotten so bad that she eventually just left to track her down, whether she was still there or had left already was of no importance. She'd come across the scent of blood as well, crossing paths with Atticus, and by extension, Elsweyr.

The immediate change in expression could have been seen miles away, somewhere between guilt, terror, and unchecked rage. They had a truce, Aurum insisted the Pitt would not be touched, and they would be safe in return, no matter how much they truly hated each other. That was the agreement, and yet, here was the second in command, covered in blood and the scent of the warbound bastards. The noticeable injury of the leg made her violently wince, kicking her own corresponding injured leg. A cold chill ran down her spine, praying to whatever god was listening that this didn't end the same way, and that Elsweyr didn't lose the mobility like she had. Perhaps that was the part that encouraged the red in her sight, seeing it all again as if she was recalling her own torture was bad enough, but anyone but those she cared about. Anyone but Elsweyr.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'll fucking maim them-" Arrow hissed, cursing the fact that nothing she could have done would help the problem, hard to be useful when you went right through people. "Stay with me, big girl." Her voice was strained, knowing the lionesses probably couldn't even hear her. She didn't know.

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - wormwood. - 02-12-2021

He thought he had been pretty fucking clear. Things were supposed to be easy. They didn't do anything to The Pitt, and The Pitt didn't do anything to them. It had seemed like a pretty easy deal, as well as one that Gael could seemingly agree with. That was why the tiger had even sent an ambassador over to the desert in the first place. Not to garner some kind of alliance between the two groups - he'd never trust The Pitt for even a moment as an ally - but just to keep some semblance of peace between them. And yet, instead of just accepting that peace - or politely declining such an offer - they had sent Elsweyr back bleeding. It filled the luminary with a righteous rage, his jaw clenching as he approached. The scent of The Pitt on the air was unmistakable, and he didn't care for a moment that Atticus was standing there. His words came out in a rush as he snarled, blue gaze narrowed, "Don't worry, Arrow. They're gonna fucking pay for this. I knew it was foolish to think that they could change for even a moment... I see that clearly now." Thankfully, at least Elsweyr would be able to get the treatment she required quickly, considering Atticus's actions, and Moth's no doubt coming approach.

Tail lashing behind him, the large golden tiger lowered himself a bit, muttering softly to his shadow regent as he hoped desperately that she could hear him, "You're gonna be alright, Els... I'm sure that Moth is on her way. We'll get you patched up real quick." The archangel then straightened himself upwards, turning to move away so that Moth could get to her more easily once she arrived. Once he was away from her, he found that he couldn't pause in his movements, pacing around with his expression set in a grimace. Even considering his recent issues with Elsweyr, he still cared for her, and certainly didn't want this to happen.

He'd have to wait until she was awake and recovering, and then he could ask her what had happened. Then... he could rain hell down on the heads of those who had done this. And he had no doubt that his groupmates would want to do the same. Of course, Sweeney and Atticus would probably have some protests, but they had never been allowed in because The Pitt was trusted. Instead, they had been allowed in because they were family. If they still wanted to go back to The Pitt despite the other group's actions... well, that was their choice to make. Aurum had no intention of stopping them, even if he would think they were making a mistake.

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - trojan g. - 02-12-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The familiar smell of the Pitt washed over Moth's nostril's first, and she thought nothing of it. Elsweyr had just gone to the Pitt, so she was covered in the smell, it was nothing bad. Then blood. She ran towards the border as quickly as she could in that moment, bag filled with herbs smacking at her side as she did so. She stopped when she saw the scene. Els on the ground with her son taking care of her, Arrow and Aurum fuming on the sidelines watching.

She immediately got to work.

She knew that Atticus wouldn't remember everything that he was taught, and even then he hadn't been taught everything Moth and Selby knew. They wanted their children to have the ability to take care of themself if something happened long enough to survive for when help did arrive, but didn't want to teach them so much they were obligated to become medics if they didn't want to. No one should be forced into that position simply based off of knowledge if they wanted more to fight or do something else entirely. "You've done good, I'm gonna take over now." The reaper would murmur to Atticus, motioning towards the leg he had just been working on. It was a big wound, she would have to do the rest. Putting her bag between the two of them, she would motion to the wounds that Els had on her front, "You can work on those yeah? They're easy enough." She would grab what she needed from her back and get to work, attempting to patch up the wound on the female's hind leg the best that she could with what she carried on her before eyes shifted over the rest of Els's body. She wouldn't be able to fully know until Els was awake once more, until she was somewhere safe where they had more medical equipment, but she was sure she had some form of concussion as well, given where the wounds were on her body.

Turning around for a moment, tail moving itself along her son's shoulder to let him know she'd return soon, Moth would go over towards Arrow and Aurum, ears pricked back towards Els to see if something happened before she spoke to the two there. "She needs rest, obviously, and I don't know when she'll wake up. Arrow if you want her at your house I understand and I am more than willing to travel there to take care of her so you can see her and make sure everything is okay, or we can bring her to my house. I've got room there too so you'd be more than able to stay with me if you'd want for now as well Arrow." She would let a small sigh leave her, thinking for just a moment. "I'm pretty sure she'll be okay Arrow. I can't know for sure until we get her moved, but her wounds we can see at the moment can be dealt with, her back leg is just something that takes a little more time to heal." She wouldn't let her die on her watch.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-12-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The last meeting, Aurum had announced the Ambassadorship program and it seemed like everyone had almost immediately gone to their respective groups. Although Atbash personally didn't understand why Aurum wanted to send an Ambassador to The Pitt in the first place, she didn't object or argue, especially given she hadn't been assigned or chosen to go to the desert-dwelling group. Given Snowbound's past with The Pitt, she was sure Aurum would understand her hesitance on the matter.

That being said, when Elsweyr hadn't returned for a while, the savannah was getting worried. Had she been captured? Killed? Word soon went around of the Shadow Regent's return, following by looking for Moth, which meant bad news. Alarmed, Atbash scrambled to her paws and rushed to the scene as quickly as she could, though made sure she stayed away from Elsweyr and Moth - to give them both space. "Those fucking bastards..." Atbash cursed under her breath, anger filling her as she looked at the state that Elsweyr came in.

"Are you going to go over there, Aurum?" Atbash asked, looking over at the Luminary with a sharp gaze. She clearly wanted to go with him if he went, though it was mostly so she could get back at what had been done to her and now, what had been done to Elsweyr. She couldn't do it alone, obviously, but she wanted to make sure something was done. Atbash wasn't a fighter by any means, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to defend her clanmates. She learned that the hard way when it came to Snowbound.

Tanglewood was not going to suffer the same way Snowbound did.
bio | female | member of tanglewood
© madi

Re: remind me to forget - open; return from the pitt - arrow - 02-13-2021

"They're gonna fucking pay for this."

She was seeing red the more the scent of blood choked her out, teeth grinding down against each other as her jaw clenched, nausea and animosity combining into one state of mind that was difficult to understand and explain, to put it simply. Aurum's oath of vengeance did her desire to cause absolute mayhem no favors, only agreement. A low growl erupting from deep within her throat, as animalistic as it could get. Instinct was favored over cognition.

Arrow had to think about the living arrangements Moth proposed, still caught in a disorienting wave of clashing emotional states. Her first instinct was to keep Elsweyr as close as possible, but she also realized that she was in no position to keep the woman around in such a state, and it came off as selfish to her to potentially put her at risk for the time being by making Moth have to go back and forth, not able to keep a constant watch over her. She bit down on the inside of her cheek, making a choked sound against her will when Moth confessed she didn't know when Els would wake up. Of course, part of her translated that to not knowing if she'd wake up at all. Arrow didn't know the extent of the head trauma, the lioness could be in a coma for all she knew. "Keep her with you." She instructed, ending off with a wheeze, like she'd been hit directly in the sternum. She looked over to the Reaper, eyes widened with a terrible look of dread. "Her leg isn't gonna be real fucked, is it? Moth, ya gotta tell me she ain't gonna be crippled or nothing by this."