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another one bites the dust || DEATH OF AXEL - Printable Version

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another one bites the dust || DEATH OF AXEL - Orion - 05-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
After the death of the rebellion leader by the name of Prometheus, a new leader had emerged from the depths of the darkness. Carried on the back's of his members, Axel rose through the newly established ranks of Asia's Blackfall. As quick as the news came to Sovereign Frederick, the quicker he sent out a response. "This reign must end," he said to his counsel of spies days earlier. They sat wide eyed. Frederick's power was slipping through his fingers and they knew that he was developing into a new person because of it. Yet, they followed his orders. "Kill him." And off they went.

Slipping through the underbrush in silence, the chosen Griffingate member moved past the guards and slinked through the darkness successfully. Soon enough, he was in the King's quarters. The spy's eyes traced over the stiff body of the leader who was sleeping and grew close, hands resting at the end of the bed for a moment. Then he reached into his bag slowly, pulling out an oxygen mask with a tank attached to it. For himself, he grabbed a gas mask. Thus, he got to work.

As the mask pulled over Axel's lips and nose, the King did not move, but when he twisted the knob on the air-tight mask, he soon realized his fate. Eyes shot open and hands grabbed at the bed sheets. Sadly, nothing could be done. The spy held him down till his grasp on the bed sheets loosened and his muscles relaxed, signaling that the job was done. Soon, he released the mask and pulled away. The tight mask had left a triangle-shaped bruise around his mouth and nose, along with small patches of oxygen deprived skin that were cherry red. To a medical examiner, it was clear something had happened.

Nevertheless, the spy had slipped away. There was no King. Only useless wimps roaming without a leader to guide them, but who was to rise next?

//permission granted by [member=64]Cheeters[/member]